Biographies R-Z
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Sumner K Randall. Edwin Randall, father of this gentleman, was
born in Oneida County, N.Y., May 18, 1809. He was reared on a farm,
receiving a common-school education. When a young man he taught both
singing and day schools, and while yet young he left home and went to live with
an uncle, who was a lawyer residing at Manlius, Onondaga Co., N.Y. Here he
had access to a splendid law library, and by applying himself, he obtained quite
a knowledge of law. In 1835 he came to Toledo, Ohio, and the year
following took a trip through Indiana and Michigan, entering 480 acres of land
near where Avilla now is, and tracts near South Bend and in Shiawasee
County, Mich. He then returned to Toledo, where he remained until 1841,
when he came to Allen Township, this county, which he ever afterward made his
home. He was married to Miss Mary A. King, June 16, 1842. This lady
was born in Chenango County, N.Y., December 18, 1824. From this union,
three children were born, viz., Sumner K., born May 2, 1843, Perry A., July 24,
1847; and Amy C., August 23, 1853. These children were born in this
township and all are married. Mr. Randall was a Democrat. He was an
associate justice of the circuit court a number of years and held various other
positions of honor and trust. He died September 14, 1873. His widow
survives him and resides upon the old homestead in Allen Township. Sumner
K. Randall was reared upon his father's farm and received a good common-school
education. He always remained with his parents, and after his father's
death took charge of the home farm, which he has successfully operated. He
has dealt in agricultural implements, some time in connection with his farming
and stock-raising. In 1878, he bought out Baum & Haines of Avilla, and
embarked in the mercantile business. He carried a stock worth about
$15,000 all the time and has one of the largest and most complete general stores
in Noble County. He also deals in grain, seeds and all kinds of country
produce. He was united in marriage with Miss Lorettie Stahl, September 12,
1876. She was born in Allen Township April 21, 1856. They have two
children, viz, Amy J. born September 7, 1878; and Mary A., August 21, 1880.
Mr. Randall owns 120 acres of land and a portion of the old homestead. He
is a Democrat and a member of the Masonic Order. Allen Twp
A W Randolph, wholesale
and retail lumber, left his native state (New Jersey) at the age of fourteen and
came to Ohio. His parents, Abram F. and Abbey (Wilcox) Randolph, were also
natives of New Jersey and pioneers of Ashtabula County, Ohio, where their last
days were spent and where the father was engaged in farming and
carpentering. Our subject was reared on a farm and for nine years followed
the carpenter's trade. In 1864 he came to Perry Township and purchased a
saw mill which he operated until the fall of 1879 when he came to Ligonier and
built his present planing and saw mill. This, in connection with the
wholesale and retail lumber trade, engages his present attention and has become
a leading industry. He constantly employs, on an average, seven men.
He is a member of the I.O.O.F. and occupies a position of prominence among the
business men. In 1855 he was married to Miss Jane Rose of Ashtabula
County, Ohio. She died in 1874 leaving two children - Nevada McConnell of
Ligonier, and Oakley. Mr. Randolph, in 1875, married Miss Mary Britton,
native of Cuyahoga County, Ohio. They are both members of the Methodist
Church. Town of Ligonier
Ryland Read was born in
Windsor County, Vt., January 28, 1811. He is the son of Samuel and Lydia
(Page) Read, the former a native of Massachusetts and the latter of New
Hampshire. They were married in the Green Mountain State, and there the
mother died in a few years after their marriage. Only one child was born
to this union. The father married Elizabeth Moore for his second wife, and
to them were born seven children. In 1838 they moved to Licking County,
Ohio, where they ever after resided. Ryland Read, when thirteen years of
age, left home, and for five years lived in Boston, Mass. He then returned
to his native state and for two years attended school, after which he went to
Licking County, Ohio, and until 1836 was variously employed. He then came
to this county, stopping at Kendallville and vicinity, where for some time he
worked at the carpenter's trade. He then began farming, which for the most
part he has since followed. He was united in marriage with Miss Eliza
Iddings April 8, 1835. This lady was born in Boston Township, Summit
County, Ohio, January 4, 1812. From this union there were three children,
viz: Ellen L., Henry A., and Sarah R. Henry A. served during the War of
the Rebellion in Company I, 129th Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and died in 1872
from disease contracted while in the service. Ellen L. married E. H.
Bundy, and they reside upon the old homestead. Mr. and Mrs. Read are
intelligent and respected people and have the love and confidence of all who
know them. Allen Twp
John C Reed was born near
Mount Vernon, Knox County, Ohio, September 30, 1814; was the eldest child of
James and Nancy Reed. The family moved from Knox to Huron County when John
was three years old. When he was twenty-one, he moved to Seneca County
where he learned the trade of cooper. In 1850 he came to Noble County
where he purchased 160 acres of land. In the summer he worked on his farm
and in the fall and winter worked at his trade. He married 24th of March
1836 Sarah Jackson. The fruits of this union have been twelve children,
seven boys and five girls; nine are now living; eight of the children are
married. Mr. Reed has been almost an invalid for several years. He
voted with the Democratic party until John Brown was hung and since that time
has been a true Republican. Washington Twp
John Reese is a native of
Germany, where he was born June 15, 1826, and one who braved the storms of the
Atlantic for a home in America. He landed in New York and from there went
to Buffalo, where he remained about six months, and during that time was united
in marriage with Elizabeth Peters. Soon after, he came to Wawaka, Ind.,
and resided there or in the vicinity about nine years, when he came to Ligonier
and established himself on the farm where he now lives, surrounded by the
comforts of home life. Mr. and Mrs. Reese have had eight children - Manda,
Lizzie, Henrietta, Daniel, Frank, Albert, Sarah (deceased) and John. They
are members of the German Methodist Church. Mr. Reese owns seventy-three
acres of excellent farming land and is counted in every way a first-class farmer
and worthy citizen. Perry Twp
E Reeve, general produce,
son of Hiram and Catherine (Elum) Reeve, was born in Columbia County, N.Y.
He began his career in life as fireman on a steamboat on the Hudson River,
engaged in this capacity for two years, then for three years he was salesman on
a stationary barge in New York. He located in Bristol, Ind. in 1857 and
followed his present business in connection with mercantile trade for five years
when he came to Ligonier and has since remained in the general produce business,
viz., eggs, butter, hides, poultry, etc. His business is extensive and he
is principally engaged in shipping large supplies to New York. At one time
he employed six teams but at present runs four. Mr. Reeve is at present
serving his second term on town board. He was married in 1826 to Miss
Julia Jeanneret, a native of London, Canada, then a resident of Bristol,
Ind. They have eight children - Alice A., Marion A., Minnie E., Mary J.,
Henry J., Frederick E., Edith and Robert E. Town of Ligonier
Job Rendel is one of the
young and successful farmers of Wayne Township. He represents also one of
the early families of the township. His parents, William and Susanna
(Likes) Rendel, were natives of Pennsylvania; they came from Wayne County, Ohio
to Wayne Township about 1853, settling in the southern portion of the township,
where the mother died in 1875. His father still claims it as his
residence. They were parents of eight children - Mary J. Poppy, Susanna
Poppy, Job, George, a leading farmer of Wayne Township; John of Springfield
Township, LaGrange County; Maggie Kimmel, residing in Michigan; Arminda
Mawhorter of LaGrange County, and Sarah Muter of Orange Township. Job was
born in Wayne County, Ohio, but since the removal of his parents to Noble County
has been associated in agricultural pursuits here. He now owns 160 acres
of superior land with splendid improvements and is one of the leading practical
farmers of the township. He was united in marriage with Miss Sarah Drowley
of DeKalb County in 1863. They are members of the Disciples' Church and
have three children - Hattie B., George O. and Herbert. Wayne Twp
John W Rendel, a native of
Ashland County, Ohio, is a son of William and Susanna Rendel, natives of
Pennsylvania; came with them to Wayne Township, Noble County, and located on a
farm. The subject was reared in Noble County and taught school when
eighteen years of age. He was married November 14, 1869 to Catherine E.
Haller. She was born in Wayne County, and her parents, John F. and Joanna
Haller, were natives of Germany and Pennsylvania, respectively. In 1870
they came to Elkhart Township where Mr. Rendel purchased eighty acres of land,
which he has largely improved. For some time Mr. Rendel followed teaching
in connection with farming and for the past five years has been engaged in the
ministry. He has served as township trustee two terms and is serving his
third by holding the office on account of his successor's incompetency. He
and wife are members of the Free-Will Baptist Church. They have four
children - John A., Charles F., Orvill and Ota E. Elkhart Twp
B Renkenberger was born March 1, 1831, in Mahoning County, Ohio, one of ten
children born to Christopher and Barbara (Schnarenberger) Renkenberger, who were
natives of Wurtemberg, Germany. They were married in Columbiana County, Ohio,
and have passed their entire married life in the same neighborhood upon a farm.
They are yet living, as are their ten children. The father is a farmer and
carpenter, and he and his wife are Christians. John B., when fourteen years of
age, was apprenticed to the harness and saddle maker’s trade, which he
followed about six years. He was married to Miss Lydia Renkenberger April 1,
1848, born in Columbiana County, Ohio, January 1, 1830. In 1852, they came to
their present place in Swan Township, which at the time consisted of eighty
acres of unimproved land. They now own two hundred and fifteen acres, well
improved. They have had born to them eight children, seven of whom are living,
viz.: Horace O., Thomas C., Hiram A., Tryphena M., Ida B., Free D. and Nettie;
the deceased was James D. Mr. Renkenberger is a Democrat, and has held the
offices of Township Trustee and Assessor, and other positions. Swan Twp
Andrew Richards' father,
Joseph Richards, was born in Baltimore County, Md., March 23, 1812. His
parents, Andrew and Rebecca (Merriman) Richards, moved from Maryland to Licking
County, Ohio in 1824, where they died. Joseph Richards was married
December 18, 1834 to Miss Catharine Fulk, born in Virginia in 1811. In
1836 Mr. Richards, in company with Adam Fulk and family, came to this township
where he entered land and lived until 1873 when he moved to Churubusco, Whitley
County, and engaged in mercantile trade. In his family were seven
children, viz., Andrew, George, Charles, Sarah E., Mary J. and two that died in
infancy. Andrew Richards was born upon the old homestead in Swan Township
in 1837. He was reared a farmer. After reaching his majority he
began taking contracts to clear land and working at any available employment.
By industry and economy he was enabled in a few years to purchase a piece of
land, which he lost after partly improving. He then bought another tract
in Allen County, which he improved and lived upon until he purchased his present
place about eight years ago. He was married to Miss Sarah Crow April 12,
1861. She was born in Whitley County, Ind. in 1844. They had three
children, viz., Eliza E., Charles and James. Mr. Richards is a Democrat
and owns 160 acres of improved land, plentifully stocked. Swan Twp
Joseph A Ritchison, son of
Thomas and Mary Ritchison, was born in Chillicothe, Ohio and was reared and
educated in Ohio. His parents were natives of Maryland and came to Ohio,
where they were engaged in farming and where they died. Joseph Ritchison
was brought up to hard labor on a farm and spent some time in boating on the
canal and river. In 1836 he went to Greene County, Ohio, and was married
in 1837 to Margaret Boroughs, a native of the county and daughter of William and
Sarah Boroughs who were born in Maryland and died in Ohio. the subject and
wife lived in Greene County for thirty-eight years, engaged in farming, and then
sold out and came to Indiana where Mr. Ritchison purchased a farm of eighty
acres in Elkhart Township and resumed his old occupation. This land he has
largely improved and has erected numerous buildings. While in Ohio, Mr.
