Biographies G-P
To Biographies Index
Timothy Gaby. The birthplace of Timothy Gaby was in Brown County,
N.Y. His parents, George and Roxy (Caswell) Gaby, poor but honest farmers
of Brown County, were natives of Vermont and New York respectively. George
Gaby, grandfather of Timothy Gaby, was a native of England, coming to America at
the age of seven years. When grown to manhood he served in the
Revolutionary War as one of the defenders of liberty and during the latter part
of his service was a commissioned officer. His son, George Gaby, father of
our subject, was a farmer by occupation but a hatter by trade. From
Vermont he moved to Herkimer County, N.Y., and there married a Miss
Caswell. He worked at his trade for a time, afterward at farming. In
Brown County he and his father-in-law worked at saw milling. Owing to his
wife's ill health, Mr. Gaby moved back to Vermont but her health not improving,
he again returned to New York where Mrs. Gaby died. Mr. Gaby served in the
War of 1812 and died in Indiana a few years after the close of the
rebellion. Timothy Gaby was born April 3, 1820. He came to Ohio with
his father and started out for himself in Lorain County with only an ax.
Previous to coming to Indiana his occupation was chopping cord wood and clearing
land. His marriage with Miss Mary Edmonds was solemnized April 12, 1841
and in 1844 he purchased 80 acres of land in Orange Township, Noble County,
Ind., paying for the same a team, wagon and $40 that he had earned by chopping
wood at thirty-one cents per cord, and $5 per acre for clearing land. Mr.
Gaby was a man of energy. From poverty he has arisen to a position of
wealth. He is a self-made man and owns over 400 acres of excellent land,
which has been acquired by long years of labor and self-denial. He is a
Democrat and has held township offices. His wife is a member of the
Baptist Church. There have been born seven children to them, viz.; Joanna,
now Mrs. Schull; James, married Alice Barber, Etha L., wife of L. Emahiser;
Emily, wife of W. Knox; George, married Geneva Pancake; Charles and Esther
A. Orange Twp
William Gage is a native of Wayne County, N.Y., and son of Hosea and
Electa Gage. His parents, natives of New York, in 1834 located on a farm
in Michigan and resided there until 1842, when they came to this township, where
the father died. The mother is yet living at the advanced age of
seventy-three. The subject spent his boyhood days on the farm with his
parents in Indiana. He served an apprenticeship of one year at the
blacksmith trade; then followed farming in the summer and his trade during the
winter. January 30, 1859 he was married to Mary Kern, a native of
Pennsylvania. His parents, Isaac W. and Catharine Kern, came to Indiana in
1845 and located on a farm in Perry Township where they afterward died.
After his wife's death, which occurred January 16, 1879, Mr. Gage was married to
Adessa Franks, a native of Williams County, Ohio, and daughter of Jacob and
Margaret Franks. She is a member of the M. E. Church, and his first wife
was a member of the Wesleyan Methodist Church. The subject first settled
on 80 acres of land in Elkhart Township, lived there one year, then purchased 80
acres in Section 19 where he moved and is still residing. He has 60 acres
cultivated and improved; in 1878 he built a fine brick residence, and altogether
his farm presents a very thrifty appearance. Mr. Gage was drafted in the
late war. They have had seven children - Emma, married and living in
Elkhart Township; Louis, deceased; Jesse, John, Nellie, deceased; Isaac and
Abram. Elkhart Twp
John L Gallup, lumber dealer and
farmer, son of Rufus B. and Abigail (Reynolds) Gallup, natives of New York and
pioneer settlers of Wayne township, Noble County, located on Section 26 in 1850,
which land his father had purchased some years previous. His parents remained
upon their farm until 1874, when they removed to Kendallville. where his mother
still resides, his father dying in 1876. He was a successful farmer, an honored
citizen, and, with his wife, a consistent member of the M. E. Church. Three of
their children are now living - Luthena Jones, of Wayne Township; Adeline
Wright, of the same township, and the subject of this sketch, who is a native of
Saratoga County, N. Y. He has devoted much of his past life to farming
operations, and is still the owner of the old homestead farm. In 1876, he added
to his enterprises a saw-mill and brick and tile yard, which he still operates,
and, in 1879, moved to Kendallville, forming a partnership with A. O. Hamilton
in lumbering interests. This business the firm of Hamilton & Gallup are
pushing to extensive and successful issues, and with their one-half interest in
the Reed, Hamilton & Gallup Handle Manufactory, form one of the leading
business houses of the county. Mr. Gallup is a Knight Templar, an officer in the
Grand State Council of Chosen Friends, and a member of the K. of H. He has
assessed Wayne Township six times on personal property, and twice on real
estate, and is one of the promising, active and progressive young business men
of northern Indiana. He was united in marriage, in 1864, to Miss Martha E.
Young, a daughter of Jacob Young, one of the early settlers of Wayne Township;
they have one child -- Rufus B. City of Kendallville
Fred Gappinger, tanner,
has been for over twenty years a prominent and successful business man of
Albion. He is a native of Germany and an emigrant to America in 1849, and
soon after located in Carroll County, Ohio, where he carried on a tannery for a
number of years. He came to Albion in 1861, since which time he has been
at the head of the tanning and leather interests there. His business has
been successful and conducted in strict honor and integrity. He was
married in Carroll County, Ohio in 1855 to Miss Margaret Miller. They have
eight children - Elizabeth, John, Frank, Amelia, Fred, Edward, Irving and
Albert. Town of Albion
W G Gardner, merchant
tailor, was born in Germany March 10, 1833, is the youngest of five children,
and the only one of the family that came to this country. His parents,
Alexander and Regene Gardner, lived and died in Germany. The subject
emigrated to New York City in 1854 and after four months went to Newton, N.J.,
remained six months, then returned to New York City. He then went to
Burlington, Va., and after returning spent some time in New York, and after an
extended trip throughout the western states and Canada returned again to New
York, subsequently going to Connecticut where he stayed until 1862. In
that year he enlisted in Company F, Nineteenth Connecticut Volunteer Infantry,
and served until July 17, 1865, then returned to Connecticut; he received two
wounds while in the army. He came to Ligonier in 1877 and was employed for
some time by Jacob Straus & Co. as cutter and fitter in their clothing
establishment. In 1879 he established a business of his own and has been
very prosperous; he employs from five to seven workmen. Mr. Gardner was
first married in Connecticut July 3, 1860 to Louisa Kohlor, who was born in
Germany in 1842. She died in 1861, May 18, and he married January 1, 1862
Mary A. Commings, a native of Connecticut born February 25, 1838. By his
first wife Mr. Gardner had one child, W. F., and the remaining children are
Phebie A., Sophia J., Nellie M., and an infant as yet unnamed. Mr. Gardner
is a Mason and owns town property in Ligonier; he is a popular citizen as well
as an honorable business man. Town of Ligonier
John C Gaus was
born in Wurtemberg, Germany, December 20, 1815, the son of John G. and Annie M.
(Staudenmier) Gaus, both natives of Wurtemberg. The father was a weaver and died
when John C. was about twenty years of age. The latter, in 1839, came with the
family to the United States; some found employment in New York City, the others
came to Massillon, Ohio. In 1843, John C. came West and purchased land in Swan
Township, where he located permanently in 1845.
He was married in Massillon, Ohio, August 22, 1843, to Miss Anna M. Barth, born
in Germany December 15, 1816. They had ten children, five of whom are living,
viz., John G., John C., Anna M., Catharine and Phillip M.; five sons died in
infancy. In 1849, Mr. Gaus took a contract to build two and a quarter miles of
the Lima Plank road. He also had a contract on the Eel River Railroad, but the
company broke up and Mr. Gaus lost about $1,500. He helped to build the P., Ft.
