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from the Whan Collection
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All-Name Index and biographies from to Volume II of History of Northeast Indiana (LaGrange, Steuben, Noble and DeKalb Counties) published by The Lewis Publishing Company, 1920. (Note: Italics indicate the name was spelled differently in the published works.)

NE Ind Biographies All-Name Index A-G
All-Name Index H-O All-Name Index P-Z

Biographies transcribed by Annette DeHoff and CJWhan from History of Noble County published by Goodspeed and Blanchard in 1882, History of Noble County by Samuel Alvord,and History of NE Indiana,The Lewis Publishing Co, 1920.

A through F includes biographies for:
John Abdill, William Aburn, Abram Ackerman, C G Aichele, G P Alexander, James M Amos, Thomas A Anderson, James M Applegate, W C Arthur, I R Ayers, Joseph Bailey, George Baker Jr, Jacob Baker, Jesse Baker, Albert Banta, Henry Baum, Jacob Beard, John P Becker, John E Bender, Monroe Bender, Simon Benhower, J Bittikoffer, Joseph Bitting, Black Family, Davis Black, Frederick A Black, Owen Black, William H Black, Elisha Blackman, William Bliss, M Blust, William D Bonar, William Bonham, Fred Borchart, Michael Bouse, James A Brace, J M Brackney, Conrad Bricker, Mrs Frances R Broughton, Samuel Broughton, William Broughton, George W Brown, John A Bruce, C F Brundige, Francis M Buker, W & J R Bunyan, H Burgwitz, Alpheus I Butler, Jacob A Butz, John Calbeck, Joseph Calbeck, Abram Cary, Matthew Clark, Patrick Clark, Luke N Clemens, David Clouse, Charles Collins, John A Conkling, Jonas Cook, Robert S Cooley, Stanfill Corbin, Ephraim Cramer, John Crone, Nathan B Crothers, David Cunningham, W C Davis, Christian Deardorff, Daniel Decker, John Deibele, A J Denlar, David DePew, Ezra DePew, Levi Diller, James K Dingman, John Drake, Jeff Dunbar, John Earle, John Earnhart, Jacob Easley, George Easterday, George W Easterday, William Easterday, T M Eels, Rev. F X Ege, Engel & Co, Samuel C Fairbanks, Jacob Favinger, Aaron Fields, S W Fish, F P Ford, Abram Franks, Augustus P Frink, George Fulk. 

G through P
includes biographies for:
Timothy Gaby, William Gage, John L Gallup, Fred Gappinger, W G Gardner, John C Gaus, Monroe L Gawthrop, William Geddis, E B Gerber, J L Gilbert, Abraham Gill, W W Glosser, William Golden, Hart T Graham, Thomas L Graves, James Grawcock, William Grawcock, Henry H Haines, Edward Halferty, James Hall, Henry Harmes, Philip Harper, Solomon Harper, Z E Harper, C B Hart, J R Hart, J H Hastings, Loren Hathaway, H L Helman, R P Helman, Christian Heltzel, Gabriel S Henry, Henry Hitchcock, John Hite, T W Hite, Joseph Hitler, Samuel Hoke, Jacob Hontz, John S Hooper, Peter Howenstine, Ferdinand Huelsenbeck, George Huntsman, William Huston, Jackson Iddings, Lewis Iddings, Warren Iddings, William Imes, William Inscho, Willard C Jackson, Jonathan James, Andrew Johnson, E G Johnson, John C Johnson, W C Johnston, J Keller & Co, James E Kimball, Hiram L King, Ira M King, J M Kinney, John Knepper, James H Kniss, James J Knox,John S Kreienbrink, Charles G Kresse,Herman Krueger, Julius Lang, Andrew Lash, S W Lemmon, Hiram Lindsey, Luman A Lobdell, Jesse Lock, David S Longfellow, Robert Luckey, R T Lyman,Matthias Marker, Jesse H Matthews, Aaron E Mawhorter, William Mawhorter, H McCray, Spalden McMann, B V Melvin, G S Merkling, Albin and Ignatius Meyer, Archibald Miller, John Miller, Reuben Miller, Edward P Moore, Rev Joseph P Moore, Silas Moore, John Moorhouse, Benjamin Moree, A J Niswander, Jefferson Noe, Joseph Ogle, Jesse Ott,A B Park, Andrew J Parks, P B Pepple, Oliver L Perry, C B Phillips, Henry Poppy, Jane Portner, Russell A Preston, Orange Prouty.

R through Z
includes biographies for:
Sumner K Randall, A W Randolph, Ryland Read, John C Reed, John Reese,E Reeve, Job Rendel, John W Rendel, John B Renkenberger, Andrew Richards, Joseph A Ritchison, Eli Rivir, John Rivir, Hiram Roberts,Nathan Roberts, H D Rogers, Andrew Rosenbury, George Rumbaugh, James Ryland, Isaac Shambaugh, S Shobe, Samuel S Shrock, Adam Simmons, Jonathan Simmons, Thomas Simmons, Jonathan Simon, James H Singrey, Benjamin F Smith, Samuel E Smith, Norman L Southworth, John Spooner, Addison B Stanton, Ananias Stewart, James A Stewart, Samuel P Stewart, Oliver Strong, John Strous, Robert Strouss, Peter Surfus, John W Teal, Theron Teal, Moses & Daniel Tryon, Jacob Vance, W B VanGorder, Henry Vogeding, Elihu Wadsworth, Jacob A Waldron, Henry Walker, John Walker, John H Ward, Chauncey G R Waterhouse, George Weaver, Jacob Weaver,C J Weeks, Jacob Weigel, Isaac Weimer, Charles Weingart, Francis M Weirich, Wilson L Wells, John Whan, Heman H. Wheeler, Nathan White, Alonzo D Whitford, L D Whitford, Carlos R Wiley, William Willett, S T Williams, David S Winebrenner, Henry Winebrenner, William K Wolf, Harrison Wood, James W Wright, William C Wright, Zenas J Wright, David Yarian, A Yorkey, J C Zimmerman, John Zimmerman, Levi Zumbrun.

Noble Notes: There are 8,190 direct ancestors in 12 generations.