Ritchison was elected constable eight different times and filled the office of
trustee two terms and that of deputy sheriff two terms. They have had
three children - Mary J., married and living in Sparta Township; Milo A.,
married and living in Elkhart Township; and William B., deceased. Elkhart
Eli Rivir was born in
Bedford County, Penn., April 12, 1845. He came to this county with his
parents when but a child. He was married to Miss Juliann Hosler March 25,
1866. Miss Hosler was born in Morrow County, Ohio, August 9, 1843.
They now have five children living. Mr. Rivir moved to where he now lives
soon after his marriage. He has now one of the finest farms in Noble
Township, consisting of 202 acres of excellent land two miles north of
Noblesville. Everything about the farm indicates thrift and good
management. He enlisted as a soldier in the late war, but his release was
secured by his father on account of under age. Mr. and Mrs. Rivir are
members of the Christian Church. In politics he is a Republican. Noble
John Rivir was born on New
Year's Day of 1809 in Bedford County, Penn. His wife, Nancy (Stoner) Rivir,
was born October 26, 1810 in Lancaster, Penn. Mr. Rivir came to this
county in 1845 when he had but $18, with a large family to support. He put
in a crop of corn the next spring; the next fall while engaged in putting in
wheat he was taken sick and confined to his bed six months. At one time
the entire family, excepting Mrs. Rivir and one boy, were down sick, but they
were assisted by the neighbors through the winter. In 1855 Mr. Rivir
bought eighty acres of land in Green Township. He commenced there in the
timber; his family were again taken sick. While rolling together the logs
for a clearing he was so weak he could not walk; but to assist the boys he would
ride a horse and the boys would hitch to the logs and do the other necessary
work. In 1861 he sold his farm with a purpose to emigrate to Kansas or
Missouri, but the war coming on, he changed his plans and bought the land where
he now lives. In 1861, on the day that his son Christian Rivir was
married, he met with an accident that has rendered him unable to work.
While at the mill at Port Mitchell he was thrown out of the wagon and received
injuries which came near resulting fatally. Mr. Rivir lost three sons in
the army - John, Jacob and David. John was starved in Libby Prison.
The fourth son enlisted but was under age and released. Mr. Rivir is a
Republican and a leading member of the Christian Church. Noble Twp
Hiram Roberts is a son of
Nehemiah and Charlotte (Tanner) Roberts, natives respectively of Vermont and
Massachusetts. They were married in the state of New York, subsequently
moving to Pennsylvania, then to Wayne County, Ohio. In 1841 they came to
this county and settled in Allen Township. The father died in 1850 while
on a visit to Ohio, and the mother in Allen Township in 1853. They were
parents of thirteen children, only three of whom are now living, viz: Hiram who
is the eldest; Amy, the wife of William Whitford of Allen Township; and Nathan
of Allen Township. Hiram Roberts was born in Jamestown, New York in 1820.
He came to Allen Township from Wayne County, Ohio in 1840 and purchased eighty
acres of land, after which he returned to Ohio, and in 1841 brought his parents
to Indiana. While a resident of Allen Township he cleared and improved his
land. In 1865 Mr. Roberts removed to his present home. His landed
possessions are very valuable and comprise over 400 acres, well improved and
cultivated, making a farm difficult to excel. He was first married in 1847
to Miss Betsey Munger of Orange Township. She died in 1852, leaving two
children - Mary M., now Mrs. Smith of Kendallville, and William Henry. Mr.
Roberts married for his second wife in 1856, Catherine Lash, a native of
Pennsylvania, daughter of Phillip Lash who came to Wayne Township about 1852.
By this union three children have been born - Charles, on the old farm in Allen
Township; Rose Long of Ligonier; and John E. Mr. Roberts is a member of
the Chosen Friends, and a practical, substantial farmer. Wayne Twp
Nathan Roberts was born in Erie County, Penn., December 8, 1833 and
is a son of Nehemiah and Charlotte (Tannar) Roberts, who were natives
respectively of Vermont and New York. They were married in New York, moved
to Pennsylvania and from there to Wayne County, Ohio in 1836, where they lived
until the spring of 1843 when they emigrated to Noble County, Ind. They
located first in Allen Township but soon afterward moved to Wayne
Township. Our subject passed his youth and early manhood on the farm
during which time he received a common school education. In 1852 he and
brother Alpheus, together with a number of others, started overland for
California where they remained mining until 1855 when the brothers returned home
in a measure recompensed for their labor in the mines. Nathan then
purchased a part of the farm he now owns and which now consists of over three
hundred acres; and this he has acquired principally by his own exertions.
He was married in 1858 to Miss Nancy R. Whitford, who was born in Allen Township
in 1838 and died February 5, 1874, the mother of two children by Mr. Roberts -
Myra and Willie G. March 11, 1879 Mr. Roberts married his present wife,
Miss Leah Waits, who was born in Wayne County, Ohio, November 24, 1841. He
is a Republican in politics and is active in the support of the temperance
cause. In 1876 he began dealing in blooded stock and he is recognized as
among the leading stock men of Noble County. He now has a herd of
twenty-one Shorthorn cattle that are registered in the American Herd book.
Allen Twp
H D Rogers was born in New
York October 24, 1818, which was his home for some years, after which he passed
his time in Pennsylvania until he reached the age of twenty-two. He then
went to Ohio, where he engaged in the lumber and hardware business. In the
year 1854 Mr. Rogers pushed farther west to Goshen, Ind. After a short
stay of two months in that place, he made another change, coming to Noble
County. Here for some time he was engaged in bridge-building, subsequently
settling in Rochester, this township, and engaging in the manufacture of brick.
After following this for a period, he purchased the saw mill now owned and
operated by him, in the manufacture of lumber; also owns twenty-three lots in
Rochester. Mr. Roberts' first marriage was to Betsey Sturtevant in
Pennsylvania in 1839, from whom he was divorced in 1854. His second
marriage was with Sarah Marsh, in 1855 in Sturgis, Mich.; she was born in
Pennsylvania April 11, 1814. He is the father of five children. Perry Twp
Andrew Rosenbury is a native of Columbiana County,
Ohio, born in 1811. His parents, Oliver and Ann (Jack) Rosenbury, were
natives of Pennsylvania, and early settlers of Columbiana County, Ohio,
subsequently removing to Summit County, and thence to Tuscarawas County, where
they died. Our subject passed his early days in pioneer life in Ohio,
subsequently engaging in farming in Summit County, where he remained for twelve
years. In 1848 he became a resident of Wayne Township, locating in the
extreme northeast corner, where he entered 80 acres, clearing and improving part
of it, and then selling it, after seven years' residence. With the
proceeds, he purchased 280 acres where he now resides. Here he has lived
up to the present time, improving and clearing his land himself. He now
owns 260 acres, 160 of which are in a splendid state of cultivation. Mr.
Rosenbury is one of the many pioneers who have added much to the wealth and
prosperity of Noble County, whom posterity should justly hold ever in grateful
remembrance. He was married in 1833 to Miss Justa Metland, a native of
Summit County, Ohio. They have seven children living - Ann E. Shultz of
Kendallville; Louisa, deceased; Oliver in Missouri; Jane Devoe in Kansas;
Joseph, a farmer of Wayne Township; Harriet Chaffee of Missouri; Warren, a
resident of Allen Township, and Norman. Wayne Twp
George Rumbaugh was born
in Berkeley County, Va., August 14, 1829. He is a son of William and Mary
(Mussetter) Rumbaugh, who were natives of Virginia, but of Irish-German descent.
From Virginia the parents came to Seneca County, Ohio, and there died, the
mother in 1848 and the father in 1871. The latter was a farmer. His
family numbered nine children, two of them now dead. George Rumbaugh
remained with his parents in Ohio, assisting them until he reached his majority.
He received but a common school education, and came to Indiana in 1850 and
purchased a piece of land. He was married in September 1854 to Martha Pike
of Jefferson Township and shortly after moved on his place, which he sold after
clearing twelve acres, and returned to Ohio, where he remained one winter, when
he came back to Noble County and purchased sixty acres of the farm now owned by
John Eley. In the spring of 1864 he purchased his present farm and has
since made it his home. He owns sixty-four and a half acres of good land,
is a stanch Republican and a genial, intelligent gentleman. The fall of
1864 he entered the United States Army in Company D, Thirteenth Regiment, and
was discharged from Newbern Hospital, N.C. in June 1865. He was in one
severe engagement - Fort Fisher. He contracted disease while in the
service, from which he is yet a sufferer. Mr. and Mrs. Rumbaugh have four
children - Daniel, Willard, Laura A. and Nettie J. Jefferson Twp
James Ryland was born in
Belmont County, Ohio, March 31, 1820. He is the son of Samuel and Hannah
(Myers) Ryland, both natives of the Keystone State. They had two children
- James and Matilda. They moved to Belmont County in an early day, where
the father died when James was about four years of age. After her
husband's death, Mrs. Ryland went to live with her parents in Wayne County,
Ohio. Here she was married to Thomas Appleton, and after some years they
moved to Summit County. There James was reared, receiving but a limited
education. He was married to Miss Charlotte Bond April 20, 1841.
This lady was born in Genesee County, N.Y., December 25, 1820. In 1847 Mr.
Ryland moved with his family and settled on the place he now owns in Allen
Township. The land was covered with timber but they were frugal and
industrious and soon were comfortably situated. In their family were six
children, viz.: Francis M., James A., George W., C. Albert and Alfred A.,
living, and Olive C., deceased. Francis M. went out as a private during
the late war and was promoted to a lieutenant. Mr. Ryland owns 159 acres
of well-improved land which he and wife have obtained by their own
endeavors. They are reading, intelligent people and have given their
children good educations. Four of the sons are experienced and successful
school teachers. Allen Twp
Isaac Shambaugh is a native of
Snyder Co, Penn., his birth occurring June 17, 1825. He is one of thirteen
children, eleven yet living, born to Christian and Mary (Walter) Shambaugh, also
natives of the Keystone State. Christian Shambaugh was a wagon-maker and farmer.