W. & C.R.R. through a portion of Ohio, and, in 1856, took a contract to
build twenty-five miles of fence on the Lake Shore road. He is a thorough
business man, and has been reasonably successful. He owns 220 acres of land
which is nicely improved and well stocked, and is a Democrat. Swan Twp
Monroe L Gawthrop was born
in LaGrange County, Ind., September 28, 1836, and is a son of Samuel and Prutia
(Littlefield) Gawthrop, natives of New York state. Edmund Littlefield,
grandfather of our subject, emigrated from New York to Adrian, Mich. in about
1825, and shortly after this came to Pretty Prairie in LaGrange County and was
among the first settlers. Our subject's parents were married in Greenfield
Township, LaGrange County, and to them were born four children. In about
1841, the father died, after which the mother married Daniel Bixler, one of the
first settlers of Noble County, and in 1842, they moved to Kendallville, where
our subject's youth was passed. When twenty-one years old, he went to
Illinois, and after two years in this state went to Iowa. He remained
there one year and then came back to Illinois, where he remained another year
and then returned to Indiana. He was married September 24, 1863 to Miss
Lucy Taylor, who was born in Champaign County, Ohio, November 8, 1843. To
this union were born three children - Luella M., Charles M. and Ray D. Mr.
Gawthrop owns 105 acres of well-improved land, which he has made by his own
labors. He followed saw-milling some five years, but the greater part of
his life has been passed in farming and stock-raising. He is a Republican
and has taken an active part in the advancement of all laudable and educational
enterprises. Allen Twp
William Geddis, blacksmith, is a native of Richland County, Ohio. He
learned his trade in Knox County, Ohio, where he remained two years subsequently
working one year in Richland County, and then in 1852 came to Noble County, Ind.
where he has been identified ever since. Mr. Geddis first settled in
Jefferson Township where he remained two years. Orange Township next
became his residence, pursuing his calling there about 6 years. He then
removed to Allen Township, where he handled the hammer, etc., in Lisbon for
about 6 years, after which he became a resident of Kendallville, where he still
continues in his business. He is considered a first-class mechanic and is
well-known all over the county. Mr. Geddis married in 1853, Miss Mary J.
Sheffer of Morrow County, Ohio; they have seven children - Martha M., Frederick,
James D., Warren, Ellsworth, Hattie E., Merritt A., and Seth G. Mr. Geddis
is a member of the I.O.O.F. City of Kendallville
E B Gerber, hardware, etc., a
genial gentleman and an energetic, thrifty business man, was born in Stark Co,
OH, one of eleven children, whose parents were David and Susannah (Buchtel)
Gerber, early settlers of E. B.'s native county. The father
was a persevering farmer, who, with his family, removed to La Grange Co, IN, in
1855, settling in Eden Township, where he died in 1872. In 1876, the mother
moved into Ligonier, where she still resides, in the consciousness of a well
spent life and with the respect of her many acquaintances. Eight of the children
are now living--Eliza Shrock and Abraham, in La Grange Co; Lydia Yoder and
Daniel, in Perry twp; and E. B., Sarah Bruner, Tena King and Christopher W., of
Ligonier. In 1861, Jacob J. entered the army for the suppression of the
rebellion, as a member of Company C, 30th Indiana Volunteer Infantry, with which
he served until he was taken prisoner at the battle of Chickamauga. He was then
taken to the rebel prison at Andersonville, where he died 2 September, 1864.
Benjamin F., the youngest of the family, was a tinner by
trade, and had charge of that department in E. B.'s hardware store until the 5th
of June, 1881, when he and his wife were drowned in the Reservoir at Rome City.
They were married in 1878. Her maiden name was Maxwell. E. B. Gerber, in his
early manhood, learned the carpenter
trade, also civil engineering, in addition to which he commenced teaching
school whilst yet in Stark Co, OH. In 1855 he came to La Grange County with his
parents, but went to Nebraska the same year. Here bringing into requisition his
knowledge of engineering, assisted in laying out Omaha City. After about 8
months, having visited other parts,
he returned home and resumed school-teaching and carpentering. In 1857, Mr.
Gerber was appointed Deputy County Surveyor of Noble County under William
Dowling, and in 1858 was elected County Surveyor, serving until 1865, with his
residence in Ligonier. Was engaged in publishing town and county maps from 1864
until 1867. The real estate business then engrossed his attention for one year.
In January, 1869, he purchased the
interest of Mr. Wadsworth, of Wadsworth & Parker, hardware, and one year
later bought Mr. Parker's interest, thus succeeding to the proprietorship of the
whole establishment. He carries a full line of hardware, stoves, tinware and
agricultural implements. This business is conducted in a progressive manner
characteristic of the man. In 1871,
Mr. Gerber, in connection with Mr. Treash and Kirchbaum, established a foundry
in Ligonier, which business, in 1880 was changed to a carriage manufactory. In
1874, he, with Carlton Jones, started a handle manufactory, but is not now
connected with that business. In political positions, in addition to that of
Surveyor, Mr. Gerber has served in
nearly the whole line in his town and township. In 1856, he was elected as
trustee of Eden Twp, La Grange County, and served as first assessor of Ligonier
after its incorporation. Has been city councilman for several terms; has also
filled the office of city clerk, and is nowpPresident of the city council, and
has served several years as school trustee. He is a Knight Templar, and now
Master of the Ligonier Lodge, No. 185 F & A M. In October 1857, Mr. Gerber
was married to Miss Mary Moses, of Perry twp. They have four children - Owen
F., Delta, Minnie and Dwight. The honorable and active career of Mr. Gerber, as
summed up in his record, is a higher commendation of his usefulness as a citizen
than can be bestowed upon him by any words of praise.
Town of Ligonier
Gilbert, physician and surgeon, is one of the leading members of his
profession in Northern Indiana. He is a native of Columbiana County, Ohio, and
was identified upon his father’s farm until his seventeenth year. He then
commenced the study of medicine at Salem, Ohio, under the instruction of an
experienced physician for two years. He supplemented his studies by a course of
lectures at the Ann Arbor Medical College during the season of 1864-65, and
subsequently attended two courses at the Bellevue Medical College of New York.
In 1867, he located in Kendallville. In his practice here he has met with
flattering success. Dr. Gilbert adds to his practical knowledge all information
to be gleaned from close study of the discoveries that are being made in medical
science, and is thoroughly imbued with the progress of the age. He is a member
of the Northeastern Indiana State Medical Association, and the County Medical
Society. He now fills the chair of Theory and Practice in the Fort Wayne Medical
College, with which institution he has been identified since its organization.
Socially, and as a citizen, he is jovial and popular. In 1872, Dr. Gilbert was
married to Miss Isabelle Chapman, of Ligonier, daughter of Hon. G. W. Chapman.
They have two children living - Eva and Clara; their eldest daughter, Lillian,
died when four years of age. City of Kendallville
Abraham Gill, one among
the thriving farmers of this township, was born in Union County, Penn. His
parents, Jacob and Susannah Gill, were natives of the same place, and his mother
died in Pennsylvania. Abraham Gill's youth was passed in the states of
Pennsylvania and Ohio, attending school and farming during the summer vacations.
After leaving Ohio, he came to Wells County, Ind., and purchased 80 acres of
wooded land, where he built a log cabin and lived twenty-six years. He
then came to Sparta Township and bought 80 acres of land partially improved, and
after working it fourteen years he sold it and located on his present farm in
Elkhart Township. He owns 104 acres and has improved 80 acres upon which
is a good frame dwelling house, large barn, etc. Mr. Gill was married in
Stark County, Ohio to Mary McDaniel, a native of Stark County and daughter of
James and Sarah McDaniel, the latter a native of Pennsylvania, who, after her
husband's death in Stark County, came to Indiana and remarried. Mr. and
Mrs. Gill are both members of the Christian Church. They have had twelve
children - one, Elizabeth, deceased; the others all married except John,
who is living at home; Anne R., living in Fort Wayne; Sarah J., Sparta Township;
Josiah G., Perry Township; Jacob F., Michigan; David, Elkhart Township; Mary E.,
Ligonier; Amos A., Michigan; Adam, York Township; William, Michigan; and Almeda,
Michigan. Elkhart Twp
W W Glosser, of W. W. Glosser & Co.,
groceries and provisions, is a son of D. H. Glosser, who came from Knox County,
Ohio. and settled in Jefferson Township, Noble County, in 1854, where he still
resides, engaged in farming. Our subject is the second child of a family of four
children. He remained upon the farm in Jefferson Township until he was
twenty-two years of age. He then learned the carpenter and joiner’s trade, to
which business he devoted his attention for fifteen years. He became a resident
of Kendallville in 1878. In May 1881, he embarked in his present business,
succeeding L. E. Pike, now deceased, formerly a prominent business man of the
city. He came from New York in 1871, and was in business until his death in
1881. In September, 1881, Mr. Glosser associated with him in partnership Mr. G.
P. Alexander - under firm name of W. W. Glosser & Co. This young firm are
well started on a prosperous business career and, being progressive and
enterprising, will doubtless soon take a leading position among the business
houses of Kendallville. Mr. Glosser was married in 1873 to Miss Josephine Demmon,
a daughter of Leonard Demmon, one of the pioneer settlers of Allen Township. Mr.