After the death of our subject's mother, his mother remarried and was the parent
of 18 children; he is yet living, hale and hearty, at the advanced age of
eighty-seven. At the age of nineteen, Isaac Shambaugh began working at the
carpenter's trade. In 1845, he went to Richland Co, Ohio, where on the 12th of
September, 1847, he was united in marriage with Julia A. Hossinger, who was born
in Richland County December 1, 1827. To this union there have been born nine
children whose names are Almanda C., Aaron C., Alexander H., Ursuly (sic) M.,
Anna C., Samuel A., Isaac H., Franklin A. and Edward E. Mr. Shambaugh has worked
at his trade to a greater or less extent all through life. For many years past,
he has been farming as well as carpentering. In 1858, he came to Allen Township,
Noble Co, Ind., where he has since made his home. He owns 165 acres of fine
farming and grazing land; is a Republican, and an earnest worker in the cause of
temperance and the advancement of education. Allen Twp
S Shobe, livery, is a
native of Ross County, Ohio. His father, being a tanner, he was in that
business until 1838 when he came to this place and became a farmer in Perry
Township, following this until 1849 when he started a tan yard. This
business he conducted until 1854 when he was forced to retire on account of
failing health. After a year and a half's residence in Iowa, he returned
and made a venture in the hardware business with George McLain with whom he was
associated three years. From this, in 1859, Mr. Shobe engaged in the
livery business which he still conducts. He owns fifteen to twenty good
roadsters and fine buggies and carriages. He is a member of the Masonic
Order, Blue Lodge. In September 1839 he was married to Miss Mary Smalley,
daughter of Joseph Smalley who came to Perry Township in 1836. They have
six children - Sarah E., Kerr, Taylor C. (in Ligonier), Isabella Parsons, Mary
Henry (in Coldwater, Mich.), Charles H. and Allie. Mr. Shobe is one of the
oldest business men of Ligonier and well known all over the country. Town
of Ligonier
Samuel S Shrock, painter,
is a son of Samuel and Catherine (Johns) Shrock, who were natives of
Pennsylvania and who came with a team at an early day to LaGrange County,
settling in Eden Township where the father died in 1856. Three of their
children are living - John M., with whom the mother is now living in Eden
Township; Joseph S., a jeweler at Ligonier; and Samuel S. The latter spent
the first twenty years of his life on his father's farm. His education was
obtained at the schools of Valparaiso and LaGrange, Ind., and Battle Creek,
Mich. In 1879 he came to Ligonier and learned the painter's trade, which
he has since followed. He was married in June 1880 to Miss Ida B. Kegg of
Ligonier. Town of Ligonier
Adam Simmons, native of
Pennsylvania, born February 13, 1831, is one of eight children born to Jacob and
Frances Simmons. The father was a native of Pennsylvania, born December 8,
1798, the mother also of Pennsylvania, born November 1799. They were
married in Pennsylvania in 1836, moved to Stark County, Ohio, resided there
until 1856 when they came to Noble County, Perry Township, and lived the rest of
their days. He died April 20, 1868; she died February 4, 1874. Adam
Simmons came here with his parents and lived with them on his father's farm
which consisted of 160 acres of land. He was married in Pennsylvania
December 1855 to Miss Margaret Barr, native of Pennsylvania, born in 1833.
She died in Noble County March 5, 1861, and in 1871, April 16, he married
Elizabeth Klick; she was born in Ohio February 22, 1844. In 1875 Mr.
Simmons located his home in Section 32. His farm consists of 120 acres of
fine land. They have six children - Ramah D., born May 6, 1872; Alvin E.,
August 8, 1873; Franklin B., April 15, 1876; Harry W., August 28, 1877; Carl W.,
June 10, 1879; and Gracie M., born February 8,1 881. Mr. and Mrs. Simmons
are members of the Christian Church and are good citizens. Perry Twp
Jonathan Simmons, retired
farmer, a native of Pennsylvania, was born April 4, 1811. Here he remained
until 1833 when he emigrated to Ohio. He was married to Sarah Shidler,
also a native of Pennsylvania, and resided in Ohio until 1857. They then
came to Noble County, where Mr. Simmons has since lived. October 9, 1872
his wife and one of his daughters were buried, having succumbed to that dread
disease, typhoid fever. They died within a few hours of each other and
were laid to rest on the same day. Mr. Simmons was again married July 10,
1873 to Nancy Nelson, a native of Indiana. He has been employed in farming
most of his life and has been very successful. He was one of the early
settlers of this county and owns 158 acres of well-improved land, also town
property in Ligonier where he resides, having retired from the farm. Mr.
Simmons was president of the Noble County Fair for two years; is a member of the
Christian Church. Of the children of Mr. Simmons, twelve in number, nine
are now living. Two of his sons were soldiers in the War of the Rebellion,
one of them serving throughout the entire war. Town of Ligonier
Thomas Simmons was born in
Stark County, Ohio, July 10, 1851, the son of Jonathan and Sarah Simmons, who
moved to Noble County when Thomas was about seven years old. His school
opportunities were the average of those of the locality where he lived.
Believing in the advantages of a trade, he became a shoemaker. This
business he followed for about five years, when he sold out and went to farming;
this calling he has been engaged in for the past seven years. Mr. Simmons
lives on that part of the old farm inherited from his parents. He owns 24
acres of fine land, comfortably improved. November 1, 1876 he married Miss
Rosa Sisterhen, a native of Ohio born April 5, 1854. His parents were
natives of Germany. Mr. and Mrs. Simmons have one child - Harry, born
August 8, 1877. They have the good will of their community and, being
young, have the possibilities of a satisfactory future before them. Perry
Jonathan Simon was born in Columbiana
County, Ohio, August 6, 1811, the son of George and Elizabeth (Hewitt) Simon,
both natives of Washington County, Penn., where they were married and resided
until 1810, when they moved to Columbiana County, Ohio. Here, until the time of
their demise, they lived and reared eleven children. The father was a soldier of
the war of 1812, and was noted for his sterling integrity and goodness of heart.
Jonathan Simon was brought up on a farm and to hard labor. He received but a
limited education. He married Miss Rachel Yarian March 1, 1836. She was born in
Columbiana County, Ohio, December 16, 1818. In 1837, they came to Indiana and
entered the land they now own in Butler Township, DeKalb County, and where they
are now situated to enjoy the fruits of their labor. Mr. Simon has worked at
carpentering at intervals, though principally his time has been devoted to farm
work. He owns 160 acres of land in DeKalb County, besides valuable property in
Noble County. He helped lay out the village of LaOtto, and has contributed
largely toward building up the churches, schools and moral status of the
community in which he lives. In his family were ten children—David, Benjamin,
Jacob, Jonas, Joseph, Polly, Mary A., Olive, Alice M. and Catharine. Mr. Simon
is a Republican and is known by his good works. Swan Twp
James H Singrey is a native of Troy Township, Morrow County, Ohio,
and was born September 18, 1831. His parents, Thomas and Catharine (Akerman)
Singrey, were natives respectively of Maryland and New Jersey. His
Grandfather Singrey, native of Maryland, was a noted physician and surgeon, and
his Grandfather Akerman was a soldier in the Revolutionary War and participated
in the battles of Monmouth and Trenton. His parents came to Indiana in
1862, located in Albion but afterward moved to Jefferson Township where they are
still living at the advanced ages of seventy-nine and eighty-one. James H.
Singrey was reared on a farm in Ohio and came to Indiana with his parents.
He purchased eighty acres of land in Elkhart Township where he lived two years,
clearing and otherwise improving the land. He subsequently purchased a
farm of eighty acres is Jefferson Township situated in Section 17 where he still
resides and which is now one of the best farms in the township. Mr.
Singrey in 1854 married Sarah J. Herrington, a native of Pennsylvania born
December 3, 1833. Her father, John Herrington, was a Pennsylvania by birth
and a farmer. Mr. Wingrey, while in Ohio, served three years as trustee of
Troy Township and at present is superintendent of the County Poor Farm, to which
office he was elected in April 1881 for the period of one year. They have
six children, Franklin E. (now married and farming on the old home farm),
Charles A., Perry J., Debby E., Cyrilla F. and Roy C. Perry J. is on the
same farm with his brother Frank, and the others are all at home. York
Benjamin F Smith is one of a family of six children, and was born in Ohio
on the 12th day of August 1837. His parents were Jacob and Abigail Smith,
who were also natives of the Buckeye State, where the father died, leaving the
care of the family to the mother. She was a woman of sterling qualities;
and about four years after her husband's death removed to Indiana, settling in
Noble County, where she remained until her death in 1879. Benjamin came to
Indiana with his mother and April 2, 1861 was married to Charity Lane, a native
of this county, where she was born February 24, 1844. Seven children have
been born to this couple, viz: Emma, G. Ellis, Hattie E., Franklin F., Howard
G., William H., and Sarah. Mr. Smith owns a large farm, consisting of 231
acres of land, and is a genial, pleasant neighbor. Perry Twp
Samuel E Smith was born in Juniata County, Penn., May 18,
1829, the son of Joseph and Susan (Garehart) Smith, natives of Union County,
Penn. Joseph Smith, grandfather of Samuel E., was one of the first settlers of
Union County, and during the early times there was attacked by Indians and
severely wounded, some of the family killed and others taken into captivity. Our
subject’s parents were married in their native county, and shortly after went
to Juniata County, where they raised six sons and four daughters. The father was
a soldier of the war of 1812, and was a prominent contractor on the Pennsylvania
Canal and other public improvements. He died in 1834, and his wife in 1879.
Samuel E. Smith was reared a farmer, and received limited advantages. He was
married to Miss Mary Bucher October 31, 1854, daughter of Col. Joseph Bucher,
who was a gallant soldier of the war of 1812. She was born in Lancaster County,
Penn., April 2, 1833. Mr. and Mrs. Smith have had nine children, viz.: Lucinda
J., David J., Deborah J., Abraham L., John S., George W., Harry B., and Blanche
M., living; Amelia A., deceased. Mr. Smith, in 1865, came to Swan Township. He
owns 112 acres of fine farm land, raises good stock, and is a practical farmer.
He is a Republican, and a member of the Order of Odd Fellows. Swan Twp
Norman L Southworth is a
son of Lorenzo and Miranda (Isbell) Southworth, early settlers of Allen
Township. His father was a native of New York, his mother of Ohio.
They were married in Allen Township, Noble County, in 1840 by Elihu Wadsworth,
and immediately settled in Michigan, where they remained three years.
Returning to Noble County, they settled at Lisbon, where his father commenced a
mercantile business, which continued for a number of years. They are now
living in Wayne Township. Seven children are descendants from this worthy
couple - Norman L., Sarah M. Hill, Bradley C., Mary A. (deceased), Leander,
Harriet Gibson and Ida Duerr. Norman L. was born in Michigan in 1841.
Until 1861 he was employed principally in a saw mill when he enlisted in Company
F, Thirtieth Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and was in service over one year,
receiving his discharge on account of disability. In February 1865 he
re-enlisted, and March 4 was commissioned First Lieutenant of Company C, One
Hundred and Fifty-second Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and upon landing at
Charleston, was detailed on Gen. Egan's staff, in which connection he was
assigned commander of provost guards. His services continued until the
close of the war, when he returned to Kendallville. During the past seven
years he has been employed as solicitor for Merkling's Marble Works. He is
a member of I.O.O.F. In 1863 he was married to Miss M. J. Baughman of
Allen Township. They have six children - William, Minnie, Charlie, Guy,
Clyde and Ray. City of Kendallville
John Spooner was born in Salem, Ashtabula Co., Ohio May 30, 1816, one
of four sons, two yet living, born to Pardon and Polly (Chapman) Spooner, who
were natives respectively of Vermont and Rhode Island but married in Ohio.
The father was twice married, his first wife, Susan D. Maranville, bearing him
seven children. Our subject was reared on his father's farm and when
sixteen years old became a sailor. For three years he sailed on Lake Erie,
both as cook and common sailor. He then sailed the ocean for four years,
traveling in foreign countries. He then returned to Lake Erie, where he
served a number of years as mate. In 1843 he came to Noble County,
locating in Washington Township but for several years during the summer seasons
still served on the lake. He was married June 4, 1843 to Miss Martha
Rawson, who was born in Pierpont, Ashtabula County, Ohio July 18, 1817, and to
them were born three children - Laflava, Jared and Mary. Jared served in
the War of the Rebellion. Since 1852 Mr. Spooner has been engaged in
farming. He owns eighty acres of good land and is a Republican in
politics. Mrs. Spooner was among the first school teachers of Washington
Township. During his life as sailor, Mr. Spooner had some thrilling
experiences. While first mate on board the brig "Osceola," he,
with Capt. Snow and seven ship hands, left Buffalo with a partial cargo of
stoves on the evening of the 18th of November, 1846, and when forty miles out
were run ashore in a gale eight miles west of Dunkirk, N.Y. They passed a
terrible night; and when relief was sent them from shore ten hours after, Mr.
Spooner and a seaman were the only survivors. Mr. and Mrs. Spooner are now
in the enjoyment of peace and prosperity after an eventful life of
usefulness. Allen Twp
Addison B Stanton is a son of Caleb S. and Chloe (Caldwell) Stanton.
Caleb was a native of New York; his wife of Canada. They were married in
Wayne County, N.Y., and in 1834 emigrated to Michigan, where they remained until
1836 when they removed to Noble County, Ind., settling on Section 10, Wayne
Township. There the worthy couple passed the remainder of their days,
assisting in the development of the community and aiding as best they could in
the progress and advancement of the township. He served in various offices
of trust for three years as township trustee. He died in 1872; his wife in
1873. She was a consistent member of the M. P. Church. They were
parents of four children - Dorliska Andrews, now a resident of LaGrange County;
Addison B.; Alphonzo, a resident of Michigan; and Luftus, also of Michigan.
Our subject is a native of the "Empire" State. He has been
identified with Wayne Township from the "pioneer" days of their early
settlement up to the present time. Mr. Stanton has always followed the
vocation of farming and is now the owner of 160 acres of valuable land. He
has always taken an interest in public measures for the improvement of Noble
County and is one of the representative and practical farmers. He was
united in marriage in 1850 with Miss Lucinda Potter, daughter of Henry Potter,
an old resident of the county. They have two children - Adelaide Devoe
living in Wayne Township, and Seymour who is a divine in the M. P. Church and
(in 1881) located in Grant County, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Stanton have been
identified with the M. P. Church for many years and are esteemed and valued
citizens. Wayne Twp
Ananias Stewart is a
native of Elkhart Township where he was reared on a farm, receiving instructions
in he common school. His parents, Joseph and Elizabeth Stewart, natives of
Pennsylvania, came to Indiana in 1839, locating in Elkhart township, Section 24,
where he had previously purchased 160 acres of wooded land. After clearing
a place he built a log cabin and made other land purchases, among them, in 1865,
100 acres in Iowa where he moved the ensuing year and where he died in
1867. The mother is sixty-four years old and is living with her youngest
daughter on the old farm in Elkhart Township. The subject in 1862 enlisted
in Company B, Twelfth Indiana Volunteer Infantry. He was in the Battle of
Lexington and was taken prisoner. For two days he went without food and on
the third day was paroled. In about eighty days was exchanged and received
his discharge in January 1863, making in all about six months' service. He
married Salome Osborn September 28, 1865. She is a native of LaGrange
County and daughter of Nathan P. and Elizabeth Osborn, natives of New York and
Ohio who came to Indiana in 1838, located in LaGrange County, Clearspring
Township but subsequently moved to Elkhart Township, where they died. Mr.
and Mrs. Stewart are members of the Free-Will Baptist Church and are living on
the father's old farm, where they first settled. They have four children -
John, Cary, Walter, Cora E., all living at home. Elkhart Twp
James A Stewart is proprietor of one of the good farms in Noble Co. His home is
near LaOtto, where for a number of years a goodly tract of 115 acres has
responded to his wise and intelligent methods of cultivation, and where he has
gained prosperity sufficient for his own needs and at the same time provided
liberally for those dependent upon him. Mr. Stewart was born in Columbiana Co,
OH, March 19, 1857, a son of John W. and Susanna (DeHoff) Stewart. His parents
were natives of the same county and state. John W. Stewart was a son of Samuel
Stewart and a grandson of Mathias Stewart, a native of Scotland who came to the
US and settled in Maryland, January 30, 1793, and was one of the pioneers to
Columbiana Co, OH, where he spent his life as a farmer and died in 1872. Samuel
Stewart married Elizabeth Long, who was born June 10, 1790. John W. Stewart and
wife came to Indiana and settled in Allen Co., where he died. She died February
13, 1919. Both were active members of their church, and he was a Democrat in
politics, being quite radical in his beliefs. There were five children: Benjamin
of Holmes Co, OH, who died May 20, 1919; James A.; David D. of Avilla, IN;
Elizabeth, wife of Robert Teare and Belle, wife of John Wilken.
James A. Stewart came to Allen Co, in 1884, and on December 20, 1884, married
Miss Rittie (Seneritta) DeHoff of Noble Co. She was born in Columbiana Co, OH,
January 19, 1855, a daughter of Anthony and Elizabeth (Homsher) DeHoff. Anthony
DeHoff was born in Columbiana Co, OH, September 10, 1824 and died May 19,
1876. In 1862 he moved to Noble Co, IN (from Jay Co, Bear Creek) locating in
Swan Township, and cleared up a farm from the midst of the woods. Mrs. Stewart
was reared in Swan Township and was educated in the common schools. After their
marriage Mr. and Mrs. Stewart rented land for some years, and removed to their
present farm in 1900. They have two children: W. Edward, born June 3, 1888, a
graduate of the common schools and still at home, unmarried, and Alice H. wife
of Virgil Harter of Swan Township.
The family are members of the United Brethren Church, and Mr. Stewart is one of
the trustees and superintendent of the Sunday School. In politics he votes as a
republican. NE Indiana
Samuel P Stewart was born
in Allegheny County, Penn., July 15, 1840. He is one of nine children born
to Uriah and Margaret (Harbison) Stewart, both of whom were natives of the
Keystone State. The Stewarts are of Scotch, and the Harbisons of Irish
descent. Uriah Stewart, with his family, removed to Swan Township, this
county, in 1857, where they have since resided. Samuel P. Stewart was
reared upon a farm and received a common-school education. He remained at
home until about twenty-three years old when he began for himself as a farmer.
He was united in marriage with Miss Susan Hooper, December 19, 1863, who was
born in Allegheny County, Penn., January 19, 1841. They have had four
children, three of whom are yet living, viz: Ida M., Eva J., and John S.
Mr. Stewart followed farming until 1872 when he and a brother engaged in the
mercantile business at Avilla, which he still follows. He has built up a
large and lucrative business. He is a stanch Republican and a member of
the Masonic Order. He has been postmaster at Avilla since 1875 and has
held other positions of honor and trust. Allen Twp
Oliver Strong was born in
Knox County, Ohio, February 20, 1826. He is a son of Philander A. and Ruth
(Leech) Strong, who were parents of two children. When about two years
old, his father died, and his mother married Samuel Gray. She had by him
thirteen children. From Knox County they moved to Madison County, Ohio,
and remained until the fall of 1835, when they moved to Madison County, Ohio,
and remained until the fall of 1835, when they moved to Green Township.
Here he commenced clearing and improving a place entered from the government.
For a number of years in order to successfully carry on farming and stock
raising, he was obliged to house the stock to keep them from the wild beasts.
Oliver Strong was reared on the farm, receiving the common education of those
days. He was married June 29, 1846 to Miss Eva Fulk of Swan Township, her
parents being among the oldest settler of that locality. They have had
eight children - Melissa, born March 13, 1847, now Mrs. Gilbert McDague; Thomas
J., born March 11, 1848, died November 1, 1850; Philander A., born August 15,
1849, died November 21, 1850; George W., born August 19, 1850; Henry C., January
23, 1852, married Magdalene Treese; Franklin P., born May 3, 1853; James W., May
12, 1854, died July 21, 1854; and John C., born October 26, 1856. Mr.
Strong is a Democrat; has held several township offices and has been a
successful school teacher. Green Twp
John Strous is a native of
Northampton County, Penn., born March 15, 1803. His parents, John and Mary
(Snipp) Strous, were natives of Germany but came while yet children with their
parents to the United States. They were married in the Quaker City and
soon after removed to Northampton County, where Mr. Strous found employment as a
millwright and which he followed, in connection with farming, all his life.
In his family were twelve children, eight living. His father, David Strous,
served under Washington through the Revolutionary War. Our subject was
raised upon a farm and in a mill. He married Rebecca Dean July 6, 1826;
she was born in Washington County, Penn., June 13, 1805. In October 1836
Mr. Strous and family came to Swan Township, where he had entered 160 acres of
land and erected a log cabin, into which they moved and where they endured many
privations and hardships. In their family were eight children, viz., Mary
J., David, Nancy, Martin, James D., Elizabeth A., Margaret A., and Catharine.
Martin and James D. served in the War of the Rebellion; Martin was severely
wounded at the battle of Murfreesboro and also at Chickamauga; James D. was
wounded at Mission Ridge. Mr. Strous is a Republican and was a firm Union
man during the war. He cleared two large farms but some eight years ago
sold them and purchased a comfortable home in Swan. He was one of the
first trustees of the township and has held other positions. His wife
departed this life August 27, 1873. Swan Twp
Robert Strouss was born
December 14, 1836 in Swan Township, the son of Jonas and Anna (McCartney)
Strouss. The father was born in Northampton County, Penn., October 9,
1800, where he was married January 16, 1823. Mrs. Strouss was a native of
Huntingdon County, Penn., born November 22, 1803. Jonas Strouss assisted
his father in a mill and upon the farm. After his marriage he engaged in
farming until 1836; then came to Swan Township, and entered land on Section 13,
subsequently purchasing a farm on Section 7, where he lived until a short time
go, when he leased his farm and moved to Avilla. In his family were eleven
children, viz: John, Rebecca, Mary, Eliza, Simon, William, Robert, Martha, Lydia
A., Sarah and Julia. Mr. Strouss, by hard work and economy, has
accumulated considerable property. He has served in official positions in
Swan and Allen Townships and is one of the pioneers of the county. Robert
Strouss was the first white child born in Swan Township. He was raised
upon his father's farm, and was married to Miss Elizabeth McCartney April 5,
1860. She was born in Beaver County, Penn., February 9, 1844. Four
children have been born, viz: Emma, William, Allen and Robert A. Mr.
Strouss owns 80 acres of well-improved land, and is a liberal Democrat. Swan
Peter Surfus is a native
of this state. Born near the city of Lafayette in 1836. His parents
moved into DeKalb County the following January. He has lived in this
township fifteen years. He moved to the state of Iowa in 1856, where he
stayed three and a half years, then returned to this state, where he has since
been content to remain. He now lives on a farm of 120 acres, three-fourths
of a mile north of Wolf Lake. Mr. Surfus has made grain threshing his
business a portion of the time every year for twenty-seven years. On the
last day of August, 1856 he married Miss Lorinda Bodine, whose parents were
originally from Pennsylvania, but moved into Ohio at an early day. Her
mother is now living in this state in the seventy-seventh year of her age.
Mr. Surfus descends from a very hardy ancestry, noted for their longevity.
The following are the name of their children: Eventus Leroy, William D., Alice
Jane, Myrta Matilda. Two children are dead. Eventus and Alice are
married. Alice married George H. Herrick. The grandfather of Mr.
Surfus on his father's side was a soldier of the Revolution and was with Gen.
Wayne on is campaign against the Indians in Ohio and Indiana. Noble Twp
John W Teal was born in
Shelby County, Ind., December 23, 1831. He is a son of Nathaniel and Ann
(Walker) Teal, who were parents of seven children, five of whom are now living.
The father was a native of Ohio. After graduating at one of the principal
medical colleges with honor, he came to Shelby County, Ind., where he began
practicing his profession. On his arrival, his possessions consisted of a
horse, pill bags and 75 cents in money. After practicing a number of
years, he quit, and engaged in mercantile pursuits in Shelbyville. In 1847
he sold out and moved to Indianapolis, where he began office practice. He
died there in about 1876. The subject of this biography obtained a
common-school education at Shelbyville. At the age of sixteen he moved
with his parents to Indianapolis, where for four years he went to school and
clerked in stores of that city. In 1855, he married Christina Geisendorff,
and after that event engaged in the manufacture of woolen goods at Indianapolis.