Demmon is now a resident of Kendallville. City of Kendallville
William Golden is a native
of Pennsylvania, son of William and Temperance Golden, both deceased. The
mother died in Pennsylvania and the father in Ohio. The school days of
William were limited to three terms in Fayette County, Penn. In his early
days he learned shoemaking; engaged in this and running a tannery four years;
subsequently he built a tannery at Vienna and conducted it seven years; then in
1847 came to this county and located in a rude cabin on 200 acres of wood
land. In two years he was the owner of 1,000 acres in one body; improved
two farms but, being land poor, he turned it into $10,000 worth of railroad
stock and $4,000 in a woolen mill at Rome City; lost it all. He then made
another beginning in this township by purchasing 80 acres, little improved; to
this he added until he owned 400 acres. He has built a good house and barn
and other buildings; he now owns 200 acres, having sold off 200. His
present farm is well improved and cultivated. March 8, 1836 he married
Elizabeth Parks, daughter of James and Susannah Parks, both of whom are
dead. Mrs. Golden is a native of Kentucky. They are members of the
Free-Will Baptist Church and have had ten children - Sidney A., married and a
resident of California; James W. (deceased); William A. (died in the army); Mary
J. (deceased), Susannah, Francis M., Benjamin F., Stephen, Hannah C. and
Elizabeth (deceased). Elkhart Twp
Hart T Graham was born in
Franklin County, Mass., Mary 27, 1821. He is one of ten children born to
Zerah and Clarissa (Taylor) Graham, both of whom were natives of the Bay
State. They were married in their native state and moved from there to
Chautauqua County, N.Y. in 1829. After living here some years, they
removed to Geauga County, Ohio, and from there in a short time to Summit County,
the same state. Here they resided until 1848 when they came to this
county, which they ever afterward made their home. The father was a
shoemaker by trade, and he and wife were hard-working, kind-hearted, Christian
people. Hart T. Graham received but a limited education and got his start
in life by working by the month on a farm. He was married to Miss Harriet
Bond June 12, 1844. This lady was born in Allegany County, N.Y. November
23, 1823. From this union there were four children, viz.: Emma J. and Guy
E., living; Mary A. and Ellen I., deceased. Soon after their marriage Mr.
and Mrs. Graham came to this county and purchased forty acres of land.
They have since added to it and now own ninety acres, which is well
improved. They are intelligent, kind-hearted, hospitable people and
possess social and moral qualities of a high order. Mr. Graham is a
Republican. Allen Twp
L Graves was born in Clarksburg, Va., the 10th day of December,
1830, where his father died in 1833. The same year his mother, with seven
children, removed to Kosciusko County, Ind. At about the age of fifteen, Thomas
L. began the printer’s trade, and became a first-class workman. In
intellectual force he matured early, and at the age of seventeen commenced the
publication of a paper at Warsaw, Ind. Since attaining his majority, he has
almost constantly held some public position. During the administration of
Franklin Pierce he was appointed Postmaster at Warsaw, and served two years,
when he resigned. An election was held to fill the position, but the result was
ignored by the department at Washington, and as showing the reliance placed upon
his sound judgment, the First Assistant Postmaster General wrote to him, saying:
" If you will not hold the office any longer, please designate your
successor." In 1858, Mr. Graves removed to Columbia City and was shortly
after elected clerk of the corporation. In 1860, he was appointed Deputy United
States Marshal to take the United States census of Whitley County. In the winter
of 1861-62, he removed to Kendallville, and in the spring was elected Justice of
the Peace for Wayne Township, and served twelve consecutive years. Just before
the expiration of the last term, he was elected Mayor of Kendallville, serving
six years. He then declined another re-election. The common council then
appointed him city attorney, and at the end of two years was re-appointed, which
position he still fills. Though constantly in official office, Mr. Graves is not
a politician, but gives his attention to his business. He is what may be termed
an office lawyer, and though delicate in appearance, the amount of business
transacted by him is almost incredible. In addition to his professional
business, he gives some attention to the mercantile trade, being associated with
his son as James Graves & Co., who carry a line of groceries and provisions.
He belongs to the Masonic Order. City of Kendallville
James Grawcock is a native
of Lincolnshire, England, born January 21, 1833. (A sketch of his parents
will be found in the biography of William Grawcock.) He was raised in
Lincolnshire, receiving a common school education. April 21, 1853, he
started from Liverpool for America and after a voyage of four weeks arrived in
New York, $13 in debt. He came to Toledo via Albany and Buffalo and from
there to Fort Wayne, Ind., then to Swan Township where he engaged in
ditching. In 1854 he had $150 of his earnings which he paid on a farm of
forty acres - a part of his present place. By hard labor he has cleared it
of all indebtedness and has added eighty acres. Mr. Grawcock was married
March 8, 1861 to Maria C. Fulk, and to their union was born nine children -
Solomon, William H., Emma J., Oliver P., Mary E., Margaret A. (deceased), John,
Noah and Eliza E. After his marriage Mr. Grawcock moved on his then
unimproved place but is now a well improved farm of 120 acres. He and wife
are members of the Church of God, are enterprising and respected people, and Mr.
Grawcock is a Democrat. Green Twp
William Grawcock was born
in Willoughby, Lincolnshire, England September 29, 1831, the eldest of four
children born to Isaac and Ann (Cox) Growcock. His mother died and
his father married Elizabeth Tow, by whom he had eight children. This lady
is yet living in England but the father died in 1873. He was a farmer and
moved to Billinghay, where the family still reside. William
Grawcock, at the age of twenty, came to the United States, starting on the
voyage to Quebec, Canada in March 1852, thence to Cleveland, Ohio and soon
afterward went to Richland County, Ohio. He then came to Swan
Township. In 1853 he purchased 100 acres of his present farm, having but
$5 to make the first payment. After this he worked some time on the
railroad. In March 1855 he and his brother James commenced clearing
together, "baching it." The farm has been increased until it
consists of 200 acres. On the 8th of January 1856 he married Miss Martha,
daughter of John and Anna (Wyatt) Bennett of Allen County, Ind. This
lady's people were early settlers in Eel River Township, while she enjoys the
distinction of having been the first child born in the township, her birth
occurring June 5, 1835. Their children number ten, as follows: James B.,
Isaac C., Rosanna (wife of George Fulk), Elizabeth A. (wife of Noah Whirledge),
Jesse J. (deceased), George F. (deceased), Noah W. (deceased), Charles W., Oscar
D. and Susan E. (deceased). James B. married Sarah Fulk and lives in
Churubusco. Mr. Grawcock is one of the most extensive and enterprising
stock raisers in Nobel County. In 1880 his son Isaac went to England and
purchased a noble draught horse at great expense which unfortunately died on the
journey; he also purchased a magnificent Clydesale stallion. Mr. Grawcock has a
fine herd of full-blooded Shorthorn cattle in which he take great pride.
He is an excellent neighbor and is a leading member of the Church of God near
his place. Green Twp
Henry H Haines, of the
firm of Wood & Haines, was born in Allen Township, this county, June 1, 1848
and is the son of Samuel P. and Mary (Smith) Haines. He was reared upon a
farm and received his early education in the common schools. He graduated
from the Iron City Commercial College in 1870 and was for some years engaged in
the drug trade in Avilla. He was married to Miss Mary Craven March 16,
1871. She was born in the Buckeye State September 1, 1847. From this
union there are two children, viz., Ada E. and Almerta P. In 1880, he and
his brother-in-law, Washington L. Wood, formed a partnership in the manufacture
of wooden force pumps, apple jelly, sorghum molasses, cider making, etc.
They have a new process for making the juice of the apple into jelly and have a
capacity for manufacturing 100 gallons daily. They also have a process of
making sorghum molasses, entirely freeing it from all acidity. They can
manufacture about 300 gallons per day and of their pumps 100 per month.
They are both liberal in their political views, are strong advocates of
temperance and are members of the Masonic order. Allen Twp
Edward Halferty is a
native of Westmoreland County, Penn., his birth occurring October 14,
1816. His father, William Halferty, was also a native of Westmoreland
County. He was reared a farmer, which became his occupation through
life. He served in the War of 1812, married Westmoreland County lady,
Elizabeth Luther, and in 1819 moved to Richland County (now a part of Morrow
County), Ohio, where he lived the remainder of his days. His wife, who
bore him a family of nine children, is yet living at the advanced age of
eighty-five years. Edward Halferty was reared on a farm, receiving the
greater part of his education in a rude log schoolhouse, a very few of which
were seen in early times. He remained at home in charge of the farm until
thirty years of age and November 17, 1844 married Henrietta Craven, who was born
in Morrow County, Ohio January 17, 1823. In 1851 this couple removed to
this township, where they have since resided. They own 159 acres of good
land, which has been acquired by them through hard labor. They are parents
of nine children, whose names are Mary J., Byron, Charles M., William, Franklin
P., Sarah E., Albert, Aldora and Milton. Mr. Halferty is one of the
progressive and intelligent men of Allen Township and favors the advancement of
all laudable and educational enterprises. Allen Twp
James Hall is a prosperous
farmer of Elkhart Township, is a native of Ohio, and came with his parents,
William H. and Lucy Hall, to Indiana in 1838 and settled on a farm in Elkhart
Township, where the mother died. She was a native of Vermont.
William Hall is eighty-six years old, was born in Pennsylvania and is now living
in Iowa. The subject received his schooling in Ohio and was married April
3, 1851 to Elizabeth Hamilton and since then has been living on his present farm
of 125 acres that is furnished with all the modern improvements. She was
born in Ohio and was the daughter of John and Elizabeth Hamilton, natives of
Pennsylvania. She died in 1856 and left five children - Mary in LaGrange
County, married; Benjamin F.; Sarah S., married and living in LaGrange County;
Ida S., LaGrange County; and Elmer E. Mr. Hall subsequently married Mrs.
Sarah J. Ferguson, a native of Ohio. They have four children - Lemira,
Lucy L., Ezekiel W. and Melvin. Mr. Hall is the inventor of Hall's
Windmill, which was patented in 1871 and again in 1873. He was interested
in that business about five years, then sold it to Flint, Walling & Co., who
continue to manufacture and erect windmills in various parts of the
country. Elkhart Twp
Henry Harmes is a native
of Hanover, Germany, where he was born December 30, 1822. His parents,
Frederick and Mary Harmes, were also natives of Hanover and had six
children. In 1830 they emigrated to this country, landing at Baltimore,
and soon after started for Pittsburgh, Penn., but on account of sickness were
compelled to stop in Bedford County, Penn. Here the father and one child
died. The family continued to reside in this county some ten years and
then moved to Ashland County, Ohio, which was the home of the family until the
mother's death. Henry Harmes, when quite young, began working out,
contributing the greater portion of his earnings to the support of the
family. He married Miss Maria Young September 19, 1850. She was born
in Huron County, Ohio, September 12, 1828. They had seven children, only
two now living, viz.: Clara J. and George E. Those deceased were Alwilda
A., Joseph A., Judson H., William H. and Carey. Mrs. Harmes died September
12, 1868. In 1851 Mr. Harmes moved to DeKalb County, Ind., where he
remained until 1870 when he purchased his present place, a well improved farm of
165 acres. His present wife was Mrs. Sarah (Calkin) Knapp, to whom he was
married January 13, 1870. She was born in Essex County, N.Y., December 20,
1829. Mr. Harmes was originally a Whig, now a Republican. He lends
his influence in the elevation of mankind and in the promotion of worthy
projects. Allen Twp
Philip Harper has been a
resident of Noble County since the very early days of its settlement and where
he was born, February 17, 1838, the year following its organization. Thus
he was bred in the midst of pioneer life and reared with the surroundings of
frontier experiences. He became inured to its hardships and privations in
his tender years and was schooled by the meager opportunities of log schoolhouse
days. From his advent to life in the woods, he has lived to see the
wilderness turned into a fruitful and prosperous country and has grown into
possession, as the result of honest and heroic efforts, of a fine farm of 120
acres well improved and complete in its appointments. October 11, 1863 he
was married to Miss C. Keehn, a native of Ohio. They have two children,
Eddie E. and Marion J., to revere and comfort them in future years. Perry
Solomon Harper (deceased)
was born in Ohio November 7, 1810 and died in Noble County, Ind. January 20,
1873. During his life he was a prosperous farmer and owned 479 acres of
land. He devoted considerable attention to stock raising, which he made a
specialty. He was married in Ross County, Ohio to Mary Shobe, who was born
in Ross County February 18, 1807. They came to Noble County in 1831.
After Mr. Harper's death, the property was divided among Mrs. Harper and the
children. Their descendants were eleven children. Mrs. Harper is at
present residing on her share of the property in Perry Township. Perry
Z E Harper is one of the
early natives of Noble County and, therefore, a pioneer in the strongest sense
of the word. His mother gave him birth October 15, 1844 in the wilds of
this then new country. His boyhood days were passed with the scenes before
him of log cabins days, the excitement of the hunter's chase, the
"log-rolling bees," and the days when the arrival of a newcomer was
heralded as gladsome news. Thus he has "grown up with the
country" and advanced with its advancement. Mr. Harper was married
October 26, 1865 to Sarah Carmean at Goshen. She is a native of Ohio,
where she was born May 18, 1844. Four children have been born to them -
Lida A., Vada, Mary L. and John. Mr. Harper owns 108 acres of excellent
land, constituting a farm most desirable in its adaptability for agricultural
and stock-raising purposes, in the latter branch of which Mr. Harper gives
attention, besides buying and selling to some extent. Perry Twp
C B Hart, station agent,
was born in Richland County, Ohio January 15, 1853. He is a son of J. B.
and Rebecca (Smith) Hart, who were natives respectively of Connecticut and
Pennsylvania. Rev. J. B. Hart, father of our subject, was a minister of
the Methodist Episcopal Church and in that capacity has traveled over a good
part of Ohio. He was a man who commanded the esteem of his fellow people
in whatever section he was located. He died in the fall of 1868 but his
widow is yet living and resides in Brimfield. C. B. Hart is one of a
family of eleven children, six of whom are yet living. He received a good
education and at the age of fifteen began railroading, which has been his
principal employment since. He was employed at Stryker, Edgerton and other
places and July 1, 1877 he was sent to Brimfield by the Lake Shore &
Michigan Southern Railroad Company to take charge of the station at that place
and has made that his home ever since. The fall of 1879 he formed a
partnership with J. W. Albright in the grocery business at Brimfield and
subsequently purchased the entire stock. February 1, 1881 he and brother,
C. T. Hart, formed a partnership under the firm name of Hart Bros., dealers in
dry goods, provisions, groceries, etc. They do an excellent business and
have an average annual trade of $11,000. C. T. Hart has charge of the
store while C. B. Hart still continues his services with the Lake Shore &
Michigan Southern Railroad Company as station agent and express agent for the
United State Express Company. Mr. Hart was married September 9, 1874 to
Miss Eliza Buckler of Wauseon, Ohio, and to this union have been born four
children - Bertha C., Ray E., Katie May, and one as yet unnamed. Mr. Hart
is a thorough business man, a stanch Republican and a member of the I.O.O.F. of
Brimfield. Orange Twp
J R Hart, liveryman, was
born September 7, 1828 in St. Lawrence County, N.Y. He is one of a family
of eight children born to John and Lodema (Dorwin) Hart. The father was a
shoemaker and followed his trade until the latter part of his life, when he
engaged in mercantile pursuits at Monmouth, Adams Co., Ind., where he was also
postmaster. Mr. Hart brought his family to Adams County in 1843, where he
resided until his death, at the close of the War of Rebellion. John R.