In 1863 he came to Rome City where he has since resided, and has been engaged in
different kinds of business, among them being woolen manufacturing, mercantile
and farming. He now owns 110 acres of good land near Rome City, a livery
stable in that town, besides other town property. Mr. Teal is a
Republican; his wife is a member of the M. E. Church, and they are parents of
Emma (deceased), William, Frederick, Edmund (deceased), Nathaniel (deceased) and
John. Orange Twp
Theron Teal was born in
Ohio August 19, 1831. His parents, George and Nancy Teal, emigrated to
Indiana and settled in Elkhart County, bringing their children with them, when
Theron was about six years old. After two years' residence in Elkhart
County, they removed to this county and township, locating on Section 21.
Thus it was that Theron Teal, in his youth and early manhood, was reared midst
the surroundings of pioneer life and receiving the advantages of those times.
December 25, 1857 he was married to Elizabeth Simmons, who was a native of Stark
County, Ohio, where she was born December 8, 1838. After about eighteen
months they moved to Jefferson Township, this county, remaining there two years,
when they returned to the old homestead, subsequently purchasing a farm in
Section 24, this township. Upon this they lived until 1881 when it was
sold and another farm purchased in Section 25, where they now live. Mr.
and Mrs. Teal belong to the Seventh Day Advent Church and their influence for
good is felt in their community. They have a family of eight children, all
living at home, viz: Elmer S., Morton R., Logan L., Ora B., George E., James M.,
Mina V. and Rosa S. Perry Twp
Moses and Daniel Tryon are
natives of Wayne County, Ohio, and are the sons of John and Lydia (Sadler) Tryon,
the former a native of the Empire State and the latter of Canada. The
father, in 1816, went to Wayne County, Ohio, where he was married and ever
afterward resided following his trade, that of a wheelwright. He was a
hard-working man and reared a family of twelve children. Moses Tryon was
born June 3, 1818. His education consisted of such as could be obtained in
the log schoolhouses of that early day and from boyhood was accustomed to hard
work. He was united in marriage with Miss Catharine J. Dunfee December 29,
1836. She was born in Frederick County, Md., April 13, 1818. To them
have been born the following children - William, Cornelius, Henry, John, James,
Milton and Newton (twins), Sophia and George (twins) and Lucy J. Henry,
John and James served with distinction during the late war. In 1841 Mr.
Tryon came in a two-horse wagon with his family to this county, locating on the
land he now owns. On his arrival he found he had left just 8 cents
cash. This to a man of less nerve and energy would have been
disheartening. He and wife went to work with a will and it was not long
ere they were as comfortably situated as their neighbors; however, they endured
many hardships and privations. Mr. Tryon and wife live upon the old
homestead where the most of their lives has been passed. They are
kind-hearted, hospitable people and have the respect of all who know them.
Daniel Tryon was born February 11, 1824 and, like his brother, was raised upon a
farm receiving but a limited education. He was united in marriage with
Miss Catharine Richey June 4, 1848. This lady was born in Wooster, Ohio
January 15, 1830. From this union there are eight children, viz: Delia,
Emma, Mina, William, Lucina, Adda, Morton and Burton. Two years after his
marriage, Mr. Tryon moved to this county, which he has ever since made his
home. He owns eighty acres of well-improved land, which he has obtained by
his own hard work. Both he and his brother are stanch Republicans and are
among the county's best citizens. Allen Twp
Jacob Vance is a native of
Preble County, Ohio, where he was reared on a farm. He came to Indiana in
1834 locating in Elkhart County, where he remained two years when he came to
this county, Perry Township, with which place he has been identified up to the
present time. He is familiar with all the phases of pioneer life and has
cleared 160 acres of land. He married Margaret Price in 1833.
They have five children - Harrison and Jacob, Caroline Long and Mary L. Redmon
of Ligonier, and Sarah Long, a widow living in Perry Township. Mr. Vance
retired from active life and came to Ligonier in 1881, where he now is living.
He owns eighty acres of land in the township which his son Harrison operates.
When Mr. Vance first came here Ligonier consisted of but one log cabin. He
is a valuable citizen and is worthy of mention as one of the typical pioneers.
Town of Ligonier
W B VanGorder is a native
of this township. He is the son of Aaron A. and Rebecca J. (Campbell)
VanGorder, the former a native of Livingston County, N.Y., and the latter of
Fayette County, Penn. They came to this county in 1853, where they have
since resided. They have four children, viz: W. B., Henry J., Sarah E. and
Joel C. They own a nicely improved farm of 280 acres. W. B.
VanGorder was reared on his father's farm, attending the home and Avilla schools
during the winter months. When about twenty years of age he taught a term
of school, after which he entered the Fort Wayne College, from which institution
he graduated at the head of his class in the spring of 1881, excelling
especially in civil engineering. He taught several terms of school while
attending college, thus acquiring a thoroughly practical as well as a
theoretical education. He is the principal of the Avilla School, which
under his efficient management has become one of the best in the county.
He is a Republican. Allen Twp
Henry Vogeding, one of the
leading merchants, is a native of Prussia born October 22, 1824, son of Francis
A. and Mary A. (Rutenfratz) Vogeding who came to the United States in 1836 and
located in Putnam County, Ohio. His father was a cooper but during his
residence in Ohio was engaged in farming; he died ten years after settling in
Putnam County. Subject was the eldest of a family of seven children; at
the time of his father's death the greater portion of the care of the family
rested upon him. At the age of 19 he went to Dayton, Ohio, where he
remained for nearly sixteen years following coopering most of the time and
sending home the greater portion of his earnings. He then went to Putnam
County, where for about three years he was engaged at his trade. In 1859
he came to Allen Township where he has since resided. He engaged at
coopering and farming until 1872; has since been actively engaged in mercantile
pursuits. He carries a complete stock of dry goods, groceries, hats and
caps, boots and shoes, tin and hardware, valued at $10,000; his trade is large
and is steadily increasing. Mr. Vogeding owns 87 acres of land in the
township and is a progressive and enterprising citizen. He was married to
Miss Elizabeth Siefker November 1, 1847 at Dayton, Ohio. She is a native
of Hanover, Germany, born in 1822. From this union there are five
children, four now living - August, Rosena, Agnes and John; Joseph,
deceased. They are members of the Catholic Church. Allen Twp
Elihu Wadsworth was born
in the city of Hartford, Conn. June 29, 1802. He is the son of David and
Irene (Olcott) Wadsworth who were born, reared and married in the city of
Hartford. They removed from there to Old Portage, Summit Co., Ohio in
1814, and here in 1825 the mother died. To them were born a large family
of children but only six reached their majority. The father died in
1838. Elihu Wadsworth was brought up on a farm and from early
boyhood was accustomed to hard work. His education was obtained in the
subscription schools of that day. He was married to Miss Phebe Ulmer
December 31, 1829, born in Maine May 11, 1810. From this union there were
five children, viz., Joseph T., William F., Edwin N., Chloe E. and Henry
E. Joseph T. resides in Allen Township and is a farmer. The daughter
is married and resides in Kendallville. Henry E. resides in LaPorte,
Indiana and is the editor and proprietor of the LaPorte Argus. Mr.
Wadsworth moved from Summit County, Ohio to this county in 1836, arriving in
Allen Township and locating on the farm he now owns October 20 of the same
year. He has since resided here and for the most part has been engaged in
farming and stock raising. His wife died May 28, 1874. Mr. Wadsworth
has always voted with the Democratic party. He has held the offices of
county commissioner, justice of the peace, township trustee and other positions
of honor and trust. He owns 120 acres of nicely improved land. Allen
Jacob A Waldron.
Lewis Waldron, father of our subject, was born November 30, 1814 in Rockland
County, N.Y., and is one of seven children, three yet living, born to Jacob and
Furtama (Phillips) Waldron, who were of English descent. Lewis Waldron has
made farming and clearing his chief employment through life. In 1817 he
came with his parents to Delaware County, Ohio, and from there to Indiana in
June 1836, locating in Elkhart Township, Noble County, where his parents died.
In 1846, Lewis Waldron and family moved to the place now owned by John
Schermerhorn in Orange Township; then to Brimfield during the war. His
wife, Sabina Holden, was born in Ontario County, N.Y., January 30, 1807, and
they were married April 4, 1832. To them has been born seven children, all
of whom are yet living. Jacob A. Waldron, the oldest, was born in Delaware
County, Ohio in 1833 and has always farmed. In 1855 he married Mary L.
Lake, who died in 1864, leaving four children - Viola C., Lillie L., Sherman T.
and Sheridan. February 15, 1866 Mr. Waldron married his present wife, Miss
Achsah Reed. He is a Democrat and is a trustee of Orange Township at the
present. He owns sixty-four and one-half acres of good land and is a
member of the Masonic Order of Rome City. Mrs. Waldron is a member of the
Free-Will Baptist Church. Orange Twp
Henry Walker, a well-to-do
farmer of Elkhart Township, was born in Baltimore County, Md., and reared in
Ohio, whither his parents - Christopher and Magdalene Walker, natives of
Maryland - came in 1819 and devoted their remaining days to the pursuit of
agriculture. The father made a trip to Indiana and purchased 426 acres of
government land in Elkhart and York Townships. Henry Walker lived with his
parents until twenty-three years old. December 23, 1841 he was married to
Catharine Davis, a native of Maryland, and daughter of James and Elizabeth
Davis, both natives of Maryland, where they died in Baltimore County. They
commenced married life on the father's farm in Ohio, but in 1842 came to Indiana
and located on their present farm of eighty acres; this is now in a fine state
of cultivation and contains many fine buildings - good barn, frame residence,
etc. His wife is an adherent of the Old School Baptist Church. They
have four children - Nehemiah living in Kansas; William in Ionia County, Mich.;
George W. in Albion, and Cecilia , living with her parents. Elkhart Twp
John Walker is a substantial farmer in York Township, where he owns nearly
300 acres of land, with a considerable portion under cultivation, and with
improvements in the way of buildings, fences, hedges, orchard, etc., that
characterize the whole as the result of
efficient management. The 185 rods of fine grown, well-cared-for hedge that
surrounds some of the fields is a feature that lends to the beauty and adds to
the value of this farm. The soil is productive, and yields bountiful
harvest. In 1879, 1600 bushels of wheat were taken from its fields, and it
yearly produces from 30 - 40 tons of hay. Other crops are harvested in goodly
quantities. The farm is in sections 1 and 2, and the land - or a portion of it -
was entered in 1837 by Mr. Walker's father, Christopher, who was born 21 October
1787. His wife, Mary (Magdelain), and mother of John, was born 15 December 1793;
they were natives of Pennsylvania, but removed to Richland County, Ohio, where
they remained until their death; the father 26 September 1872, and the mother 11
1877. They had 11 children, ten of whom are living: Mrs. Mary Acton, in Wayne
Twp; Henry, in Elkhart Twp, Ephraim, in Morrow County, Ohio; John, the subject;
Mrs. Sarah Thompson, in Wayne Twp; Gabriel, Israel, in Elkhart Twp; Gideon, in
Swan Twp;, Mrs. Susan Delan, in Knox County, Ohio; Mrs. Elvina Hoffman, wife of
John Hoffman, of Jefferson Twp; and William, deceased. John Walker was born in
Richland County, Ohio, 21 December 1821, where he learned the trade of
blacksmithing of his father; this he followed, together with farming, until Mary
1849, when he came to this county, locating where he now resides. Here, his time
has been given principally to the cultivation of the soil, although he has
worked some at his trade. 25 March 1845, he was married to Miss
Miriam Cook, also a native of Richland County, Ohio, born 10 November 1824. She
is a member of the Baptist Church. Mr. Walker has erected a fine brick residence
in Albion, into which he intends to move in 1882, and live in retirement, and in
the enjoyment of the fruits of honest toil. He is a much-respected and
highly-honored citizen, and has served
his township as Trustee. He has an aunt by marriage - Sarah Stilwell - who will
be 100 years old in March 1882, and who is still quite active for one so aged.