Hart assisted his parents until the age of nineteen, when he left home and went
to Muskingum County, Ohio, where for two years he was engaged in various
pursuits. In 1849 he returned to Indiana, and November 25, 1851 married
Hannah L. Gorsline. For a number of years, he was engaged in the hotel and
livery business in Monmouth, and for four years was a resident of Cincinnati.
In 1878 he purchased 102 acres of land in Green Township, Noble County, and was
engaged in farming until the spring of 1881 when he rented his farm, moved to
Albion and formed a partnership with Samuel Stoops in the livery business.
This enterprise has been successful - constantly growing in favor with the
public - which is chiefly due to their fair and honorable dealing with
customers. Mr. Hart is a Universalist, and his wife is a member of the
Methodist Episcopal Church. This couple have had three children - Mary J.
(deceased), Helen A. and Ida M. Helen is the wife of Clark E. Slocum of
Fort Wayne, Ind. Mr. Hart is a first-class business man and a highly
esteemed resident of Albion. Town of Albion
J H Hastings, carriage and buggy warerooms, has for
over twenty years been a resident of Kendallville. He is a native of Boston,
Mass., where at the age of thirteen, he commenced learning the painter’s
trade. He remained with the Slade & Widon carriage works for nine years in
Boston, and went thence to Cleveland and entered the employ of O. W. Hurlbut,
and was employed by him ten years on fine carriage painting. After one year
spent in traveling, he located in Kendallville. Mr. Hastings is a natural
mechanic, and in the line of fine carriage painting has no superiors in Northern
Indiana. He keeps constantly on hand at the warerooms. carriages, buggies,
phaetons, etc., and does general repairing in all branches, trimming,
painting, woodwork. blacksmithing, and also deals in second-hand buggies. His
location in Kendallville is permanent, and his reputation for superior work
extended. He ranks as one of the prosperous and enterprising citizens of Noble
County. He is a member of the I. 0. 0. F., advanced to the Ligonier Encampment. City
of Kendallville
Loren Hathaway was born in
Perry Township, Noble County, Ind. His parents, William and Margaret
Hathaway, came to Indiana from Ohio, their native state, and located on a farm
in Perry Township. Here Loren Hathaway was reared and was taught the
common branches at the district and town schools. It was here also that
his mother's death occurred. His father was proprietor of the first hotel
started in Ligonier, where his last days were passed. The subject was
united in marriage in 1874 with Miss Alice L. Smith, a native of Darke County,
Ohio. Her parents, William and Elizabeth Smith, were also natives of Darke
County. Mr. and Mrs. Hathaway came to their present farm in Elkhart
Township in 1879. They have a good home and a family of three children -
William H. L., Eva L. and Tola B., all living at home. Elkhart Twp
L Helman, grocery and produce, is a son of R. P, Helman, and a native of
Allen Township, Noble County, Ind. He commenced an active business career when
sixteen years of age, during the late war buying horses for the army, in
association with his father. He then went to Michigan and was engaged in the
lumber business and in dealing in horses until 1867, when he went to Iowa,
buying land in Henry County, and followed farming, attending school in the
meantime at Mt. Pleasant, and handling stock for three years; he purchased this
stock in Missouri and the Indian Territory, shipping it to the east. Returning
to Indiana, he purchased a farm near Lisbon, soon after trading for a hardware
store in Kendallville, which he conducted, in association with his father, for
five years, doing a large and successful trade and carrying a valuable stock. He
then sold out on account of ill health, went to the West and was dealing in land
until January, 1877, when he returned to Kendallville and commenced a broker’s
business, also as commercial traveler for a Bryan (Ohio) manufacturing company,
continuing about three years. In the meantime, had engaged in the grocery and
produce trade, to which he now devotes his attention. Mr. Helman carries a fine
line of groceries, and is also an extensive shipper of apples, produce, etc. He
is an enterprising and wide-awake business man, and a citizen of value to
Kendallville. He is a Knight Templar and a fifth-degree member of I. 0. 0. F.
Mr. Helman was married in April 4, 1871, to Miss Maria Merchant, a native of
Adrian, Mich.; they have two children, Robert and Claude. City of
R P Helman
(deceased), was a native of Center County, Penn. His parents removed to Wayne
County, Ohio, when he was a youth, settling upon a farm near Wooster, where the
remainder of their days were passed. Our subject, in 1836, came with D. S.
Simons to Noble County, and located some land near Lisbon. Returning to Ohio,
they remained until 1844, when the two families came to this county in a
one-horse wagon, settling upon their land In Allen Township. Mr. Helman was an
active and progressive man, at various times engaged in mercantile and milling
enterprises. In 1850, he removed to Grant County, Wis., remaining there only one
year, then returning remained here until his death, in 1872. He was for several
years a resident of Kendallville, and, in connection with his son, H. L. Helman,
carried on the hardware trade for several years. He was a member of the
Methodist Church, and a typical pioneer. His wife, whose maiden name was Louisa
M. Smith, was a native of Stark County, Ohio, and daughter of Ralph Smith. She
is now living with her son in Kendallville. Three children from this union now
survive: H. L. Helman, in Kendallville; Doran and Gordon in Kansas; five are
deceased-Ralph, Juline Sherman, Mary, Elizabeth and Lucretia. City of
Christian Heltzel, a
native of Virginia, spent his youth in the states of Virginia, Ohio and Indiana.
He came to the latter state in 1836 with his parents, Henry and Elizabeth
Heltzel, natives of Virginia, who located in Perry Township, where the mother
died. His father served as collector and assessor two terms and recorder
eight years. He died in Albion. Christian Heltzel never attended
school but can read and write readily enough to transact all business forms.
He purchased forty acres of land in Elkhart Township in 1847; subsequently
purchasing and disposing of land, and engaged all the time in clearing and
improving. He now owns 140 acres and is comfortably situated. He was
married in 1844 to Catharine Vance, native of Ohio, and daughter of Martin and
Barbara Vance, also natives of Ohio who came to Benton Township, Elkhart County,
in 1829. They had twelve children - Melissa, deceased; Marian and Eliza A.
(twins), deceased; George W., now living in Sparta Township; Marquis D., at
home; Caroline, living in Nappanee, Elkhart County; John V., in Sparta Township;
Thomas J., in Elkhart Township; Amos C., in Indianapolis; Charles, deceased;
Jefferson C., at home; and Catharine E., deceased. Mr. Heltzel's first
wife died in 1863 and he subsequently married Elizabeth Rentfrow, native of
Ohio. They have two children - Andrew J. and Seymour. Elkhart Twp
Gabriel S Henry.
John and Mary (Swinehart) Henry were natives of Pennsylvania, married in Ohio
and parents of nine children. They were farmers, honest and industrious,
and were respected by all who knew them. Gabriel S. Henry, a son of the
above, was born in Jefferson County, Ohio November 5, 1831. He received a
common school education and when sixteen years old removed to Wood County, W.
Va. with his parents, where they owned a large amount of real estate. He
remained at home until twenty-two years of age and was married October 2, 1854
to Miss Sophia McKenzie, who was born in Ohio August 4, 1831. After this
event Mr. Henry began working at the carpenter's trade in connection with
farming in West Virginia until 1865, when he moved to Allen Township, Noble
County, Ind., where he purchased a farm and engaged in agricultural
pursuits. His sons now have charge of the farm. In 1881, Mr. Henry
moved to Avilla and engaged in furniture trade and undertaking, which he carries
on with success. He began life a poor boy but by hard labor and economy
has made his own way in the world. He is a member of the M. P. Church, a
Republican, and an intelligent and enterprising citizen. He and wife are
parents of the following family: Martha J., James M., Margaretta C., Elizabeth,
John S., Ida B., Robert A., and William F. Allen Twp
Henry Hitchcock was born
May 4, 1849 in Orange Township and is one of the following family born to
William H. and Roxanna (Hodges) Hitchcock: Francis, Jeanette, two that died in
infancy, Mary and Henry. The father of these, William Hitchcock, is a
native of the "Bay State" and his father's name was Pliny Hitchcock.