York Twp
John H Ward was born in Knox
County, Ohio April 5, 1837. He is one of thirteen children, five only
known to be living, born to James and Mary Ward. The father of these was a
native of Maryland and the mother of Pennsylvania. Mr. Ward was a farmer
and a good man in every respect. He died in 1842, and his widow in 1870.
Mrs. Ward was twice married; her second husband, who has since died, was Stephen
A. Woodruff. Up to the age of eleven years, John H. Ward lived with his
mother; he then apprentice himself for three years at shoe making.
Subsequently moved to Fredericktown and worked at his trade until he came to
Albion in 1856, where he worked for his old Fredericktown preceptor until his
death. In 1863 he purchased a part of his present farm which now numbers
160 acres. They moved n the place soon after, and began a life of hard
labor, which has been crowned with success, having increased the 160 acres to
140 acres. Mr. Ward has given liberally to the support of all laudable
enterprises. He is Democratic, also an active worker against intemperance.
He and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church and are highly
esteemed people. Mr. Ward's wife was Comfort Edwards, daughter of Alexis
Edwards, to whom he was married January 19, 1859. They have had eight
children - Marion, Anna, Hattie and Homer E., living; and Alsie A., Mary,
Charlie and one unnamed, deceased. Green Twp
Chauncey G R Waterhouse
represents one of the leading farmers and large land owners of northern Indiana
and also a pioneer family of LaGrange County. His parents - Benjamin B.
and Harriet Waterhouse - were natives of Vermont and in 1837 emigrated from New
York State to Milford Township, LaGrange County, Ind. His father became a
prominent citizen and successful farmer and remained there until his
death. His mother still survives. They were parents to five
children, four of whom are now living - Sarah Wilson of Sturgis, Mich.; Emma
Cosper of Milford Township; Artemissa Spellman residing in LaGrange; and the
subject of this sketch who is a native of New York and who, since the removal of
his parents to this county, has been prominently identified with its progress,
especially with the agricultural interests. He remained in LaGrange County
until 1869 when he removed to Wayne Township where he has resided since and has
permanently located. He erected in 1881 an elegant residence, one half a
mile north of Kendallville where we now find him superintending personally his
large farming interest. He owns about eleven hundred acres of land,
divided into six farms and located in LaGrange and Noble Counties. Mr.
Waterhouse, while giving his entire attention to farming interests, is a
public-spirited and valued citizen and favors all measures of progress and
advancement. He was united in marriage with Miss Harriet Vine in
1860. Her parents were early settlers of Milford Township, coming there
from Pennsylvania. Mr. and Mrs. Waterhouse have four children - Albert,
Frank, John and Homer. Wayne Twp
George Weaver was born in
Richland County, Ohio, December 6, 1824, and is a son of William and Catharine
(Stout) Weaver, who were married in Richland County, Ohio, and to them were born
a family of ten children, all of whom are living. The father was a native
of Virginia, and the mother of Pennsylvania. They lived a long life of
usefulness, and died honored and respected citizens. George Weaver
received but a common-school education; was reared on a farm at home until he
reached his majority, when he came to Noble County, driving cattle for Amos
Black. This was in 1845; and after remaining here six months, Mr. Weaver
returned to Ohio, and, April 8, 1846, married Miss Elizabeth Musgrove, who was
born in the same county as himself, December 13, 1830. Four children were
born to this union - Allen, James, Albert and Jane. Mr. and Mrs. Weaver
remained in Ohio until 1853, when they came to Noble County, where they have
ever since resided. Mr. Weaver's early life here was one of hardship.
For three years he was afflicted with sore eyes, but by hard labor and
determination has acquired 120 acres of good land, well improved. He is a
Democrat and an intelligent and enterprising citizen. Allen Twp
Jacob Weaver.
January 30, 1827 there was born to Christian and Christina (Hetrick) Weaver, the
subject of this sketch, in Columbiana County, Ohio. The mother died after
bearing Mr. Weaver a family of twelve children, and this gentleman married Mrs.
Sally Hoffman for his second wife, who bore him two children. Mr. Weaver
is now dead, but his last wife is yet living. Father of subject was a
farmer. He was an honest, straightforward man, a deacon in the German
Baptist Church and a well-respected citizen. Jacob Weaver was reared on
his father's farm, assisting his parents in the duties of farm life that
devolved on them. His educational advantages were very limited, and he
received but a meager schooling. He emigrated to Indiana the fall of 1849
and for a few months resided in Jefferson Township. Early the next year he
removed to Orange Township, which he has since made his home. The country
at that time was quite wild and small clearings were all that attested that
people had been there. Mr. Weaver worked around at different jobs until
his marriage to Lydia Towns the fall of 1852, since when he has been living on
his present place. He commenced with small means at his command, but by
hard labor and economy has made a competence. He owns 102 acres of
well-improved land and is in good financial circumstances. He is a
Democrat, and he and wife are members of the German Baptist Church. The
children born to them are as follows: Rachel, David, Lee, Lou, Jacob and Lona,
living, and Ellen, Eli, John and Rosetta, dead. Orange Twp
C J Weeks was born
in Shelby County, Ohio in 1826. Thomas Weeks, his father, is yet living on
the Weeks family homestead in Green Township. His mother, Eliza
(Henderson) Weeks, died November 18, 1878, beloved by a large circle of friends.
Thomas Weeks, in 1829, left the Buckeye State and emigrated to Allen County,
Ind., on the Maumee River near Fort Wayne. The state of Indiana, at that
time, was but a partially settled country. Mr. Weeks and family resided in
Wayne County until after their removal to Noble County in 1844, since when they
have been identified with that county's history. C. J. Weeks was reared in
Indiana principally, his education chiefly consisting of hard labor.
During his earlier manhood he worked at the carpenter's trade but has since
confined his attention to farming. He was married January 15, 1854 to Miss Alma
White, and to them were born five children, viz: Josephine (deceased), Eunice,
Thomas, Dillie and Perry. He now owns the old farm, which consists of
eighty acres of good land. He is a Democrat and an honest, upright
citizen. His grandfather was a soldier in the War of 1812 and was taken
prisoner at Detroit, the time of Hull's surrender. The Weeks family is
descended from Irish and English ancestors. Green Twp
Jacob Weigel, born
October 6, 1832, in Cumberland County, Penn., a son of Jacob and Katharine (Rasler)
Weigel. In 1847 he moved with his parents to Noble County and when about
eighteen years old commenced to dig wells, and followed this occupation until
1874. In all, he dug 101 wells; the deepest one being fifty-four feet, and
the shallowest nine feet, averaging twenty-seven feet to each well. In
1853 he married Susan Peppers, by whom he has three children - Margaret C., John
Wesley and Marion Sylvester. He is a hard-working man, and a prominent
member of the Salem E. Lutheran Church. He owns forty acres of land, all
under cultivation, and is a strong Democrat. Washington Twp
Isaac Weimer was one of five children and
was born in Pennsylvania September 2, 1809. His parents - John and
Elizabeth Weimer - were natives of the state of Pennsylvania, where they lived,
and where they died. Here Isaac Weimer lived until about twenty-two years
of age. In 1837 he came to Indiana and settled in Goshen, where he
remained and in the vicinity until 1856, when he came to this county, his
present home. While in Goshen, he was married to Elizabeth Stawder July
26, 1849. She died January 9, 1851. August 11, 1853 he married a
second time to Lydia Bronson, a native of New York. Mr. Weimer has a
family of five children - Catharine E., Mary L., Loretha C., Loretta E. and
Abraham W. He owns eighty acres of good, well-improved farming land and is
a worthy citizen. Perry Twp
Charles Weingart, a native
of Germany, was born September 12, 1844. His father, Joseph Weingart, came
to America in 1852, locating in this county, and in 1860 was followed by his
wife (Elizabeth Weingart) and family. They have had three children -
Louis, Rosa (now dead) and Charles. The latter was married, in 1869, to
Salome Kundert, who afterward died, leaving one child, William, born August 18,
1870. Mr. Weingart subsequently married Margaret Zonker, a native of
Indiana. Their children were Joseph A., Mary E., and Waldo C. They
own a well improved farm of 140 acres and are industrious and intelligent
people. Wayne Twp
Francis M Weirich was born
in Richland County, Ohio April 29, 1853. His father's family emigrated to
this county in the fall of 1854 and settled in Green Township. His father,
Franklin Weirich, was suffocated by "damps" while digging a well for
George Shambaugh, assisted by William Applegate. He sacrificed his own
life in an attempt to save that of Applegate. Applegate first went into
the well and was overcome by the gas. Mr. Weirich went to his assistance
but soon made signs to be hoisted out. As he neared the top he was
entirely overcome and dropped back into the well. Both men were dead when
taken out. Coffins were ordered from Wolf Lake but on account of high waters
they could not be brought over. The two men were buried in rough boxes
improvised for the occasion. The widow Weirich married again to William
McDonald in 1857. Francis M. stayed with them and worked on the farm until
the age of twenty-one. In January 1875 he engaged in the mercantile
business at Noblesville and remained in that business up to 1881. He was
married to Catharine H. Hosler December 31, 1876. Venus Minelva and
Orestes Fairrel are the names of their children. Mr. Weirich was elected
justice of the peace in 1878 and still holds the office, to the general
satisfaction of the public. Noble Twp
Wilson L Wells is a native
of new York where he lived until twenty-six years old. His education was
obtained at the common school in Masonville, Delaware County. At the age
of eighteen he began lumbering and carried lumber by raft from Deposit to
Philadelphia. He followed this business seven years. His parents,
Levi and Electa Wells, natives of Connecticut, died in New York. Wilson
Wells was married in 1835 to Julia Smith, native of New York, and daughter of
William H. a d Betsey Smith; the former died in the War of 1812 and the latter
in Noble County. The subject and wife came to Noble County in 1835, with a
two-horse wagon, bringing their effects with them. The journey lasted
about five weeks. They located in Elkhart Township and began clearing and
improving the land. The Indians, although at that time numerous, were not
troublesome. The first acre of spring wheat that Mr. Wells sowed produced
eighteen bushels. He paid $200 for his first land, eighty acres, and
subsequently added eighty more that adjoined it. His farm now consists of
208 acres, seventy of which are cleared, and contains many fine buildings, a
good orchard and all the modern improvements and conveniences. The subject
at one time graded two miles on the Lake Shore Railroad at a cost of about
$8,000 but was never remunerated for his services. By his first wife, who
died in 1842, he had one child - Cordelia (now deceased). In 1844 he
married Emily Sebbins, native of Massachusetts. She died in 1847.
They had one child - Julia (now deceased). Mr. Wells' present wife,
Abigail (Smith) Wells, is a native of Delaware County, N.Y. They have two
children - Alice (now married and living at home), and Electa (who married a
farmer of Elkhart Township). His wife is a member of the Presbyterian
Church. Elkhart Twp
John Whan was born in
Harrison County, Ohio, September 29, 1820, the oldest of five children born to
Joseph and Jane (Barton) Whan. The father was a native of Pennsylvania and
the mother of the North of Ireland, and came with her parents to Washington
County, Penn., when a child. Here she married Mr. Whan. About 1818
they moved to Harrison County, Ohio, returning to Washington County at the end
of seven years, where the father died in 1838. John was then about
eighteen years old, but assumed the greater part of the care of the family.
He worked out, seldom receiving more than $8 per month. In 1843, he came
to Indiana and purchased a portion of the place he now owns, and then returned
to Pennsylvania. The next year he returned with his brother William.
They began the improvement of the place and kept "bach." In
1845, the remainder of the family came out and for some time they found it hard
to obtain a livelihood. John Whan married Miss Isabell J. Perry February
8, 1848. She was born in Cayuga County, N.Y., October 14, 1828. They
had eleven children - Olive, Franklin, Theresa, Oliver L., William, Mary J.,
Elizabeth I., John, James and George P., living; Martha J., deceased. Mr.
Whan has held the office of county commissioner two terms and was one of the
first men in Swan Township to advocate the new school system. He owns 460
acres of land in Swan Township and eighty in Green Township. He is a
Republican and influential in the party. Swan Twp
Heman H. Wheeler was born 22 July 1823,
in Wayne Co, Penn. He is the only son of a family of 12 children born to Trueman
and Hannah (Carr) Wheeler. The father was a native of Massachusetts, and the
mother of Rhode Island. They both went with their parents to Wayne Co, Penn.,
when children, where they were reared, married and resided a number of years. In
1841, Mr. Wheeler entered 175 acres where his son Heman H. now resides, and the
same year came with part of his family (only 4 of the 12
children came with the parents), to locate upon it. Finding it wholly
unimproved, he took the family to Steuben County to reside while he improved the
place to some extent. In 1844, he came with his family to his place in Allen
twp, which they have since made their home. Mr. Wheeler was a well-read man, and
held, in his lifetime, many positions
of honor and trust. He held the office of Justice of Peace for 25 years in
Pennsylvania, and it is said that during that time he had not one of his
decisions reversed by any of the superior courts. He was well posted and
possessed a superior memory. He died 18 April 1867, aged 84 years, and his wife
21 November 1880, who was 97 at the time of her death. Heman H. Wheeler received
a common-school education, and, when a young
man, taught several terms of school. He helped to clear up the place in Allen
twp, while the family resided in Steuben Co. He always made his home with his
parents, and during their old age, cared for them. He was married to Miss
Loretta M. Mather, 4 January 1848. She was born at Akron, Ohio 3 September 1827.
Five children have been born to them, three of whom are yet living, viz: Henry
W., Frank D., and Mina L. Those deceased were named Trueman S. and Frank C. Mr.
Wheeler owns 460 acres of land at present, although he has owned much more at
different times. He has dealt largely in cattle and hogs, shipping to Chicago
and Eastern cities; has devoted his
entire time to his business. He is a thorough and practical business man; a
Republican and a prominent citizen.
Jefferson Twp
Nathan White was born in
Fayette County, Ohio November 19, 1827, the third child of John and Maria
(Baker) White. His father was a farmer and in 1838 came to York Township
and entered 160 acres of land on Section 30. He then returned to Ohio for
his family, where he was taken sick and died, leaving his wife with the care of
six children. In 1844 Mrs. White, a heroic woman, moved with her family to
York Township and settled on the land her husband had previously entered.
This they commenced clearing and by hard labor made for themselves a good
home. Nathan acquired an education by attending school winters and by
industry and economy finally secured the old homestead by purchase.
January 4, 1855 he married Maria Kimmel. They had three children - Irene,
John O. and Mira. In March 1868 Mrs. White died. In 1866 Mr. White
bought his present farm on Section 13, this township, upon which he moved in
1869. It is on what is known as the Sparta Flats and one of the richest in
the township. Mr. White's landed possessions comprise about 420 acres, 230
of which is under cultivation. Though by going security for others
and thus losing large sums of money, he is still ranked as one of the wealthy
and respected citizens of the county. In political affiliations he is a
Democrat and in 1864 during the War of the Rebellion furnished his substitute
for service in the army for the Union. Sparta Twp
Alonzo D Whitford
(deceased) descended from an old and respected New England family, his birth
occurring May 3, 1810 in Otsego County, N.Y. His parents moved to Wayne
County, Ohio soon after the War of 1812 and it was here that he was reared upon
his father's farm, receiving but a limited education. He was married to
Miss Louisa M. Webster December 29, 1831; she was born in the town of Putney,
Vt. July 9, 1812. Her parents, Asahel and Janette Webster, moved to Wayne
County, Ohio in 1817. Mr. Whitford remained in Wayne County some three
years after his marriage and then moved to Hancock County, Ohio. In 1837
he came with his family to this county and entered 320 acres of land in Allen
Township. Mr. Whitford was a man of more than ordinary ability and natural
powers of mind. He took advanced ground on nearly all the leading issues
of his day and was a strong anti-slavery man. He died March 12,
1879. In his family were six children, viz., Mahala L., Webster, Nancy R.,
Almira, William H. and Alonzo M. Of these, William H. was born in Allen
Township January 18, 1842. He received a good common-school education and
was united in marriage with Miss Sarah H. Hill January 27, 1869. She was
born in Niagara County, N.Y. December 7, 1848. From this union there are
two children, viz., Fred E. and Ethel M. Alonzo M. resides upon the old
homestead with the mother. He and brother own nicely improved farms which
they have well stocked. They are Republicans and among the enterprising
and progressive men of Noble County. Allen Twp
L D Whitford is a son of
Stutley and Elizabeth Whitford, who are old residents of Wayne Township.
He is a native of Wayne County, Ohio. Since the removal of his parents to
Noble County, he has resided here and given his attention to agricultural
pursuits. He became the owner of the old "Childs" farm in 1880,
which he is now operating. His farm consists of eighty-five acres of
improved land, conveniently located. In 1866, he formed a matrimonial
alliance with Miss Louisa Wright, daughter of James Wright, one of the early
residents of Wayne Township. Mr. and Mrs. Whitford are members of the M.
E. Church. They have one child, Charles F. Mr. Whitford is one of
the enterprising young men of Wayne Township who are soon to fill the places of
the old pioneers who are passing away. Wayne Twp
Carlos R Wiley is
a native of Vermont, born in Rochester, Windsor County. One of his
grandfathers was from Ireland and the grandmother from Scotland. When he
was but one year old, his father moved into Huron County, Ohio, near Norwalk.
In March 1837 they moved into Noble County and settled in Washington Township.
he was raised on a farm until the age of twenty-one. His education was
limited to the common school of that period. He was married to Rosena
Barnhart in 1858. His family consists of Charles E., Fanny A., and Nancy,
living. He engaged in the mercantile business at Wolf Lake in 1866; has
been successful and continues in the business at this writing. In war time
- 1864 - he stood the draft like a man. He is one of Noble County's stanch
business men. Noble Twp
William Willett is a
resident of Kendallville and engaged extensively in contracting for stone
masonry and bridge work. He is a native of England, from which country he
came to America in 1850, locating in New York where for a short time he followed
painting. He then came to Michigan and soon thereafter located at Lima,
LaGrange County, this state, where he was occupied at his trade of stone masonry
for several years. He then located in Goshen one year and in 1865 became a
resident of Kendallville. Mr. Willett was married in 1851 to Miss Maria
Taylor, who was also a native of England. They have four children of their
own living - William E., Frankie, Lena and John, and one grandson, Claudie.
Four of their children are deceased - Annie (who became Mrs. Emerson), Harry,
Grace and an infant. Mr. Willett is well up in his business, being a
practical workman and a successful manager. As a citizen he stands high
and is regarded with much favor as a member of the community in which he
lives. He belongs to the I.O.O.F. and to the K. of H. City of
Dr S T Williams is a
native of Mount Gilead, Morrow Co., Ohio, and son of Dr. N. and Lydia (Eicher)
Williams. He had superior educational advantages for about four years
attending select school at Defiance, Ohio under the tutelage of a professor of
languages, who was a ripe scholar and an excellent educator. Dr. Williams
was a close student and having decided upon the medical profession began his
studies with his father, also in association with Drs. Colby and Moss. In
his professional course he was the same careful, earnest student, and after two
series of lectures at an eclectic medical institute in 1858 he graduated
therefrom. He began teaching when fourteen years of age, which he followed
at intervals until he began his practice in 1858. He was associated with
his father at Defiance, Ohio until 1863, when he entered the United States
Service as surgeon, remaining until 1865, during which period he was in charge
of Hospital No. 14 of Nashville, Tenn., and acquired a most valuable
experience. Returning to Ohio, he soon came to Kendallville, where he has
been in professional association with his father. Dr. Williams is a
thorough gentleman, progressive, well-read in his profession and also in general
literature. He is a Knight Templar Mason and in 1879 held the office of
grand commander of the Grand Commander, K. T., of the state of Indiana. He
is a member of the Northeastern Indiana Medical Association; was surgeon for the
Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railroad until the office was discontinued in
1879; is a surgeon of the Railway Hospital Association of Toledo and is pension
examining surgeon. Dr. Williams was married in 1858 to Miss Mary E. Lehman
of Defiance. They have four children - Effie, Warren S., Minnie and
Allie. City of Kendallville
David S Winebrenner was
born in Montgomery County, Ohio, January 10, 1834. He came with his
parents to this state when he was but a child. His education was very
limited. He was married to Miss Juliann Ott March 31, 1859. She was
born January 10, 1841. Their family consists of Edward, Alice and Mary.
Mr. and Mrs. Winebrenner are members of the Christian Church near Merriam, in
the faith of which they purpose to live out their allotted time and sincerely
recommend to their children that they follow the example of their parents in
this particular. Their farm consists of one hundred and twenty acres in
good cultivation, about two miles southwest of Noblesville. Noble Twp
Henry Winebrenner is the only
child of Jacob and Catharine (Alabaugh) Winebrenner; he was born in Blair
County, Penn., July 4, 1817. When but eight days old his mother died, and
he went to live with his grandparents. His father was a shoemaker, and
shortly after his wife's death moved to Liberty, Montgomery Co., Ohio. He
here married Elizabeth Shively in 1827, who bore him five children. Mr.
Winebrenner also kept tavern, and being a veteran of the War of 1812 and of a
military turn of mind, raised a company of militia and was chose first
lieutenant. Soon after his father's second marriage, Henry Winebrenner
went to live with them; and at age of fourteen was apprenticed to the tailor's
trade. After serving four years, he commenced business for himself.
In May, 1837, he married Lucy Edsall of Darke County, Ohio, and in 1850 came to
Noble County and located on his present farm of 80 acres, which was devoid of
clearing, and its present improved condition was accomplished by hard manual
labor. They are the parents of nine children - Lewis, James, John,
William, Norris, Howard, Oscar, Juliann and Elizabeth. Of these, John and
Elizabeth are dead. John enlisted in the Forty-fourth Indiana Volunteer
Infantry and served his country faithfully. At the battle of Petersburg he
was wounded, taken prisoner and never heard of afterward. James served in
Company C, Eighty-eighth Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry. While out
foraging, he was taken prisoner by the rebel Gen. Morgan. Being pressed by
pursuers, Gen. Morgan paroled his prisoners and they were sent back until
exchanged. Mr. Winebrenner is an industrious, enterprising man, and a
Republican. He and wife are members of the Christian Church and are
esteemed citizens. Green Twp
William K Wolf was born in
Greene County, Ohio, February 25, 1825. His advantages in the way of
education and social culture were those common to farm life of those primitive
years. He came to Indiana in October 1861, locating on 160 acres of land
purchased by him. Upon this he began the labor of cultivating the forty
acres already under improvement and extending the clearing. He now has 180
acres with 120 under cultivation, the whole, with the improvements, constituting
a most desirable property and a pleasant home. Mr. Wolf was the eldest of
a family of ten children, whose parents were Daniel and Roseanna (Kershuer)
Wolf, of German descent. He was married to Susan Kindel October 25, 1846.