William moved from Massachusetts to New York, where his parents died, and where
he married. In 1841 he and family moved to Orange Township, Noble County,
and located on Section 8. Mr. Hitchcock is a hard-working, sober and
industrious man, very decided in his views on politics and religion, but
reticent on such subjects. He is yet living and owns 120 acres of land
where he first settled. Henry Hitchcock received but a common-school
education and at the age of 20 began life on his own resources. September
12, 1871 he married Miss Minerva Dixon, and to them have been born five children
- William H., May, Harry M., Pliny and Fred. Mrs. Hitchcock is the adopted
daughter of William Dixon, her name originally being Miller, her mother dying
when she was two years old. Henry Hitchcock is a successful farmer and
enterprising citizen; he owns eighty acres of well-improved land in Section 17.
Orange Twp
John Hite was born in
England January 2, 1819 and came to America when ten years of age. He
remained in Chester County, Penn. until 1834, when he moved to Portage County,
Ohio, stayed there two years then came to Jay County, Ind., where he resided
about twenty-one years. Finally in 1858 he came to Noble County and
located in Perry Township, Section 5, where he now lives, ably conducting his
farm of eighty acres. He was married in Jay County, Ind. April 2, 1840 to
Sarah A. Wilson, who was born April 16, 1821. They have had eleven
children, eight of them are now living - Thomas W., William, George W., Mary A.,
Sarah E., Melinda J., John N. and James A. Those deceased are Isabella A.,
Mattie and Emeline. Perry Twp
T W Hite, one of the
prosperous farmers of Perry Township, is a native of the Hoosier state, where he
was born in Jay County March 1, 1841. He made his home with his parents,
John and Sarah A. Hite, until at the age of twenty he began work on his own
responsibility. In 1864 he was drafted in the army, and in company with
his brother went out with Company B, Thirty-fifth Indiana Volunteer Infantry,
and served through the remainder of the war. May 12, 1864 he married
Harriet Teaford, who was born in Ohio January 1, 1845. They then settled
on their present farm, which consists of eighty acres of excellent land.
They have a brick dwelling house and a new barn, together with the other
buildings, adds to the appearance of the place. They have seven children -
all at home - Nelson, Alva, Clara, Cecil, Laura, Luella and Nona. Perry
Joseph Hitler, a farmer of
Sparta Township, and whose post office is Ligonier, was born in Pickaway County,
Ohio, November 28, 1816, a son of George and Susan (Gay) Hitler, and one of a
family of eleven children. He was raised on a farm and received a good
education. In 1852 he came to Indiana and settled on his present farm on
Section 22, where he at first bought 300 acres, but since that time has
increased the number, by purchase, to 430, which gives him a fine, productive
farm. This is under a good state of cultivation and yields a good revenue
under the systematic management of Mr. Hitler. March 3, 1841, he was
married to Miss Louisa A. Winstead, a lady from Fairfield County, Ohio. To
them were born twelve children - William, George (deceased), Susana, Martha,
Mary, Ellen, Sarah, Melinda, John (deceased), Lafayette, Miralda and Joseph E.
Mrs. Hitler died May 31, 1881. Mr. Hitler is a man of liberal means, a
Democrat in politics, and a worthy citizen. Sparta Twp
Samuel Hoke was born in
York County, Penn., May 10, 1821. He is the son of Samuel and Elizabeth (Wiest)
Hoke, who were natives of the Keystone State and the parents of nine children.
The father died in 1826, leaving seven children, who were yet at home, to the
care of the mother. She was a woman of great force of character, and soon
after her husband's death removed with her family to Richland County, Ohio,
where she raised her family in a creditable manner and where she died in 1871,
at the advanced age of eighty-three years. Our subject received a common
school education, and when about sixteen began working at the cabinet-maker's
trade. After two years, he gave this up and engaged in agricultural
pursuits. He was married to Miss Annie Moree in 1840. She was born
in Switzerland March 26, 1814. From this union there were seven children,
viz: Elizabeth, Jacob, Sarah, Amanda, Amos, Ellen and one that died in infancy.
Mrs. Hoke died March 14, 1880. Mr. Hoke resided in Richland County, Ohio
until 1850 when he came to this county and purchased a farm, upon which he
resided until about seven years ago when he moved to Avilla. He began life
as a poor boy and is a self-made man. He is a member of the Evangelical
Association, a strong advocate of temperance and an upright, charitable
Christian. Allen Twp
Jacob Hontz was born in
Stark County, Ohio, September 30, 1831, the second of thirteen children, whose
parents were Jonathan and Mary (Wentzel) Hontz. The father, in his earlier
life, was a farmer, but later took up the occupation of a weaver. In 1853
he came from Ohio to this township and settled on 160 acres in Section 18, which
he bought from the State. There he lived until his death, July 9, 1878.
The mother died April 3, 1881. Jacob was furnished with plenty of hard
work during his boyhood days in clearing the farm, notwithstanding which he
obtained a fair education. He married Hannah Hoak from Champaign County,
Ohio, March 1, 1855, and thus became the father of eleven children - David
(deceased), John H., William C., Mary E., Jonathan A., Samantha J., Daniel S.,
Lewis C., Harriet A., Effie F. and Correna M. Mr. Hontz, before coming to
Indiana, learned the carpenter's trade, at which he worked about six years, most
of the time in Ohio. He is a Democrat in political matters and belongs to
Ligonier Lodge, 185, F. & A.M. One of his sons, William C., is a
school teacher, having taught two or three terms; one of the girls is married.
Sparta Twp
John S Hooper was born in
Allegheny County, PA, 30 November 1834, the son of William and Susan (Springer)
Hooper, who were natives of the Keystone State. They raised five sons and one
daughter, and removed to their present location in 1857, where they have since
lived. Mr. Hooper is a quiet unassuming man, never aspiring to any political
prominence, but devoting his entire time to the improvement of his farm and the
development of his neighborhood morally, intellectually and otherwise. John S.
Hooper was raised upon a farm, receiving a common-school education. He was
married to Miss Jane King, April 19, 1866. This lady is the daughter of Hiram
King, Esq., one of the first settlers of Swan Township, and was born in Portage
County, OH 17 October 1833. Mr. Hooper owns 275 acres of good land in Swan
Township. He is a successful farmer and stock-grower, and has some of the best
cattle, sheep and hogs in the township. He is a staunch Republican, a member of
the Presbyterian Church, and an intelligent, reading man.
Swan Twp
Peter Howenstine was born
in Bavaria, Germany, September 20, 1813. His father, Peter Howenstine, was
one of Napoleon's soldiers; was in the battle of Waterloo, and was with the army
when they retreated from Moscow. The family sailed from Bremen May 14,
1819, and after a long and perilous voyage of eighteen weeks landed in this
country. They settled in Westmoreland County, Penn., where Peter
Howenstine was raised to manhood. At the age of twenty-one he commenced
the cooper's trade and continued at the business for sixteen years, making
barrels for distillers. In 1836, he was married to Lydia Weimer, and in
1848 moved to Stark County, Ohio, where he followed his trade as cooper until he
commenced farming. In 1854, he moved to Noble County, and in 1864 settled
on the farm where he now lives, and for which he paid $2,200 cash. Shortly
after paying for the land, he found that the man of whom he bought it was not
the rightful owner, and suit was commenced against him to recover the land, and
after seven years' litigation he was compelled to pay a second time for it; this
time the land cost him $2,000. In 1849 his wife died and left him with a
family, so the following year he was married a second time. He has now
living three of his first wife's children and four of the second. He and
his wife are members of the Christian Church; was a volunteer in the Mexican
War, but was not in good health so was excused from serving. He has always
voted with the Democratic party; has been justice in his township for four
years. Washington Twp
Ferdinand Huelsenbeck was
born in the province of Westfahlen, Prussia, July 9, 1844. He is the son
of Augustus and Margaret (Stemmar) Huelsenbeck, who were parents of five sons
and two daughters, all of whom were natives of Prussia. The father was a
farmer and merchant. Our subject attended school and assisted his father
until about fifteen years of age. He then began peddling hardware, which
he continued until he was drafted into the Prussian Army. He served during
the last war between Prussia and Austria, and participated in twenty-one
engagements. Soon after his discharge (1868), he came to this country,
and, after working for some time by the month, purchased the farm he now owns.
He was married to Miss Elizabeth Pieper in 1871. She was born in Prussia
in 1852 and died October 18, 1872. From this union there was born one
child - Augustus. In 1876 he was married to Magdalena Steuri, who was born
in Canton Berne, Switzerland, in 1854. From this marriage three children
have been born, viz.; Mary M., Emma E., and August C. In 1877, Mr.
Huelsenbeck built a frame business building at Auburn Junction, and in 1880
erected a two-story brick business house in Auburn. He has been engaged in
the mercantile business eight years - four years at Fort Wayne and four years at
Auburn. Mr. Huelsenbeck came to this country a poor man, but has
accumulated considerable property. He is a useful and progressive citizen.
Allen Twp
George Huntsman was born
in Morrow County, Ohio October 27, 1839. He is one of nine children born
to Jeremiah and Mary (Painter Huntsman, who were also natives of Ohio.
Jeremiah Huntsman was a farmer and pursued that vocation through life. In
1864 he came to Noble County with his family, locating on the old Huntsman farm
in Green Township. He died in March 1872. He was a Democrat and an
enterprising citizen. His widow survives him and resides on the old
place. George Huntsman was reared in Morrow County, Ohio, receiving a
common school education. He came to Green Township in 1864 and by
frugality and labor has earned a fine home of 105 acres. He was married in
May 1861 to Susann Hostler. Their children were Flora, Amanda, Vileta M.,
Ida C., C. M., Alice and William H. The four oldest are dead. Mr.
Huntsman is a Democrat and the family are honored and respected members of
society. Green Twp
William Huston is the
third child of Joseph and Rachel (Williams) Huston of Knox County, Ohio.
He was born September 22, 1827; at two years of age his father died. When
he was five years old his mother married John Blair, after which he lived with
his guardian, Judge J. McGibney with whom he remained until 1842; when imagining
himself abused, ran away but soon came back and apprenticed to the carpenter's
trade, the first two years receiving $3 per month and the last year $4 per
month. Completing his trade, he engaged at $1.25 per day to a company
erecting ware and boarding houses along the Newark & Columbus
Railroad. In 1849, with a party of seven, he went to California, first to
St. Louis, from there overland with ox teams. The trip consumed one
hundred days. They first stopped on Bear River, then moved to the north
fork of the American River. His success was varied. Having
accumulated about $3,000, he in connection with others, at great expense,
diverted the course of a river. They were successful in draining but found
no gold in the river bed and therefore lost all. He then borrowed $900 and
went to mining. After four years' stay Mr. Huston returned, several
thousand dollars ahead. In the spring of 1853 he came to Indiana to visit
friends and purchased a farm in Jefferson Township. He is the owner of 480
acres of land and devotes considerable attention to raising fine stock.
November 8, 1853 he married Miss Nancy Knox. Ten children have been born
to them - Elbert E., William W., George F., Mary I., Eva M., Frank C., Ella M.
and Unity E. are living; John K. and Elmer E., deceased. Jefferson Twp
Jackson Iddings is a
native of Portage County, Ohio and son of Henry and Sarah (Mettlen) Iddings, who
were pioneers of Portage County, now Summit County, Ohio, where they settled
prior to 1812 and remained until August 1836 when they started for Indiana,
landing in Allen Township September 10, 1836. They settled in Wayne
Township and after some years removed to Allen Township where the remainder of
their lives was passed. Five children now survive them - Hiram, Eliza
Reed, Lewis, Warren and Jackson. The last named was born in 1816 and was
twenty years of age when his parents removed to this county. In August
1837 he married Barbara Dingman, a daughter of Mrs. Frances Dingman,
subsequently Mrs. Truman Bearss, early settlers of Allen Township. He
immediately settled upon eight acres of land in Allen Township where he resided
for one and one-half years. His land, however, proved to be a "second
entry," and he was forced to have it exchanged. After living in Wayne
Township one year he secured another tract in Allen Township where he resided
eight years, then to Jefferson Township for eight years, and in 1863 made a home
on the farm where he now resides. This consists of 154 acres conveniently
located and well cultivated. Mr. Iddings has devoted his time exclusively
to farming and has been amply rewarded. In Green Township he held the
office of justice of the peace for one year. Mr. and Mrs. Iddings have
seven children - Hiram B., Owen, Asa J., Frances Bloomfield, Sarah Jordan, Ida
Strayer and Ruth Bailey. Wayne Twp
Lewis Iddings was born in
Boston Township, Summit County, Ohio, July 29, 1820. He is one of ten
children born to Henry and Sarah (Meltin) Iddings, both of whom were natives of
Pennsylvania. They were married in their native state and resided in Berks
County until their removal to Summit County, Ohio, which was in 1811.
While living here, the father served as a soldier in the war of 1812. He
followed farming in Summit County and resided there until 1836 when he came to
this county and located a short distance south of Kendallville, where he and
wife passed the remainder of their days. (Further mention of them is made
in another part of this work.) Lewis Iddings was reared upon his father's
farm, receiving a common-school education. He began for himself as a
farmer when about twenty years of age but soon after went to "jobbing"
on the Wabash & Erie Canal, where he remained some three years. He
then returned to this county and for some years was engaged in farming and
carpentering. He was elected county treasurer in 1862 and in 1864 was
re-elected. He married Miss Rebecca Stilling September 10, 1845.
This lady was born in Morrow County, Ohio, February 7, 1825. From this
union there are six children, five of whom are yet living, viz: Florence,
Virginia, Eugene, Byron and Victoria. Grace was the name of the one
deceased. Mr. Iddings owns 280 acres of land and valuable property in
Kendallville. In politics he is a stanch Republican. Allen Twp
Warren Iddings was born in
Boston Township, Summit County, Ohio, August 2, 1825. He is the son of
Henry and Sarah (Meltin) Iddings, who removed from Ohio to this county in 1836
and located on the farm our subject now owns. Here he was reared to
manhood, assisting his father upon the farm in the summer and attending school
for a short time during the winter. When about twenty years of age he
began working at the shoemaker's trade, which he followed about fifteen years,
and then engaged in farming and stock-raising, which he has since followed.
He was married to Miss Hester Newman March 24, 1851. She was born in
Middlebury, Summit Co., Ohio, October 29, 1833. To them have been born
seven children, three of whom are yet living, viz: Homer L., and Sadie and Ivie,
twin sisters. Those deceased were Estell, Isadore, Lanora and Eva.
Mr. Iddings owns 175 acres of land adjoining the town of Kendallville. He
began life with but little means and for most part has made what he now has by
his own exertions. He is a stanch Republican, and he and his wife are
members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. They have a nice home and are
respected folks. Allen Twp
William Imes. This
gentleman is a native of Ohio; was born in Belmont County July 19, 1829.
His parents, Richard and Frances (Meeks) Imes, were parents of nine children,
three of whom are now living. The father was a native of Virginia and came
to Belmont County, Ohio in an early day and from there to Richland County, Ohio
in 1829. Mr. Imes died here in 1844. He was a farmer and
miller. He was a member of the M. E. Church and a Democrat. William
Imes was reared in Ohio, obtaining an education from the district schools.
At the age of sixteen he commenced learning the blacksmith's trade; but since
moving from his native state has been farming. In 1850 he came to this
township where land was cheap and purchased eighty acres on Section 34. He
located on this and began clearing and improving it. He was in ordinary
circumstances on his arrival, but by judicious management has added to his first
purchase until at present, now owning 333 acres of finely improved land.