They had four children - Cleanthus (deceased), Casper and Florence (twins), and
William Calvin. During the late war, in October 1864 he was drafted and
became a member of Company B, Thirteenth Indiana Volunteer Infantry, with which
organization he served until his discharge in August 1865. He is a stanch
Republican and a member of the Christian Church, of which organization he is a
trustee. As a Christian gentleman and neighbor, he stands above reproach.
Sparta Twp
Harrison Wood,
retired farmer, is the son of Niah and Polly (Hoyt) Wood, natives respectively
of New Hampshire and Vermont. They were residents of Franklin County,
N.Y., for many years and subsequently spent one year in Michigan, coming to
Noble County in 1837 and settling at Rochester, Perry Township. He was a
pioneer settler of New York and also of Noble County. He followed farming
in Perry Township, where they both died. They brought with them six
children - Achsa, Harrison, Charles (now a resident of Nevada), Charlotte
Kinnison (of Perry Township), Evaline Shobe and George (both of Iowa). The
subject is a native of Franklin County, N.Y., where his early life was passed.
In 1834 he went to Michigan where he resided near Detroit for three years, then
came to this county. He purchased land in Perry Township and farmed until
1844 when he was elected county sheriff and moved to Augusta, then the county
seat. He served two terms and subsequently was appointed probate judge,
was re-elected and served until 1851, when the office was abolished. He
then returned to Perry Township and re-engaged in farming. In 1874 he
retired from active labor and located in Ligonier, where he has a fine home
residence. Mr. Wood owns 500 acres of land, 350 of which are finely
improved. Besides the above offices Mr. Wood served one term as township
trustee and is a prominent citizen, esteemed by all. He was married in
1844 to Miss Barbara Engle, her father, Adam Engle being one of the early
settlers of Perry Township. She died in 1858, leaving two children - Frank
and Alice. In 1860, Mr. Wood married again. His wife, Elmira L.
Drake, is a native of New Jersey. Town of Ligonier
James W Wright is the
oldest son of James Wright, a native of England, who came to America in 1833,
first locating in Ohio, where he resided until 1844, when he came to Wayne
Township and settled upon the farm now owned by the subject of this sketch.
Here he remained, clearing and improving his land, passing his time in the quiet
tenor of farming life until his death, dying as he had lived, a Christian
gentleman, July 22, 1881. His wife's maiden name was Emily Finch.
They were married July 5, 1838. She is a native of New York and is now
living with her son. She is a member of the M. P. Church, which, together
with her husband, she has been identified with for over forty years. Seven
children are descendants. Sarah Shaffer of Wayne Township; Mary Weaver,
deceased; Margaret Weaver in Nebraska; James W., William C., Frances Browand, in
Nebraska; and Louisa L. Whitford of Wayne Township. James W. is a native
of Wayne Township where he has always resided and engaged in farming. He
is now the owner of the old homestead farm, which consists of 110 acres of well
cultivated and improved land. He is an industrious and liberal-minded
citizen and one of the reliable farmers of the township. He was married in
1869 to Miss Mary A. Gallup of Wayne Township. They have two
children, Mattie and Nellie. Wayne Twp
William C Wright is a son
of James and Emily (Finch) Wright, early settlers of Wayne Township.
William is a native of Wayne Township, where he has always been identified.
He is now the owner of the "Joseph Childs" farm, consisting of eighty
acres of land, which is well improved and adjoins his father's old farm.
Mr. Wright is a young and promising farmer, of industrious habits, and will
doubtless become one of the standard farmers of the future. He was
married, 1876, to Miss Arvilla Hill, a daughter of Nicholas Hill, another
pioneer settler of the township. They have two children - John and Amelia.
Wayne Twp
Zenas J Wright, a native
of Massachusetts, was born November 12, 1817. His parents, Zenas and Nancy
(Willis) Wright, were both natives of Massachusetts, and his grandfather, Elisha
Wright, was a farmer of the same nativity. Zenas Wright's early youth was
passed in New York until 1836 when with his parents he came to York Township and
located at "Wright's Corners." Here he lived until 1841 when he
married Mary Ann Arnold and purchased eighty acres of his present farm in Perry
Township, making subsequent additions until it now numbers 280 acres and is in a
good state of cultivation. They have nine children - Silas J., now on the
old farm; William W., who resides in Iowa; Zena M. in Iowa; Isaac A. on the old
farm; Christa in Nebraska; Adoniram J. in Iowa; and Elise J., Emma and Minnie at
home. Mrs. Wright died April 4, 1881. She was a member of the
Baptist Church. Mr. Wright is a member of the same church and served for
eight successive years as township trustee and has efficiently served four years
as justice of the peace. York Twp
David Yarian is the son of
Isaac Yarian who was born in Columbiana County, Ohio November 20, 1814, and is
the son of Conrad and Eve (Ruperd) Yarian, natives of the Keystone State.
They were married in Columbiana County, Ohio and were the parents of thirteen
children. Mr. Yarian was of German descent; his ancestors came to this
country during Colonial times and some of them served in the Revolutionary War.
Conrad Yarian held a Lieutenant's commission and served with distinction during
the War of 1812. Isaac Yarian was married in 1837 to Miss Elizabeth
Harrold who was born December 4, 1818 in Columbiana County, Ohio. By this
union there were thirteen children, viz., Samuel, David, Paul, Elijah, Mary A.,
Rebecca, Moses, John, Isaac N., Elizabeth, Henry, Reuben and Zachariah. In
1838, Mr. Yarian moved to Wyandot County, Ohio; in 1850 he came to his present
location in this county. Mr. Yarian has always followed farming and
carpentering. He owns 280 acres of land; is a Democrat and a respected and
influential citizen. His wife died January 5, 1881. David Yarian was
born in Wyandot County, Ohio December 11, 1839. He was married to Miss
Mary M. Simon March 29, 1859. She was born in Columbiana County, Ohio in
1831. From this union there were four children, viz., Flora L. and Lorena
I. (living), Mary E. and Iona (deceased). Mr. Yarian has always followed
farming and carpentering. He owns a well-improved farm of 140 acres; has
held the office of township assessor besides other public positions. He is
a Republican and a member of the Lutheran Church. Swan Twp
A Yorkey was born in
Germany December 14, 1841. His parents emigrated to this country in 1852,
our subject coming over with them. After remaining in New York City a
short time they came west to Buffalo and in about a year came to Noble County
where the mother died August 1, 1866. She was born in 1824. The
elder Yorkey was born in 1814. For a second wife, he married a Miss Cree.
He is the father of five children, two by his first wife and three by the
second. A. Yorkey was the eldest of the children. He was married to
Sarah Flannagan November 15, 1868. They have a family of three children -
Ambrose H., John A., Bertha S. He served in the army against the
rebellion, entering in 1863 and remaining until the close of the war. His
wife was born October 15, 1851. They belong to the Catholic Church.
He owns seventy-two acres of land; is frugal and industrious. Perry Twp
J C Zimmerman, retired
merchant, is a native of Switzerland, and came to America with his parents about
1831, locating in Tuscarawas County, Ohio, on a farm, where his parents remained
until their deaths. At the age of twenty years, our subject quitted farm
life and went to Canal Dover, where he began his mercantile experience.
His stay here was brief, and he came in 1849 to Indiana, locating in Elkhart
Township, where he worked at carpentering for a short period, when he went to
Albion and became a clerk for Judge Clapp. After four years with him, he
started in business - general merchandise - with Owen Black of Albion. One
year at this, then he sold out and in 1857 came to Ligonier and established a
successful merchandise trade. For many years his sons, Greeley M. and
Frank W., were working with him, and in the spring of 1879 became his partners
under firm name of Zimmerman & Sons. They carried a large line of dry
goods, groceries, clothing, boots, shoes, etc., and did an immense business.
November 10, 1881, the father disposed of his interest to his sons and the firm
was changed to Zimmerman Bros., and he is at present retired from business.
He has figured conspicuously in public offices; for eight and one-half years
served as township trustee and represented the counties of Elkhart and Noble, in
1877 in the state legislature one term. He has also served several times
on the Common Council and has been an active worker in the schools. He is
a Mason - Knight Templar - having been connected with that order since 1853.
In 1853 Mr. Zimmerman married Miss Sarah J. Brown, daughter of Abram Brown, an
early settler of Elkhart Township. She was a native of Ohio, and died in
1876. Three of six of her children are now living - Greeley M., Frank W.
and Verona J. His present wife, to whom he was married in 1877, was Miss
Callie Young, daughter of John Young, a prominent citizen of Noble County.
Town of Ligonier
John Zimmerman came from
Switzerland, his native country, with his parents in 1838 at the age of fifteen.
The family located on a farm in Tuscarawas County, Ohio, John assisting in
clearing the land. His parents, Daniel and Ann Zimmerman, remained here
until they died. After ten years at home, John learned the tanner's trade,
serving as an apprentice two years with Phillip Warnce. March 22, 1841 he
married Susanna Schranz, whose parents, John and Magdalene Schranz, were native
of Switzerland, came to Ohio in 1833, subsequently to Marion County, Ind., where
they died. Mr. Zimmerman and wife, with their effects in a one-horse
wagon, came to this township with $15 in money. He purchased four acres of
land and erected a log tannery. The first oil he used in his business he
brought in a ten-gallon keg on horseback from Goshen, twenty-five miles.
At the end of three years he bought forty acres of land, which he began
improving; to this he continued to add until he became the owner of 400 acres.
He continued his tanning in connection with farming until 1868 when he came to
Wawaka and engaged in the hardware and leather trade; subsequently changed to a
general stock of merchandise, which business he now conducts. Mr.
Zimmerman's first wife died in 1864. By her he had the following children
- Joseph, William, Elizabeth, Delilah, Jacob L., Daniel T., Mary, Ellen, Manuel
(deceased), and Sarah. In 1865 he married Mrs. Hoffman. From this
union there have been two children - Sophia and Millie, the former deceased.
Uriah, a son of Mrs. Hoffman by former husband, has also been a member of the
family. Mr. Zimmerman has been township trustee four terms. Himself
and wife are members of the M. E. Church, of which he has been steward
twenty-three years. He has in his day erected twenty-three buildings.
His business room is a neat brick and his residence a commodious structure of
same material. Sparta Twp
Levi Zumbrun was born in
Montgomery County, Ohio October 7, 1840. His parents moved to the state of
Indiana when he was but thirteen years of age. They settled in Thorn Creek
Township, Whitley County. At the call for one-hundred-day men, he enlisted
in the One Hundred and Thirty-ninth Infantry, Company "K;" was
discharged September 29 following. Again, at the call for one-year men, he
enlisted in Company "G," One Hundred and Forty-second Indiana
Volunteers. He served out his enlistment at Nashville, Tenn., and
witnessed the battle of Nashville and the defeat of Hood's army. He was
discharged July 14, 1865. After his discharge, he returned to civil
pursuits and has been a successful farmer. He owns a farm in the southern
part of Noble Township, which is in a high state of cultivation and is being
further improved by a system of under-draining, which he has carried well on to
completion. October 30, 1870 he married Miss Hannah Huff. She was
born April 2, 1850 in Elkhart Township, this county. Her parents came from
Ohio. She is quite a reader. Her library is stocked with works of
travel, biography, history and fiction, Webster's Unabridged being conspicuous
among the others. Matters within and about the house wear a pleasing
appearance of refinement and culture. Noble Twp
S. Constitution Amendment 13 abolished slavery.
Adopted December 18, 1865