March 1, 1849 he was united in marriage with Jane Halferty and to them have been
born seven children - Thomas L., John H., James P. (deceased), William A., Mary
E., Milton E. and Isabell I. He is a Democrat; has held the office of
county commissioner two terms and the office of township assessor a number of
years. Thomas L. Imes, his eldest son, was born in Ohio December 3,
1849. He came with his parents to Noble County and lived with them until
twenty-one, when he began for himself. He assisted his parents on the farm
and went to school. He taught school a number of terms but has made
farming his occupation. He was married to Miss Mary C. Hosler March 13,
1873 and they are the parents of one daughter - Mabel. Mrs. Imes was born
January 21, 1848. T. L. Imes is a Democrat and a member of the I.O.O.F. of
Brimfield. Orange Twp
William Inscho, deceased,
was born December 28, 1802 in Sussex County, N.J. His father was a carpet
weaver but farmed in connection with his trade. The grandfather of William
Inscho was a native of Denmark and the progenitor of that name in America.
Our subject, at about the age of nineteen, learned the blacksmith trade and
continued that business until about twenty years before his death. When
three years of age his parents moved to near Wheeling, Va., and from there to
Huron County, Ohio in 1815. Here he married Eliza Campbell, who died in
Noble County in September 1839. They had three children - George W., Hugh
A. C. and Elizabeth, deceased. Mr. Inscho, in the fall of 1837, emigrated
to Noble County, purchasing eighty acres on section 17, where he resided until
his death, February 22, 1881. He was twice married; his last wife was
Rebecca Skeels. They had one child - Ann (present wife of John Guthrie).
George Inscho was raised a farmer. He was married February 18, 1858 to
Ruth Edwards, and they have two children - Frank and Ida. Since his
marriage he has made Jefferson Township his home. From 1864 to 1867 he was
in Montana Territory searching for gold. He now owns ninety acres of land
near the geographical center of Jefferson Township. Hugh Inscho was born
April 30, 1836. October 18, 1863 he was united in marriage with Miss Elsie
Edwards, daughter of Alexis and Elizabeth (Foster) Edwards, and soon after moved
on the old Inscho homestead, where he has since resided. They have had
three children - Lavinia, born October 24, 1864; Anna E., August 22, 1869, died
July 23, 1877; and Olive R. born August 27, 1874, died July 27, 1877. The
two latter died of diphtheria. The mother was born November 13, 1839.
He owns eighty acres of land. The Inscho family, from William, the old
settler, have been noted for their honesty and sobriety and have figured quite
prominently from the early history of Jefferson Township. Jefferson Twp
Willard C Jackson is a son
of Eldad and Olive Jackson, the former a native of Kentucky, the latter of New
York. Willard Jackson was born in New York, Delaware County, April 3,
1818, and there remained until he came to LaGrange County in 1844. Here he
remained about seven years, then moved to Steuben County and in 1865 to
Kendallville, since which time he has made this place and vicinity his home.
He owns valuable town property besides a farm of 80 acres. Mr. and Mrs.
Jackson have a family of twelve children; the eldest was born in 1840. City
of Kendallville
Jonathan James was born in
Chester County, Penn. June 21, 1821. He is the youngest of a family of six
children born to Josiah and Jane (Knox) James, the former of whom was a native
of Chester County, and the latter of New Jersey. The father died when our
subject was a child, and the care of the family fell upon the mother. She
was a woman of energy and executive ability and brought up her family in a
creditable manner. Jonathan at an early age began to do for himself and
when eighteen he began learning the plasterer's trade, which he followed some
thirteen years and then followed farming in his native state until 1860 when he
came to this county, where he has since resided. He was married to Miss
Amelia A. Smith November 3, 1843, who was born in Juniata County, Penn., April
10, 1825. To them have been born four children, three of whom are yet
living, viz: Theodore B., Jennie and Hie L. The one deceased was David
O. For eight years after coming to this county Mr. James followed
farming. He then purchased a hotel in Avilla, which he operated some time,
when his failing health compelled him to sell out. He remained out of
active business until 1878 when he built the present St. James House of Avilla,
which he has since successfully conducted. Commercial travelers and all
others who have stopped there speak of it as "one hotel in a
thousand." Mr. James is a liberal in religion and politics. Allen
Andrew Johnson is a native
of the state of New York, born near Buffalo November 4, 1813. Thomas
Johnson, his father, was a native of New England, a soldier of the War of 1812,
and a farmer. He married Sarah Dancer, a native of New England, lived in
New York until 1817 when he and family moved to Portage County, Ohio, where he
principally made his home until his death. Andrew Johnson is one of eight
children. He received but a common school education, was reared to hard
labor on a farm, and at the age of thirteen was left an orphan and for a few
years lived with an uncle. He then began life's battle on his own
responsibility and in 1838 married Miss Hannah Warner, who was born in the
Empire State January 14, 1818. This couple were parents of ten children,
viz.: Sarah, Almina, Thomas, Lafayette, Mary, Elsie, Jane, Andrew, Abram and
Lucy. They remained in Ohio until 1844 when they emigrated to Allen
County, Ind., where they lived some five years, and then came to Allen Township
where they have since resided. Mrs. Johnson died June 2, 1877. One
son, Thomas, served his country in the late war, was wounded, and died at
Corinth from his wounds. Mr. Johnson is a member of the Protestant
Methodist Church and is an indefatigable worker in the cause of
temperance. He owns ninety acres of good land, is a Republican and an
enterprising citizen. Allen Twp
E G Johnson, contractor
and builder, is a native of Virginia. His parents were pioneer settlers of
Seneca County, Ohio, and at an early day came to Jefferson Township, Noble
County, settling upon a farm. His father, William Johnson, remained there
until his death; his mother still survives. Our subject remained with his
parents upon the farm until he was seventeen years of age. He then learned
his trade and has followed it ever since, achieving a splendid reputation as a
workman and builder. He came to Kendallville in 1858 where his home was
established and has remained. In 1858 he constructed the old schoolhouse.
In 1859 he built the first Methodist Church and many other of the old buildings
of the community. His work of later years is to be seen all over the
surrounding country and ranks among the best. He is a citizen of
established integrity and worth; has served upon the city council and is a
member of the Masonic fraternity. He married in 1859 Miss Emily J. Kerr,
daughter of John C. Kerr, Esq. They have three children - Willie C.,
George B. and Ina P. City of Kendallville
John C Johnson, son of
Daniel and Nancy (Cochran) Johnson, born in Wyoming County, N.Y., December 25,
1816, is the eldest of five children and of the best Scotch-Irish ancestry.
His father was a poor carpenter and millwright and never had a home, and the
subject at the age of twenty, having acquired a fair education, started out with
the determination to succeed and make for himself a home. He started March
1837 and traveled via Black Rock to Canada; thence to Detroit and down to Lima
where he was taken sick and remained until October when he came to this county
and settled on the reserve, Section 16; he subsequently sold that land for $800
and bought 88 acres in Section 8; in three years he moved to his farm, where he
has remained. He owns 83 acres of good farming land and is a prosperous
farmer and influential citizen. For five terms he served the township as
justice of the peace. He was married November 24, 1839 to Eliza Prentice.
They had eight children - Milo, Perry, William P., Charles W., Ida and Lida,
twins (deceased), Amanda and infant daughter (deceased); three of the sons and
one daughter are married. Perry and William served in the late war three
years and two months in the Second Indiana Cavalry and Thirtieth Indiana
Volunteer Infantry. Mr. Johnson is a member of the Universalist Church and
a strong Republican. Sparta Twp
W C Johnston, proprietor of
tannery, is a native of Canada,
where he learned his trade. He came to the United States when twenty-two years
of age, going to Rochester, N. Y., where he was employed two years, subsequently
going to Spencerport, a town near Rochester, where he remained twelve years,
working at his trade. In 1864, he came to Kendallville, where he has since
resided. He was employed at first at his trade, subsequently, 1871, formed a
partnership with Mr. Oviatt, which lasted two years, at the expiration of which
he bought out his partner, since which time he has conducted business alone. Mr.
Johnston has a complete institution of its kind, and manufactures superior
grades of leather, also doing custom tanning. He is an honorable business man,
and a consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In the order of
Masonry he is a Master. Mr. Johnston was married in New York State to Miss Mary
Kinney in the year 1852. They have one child - Mrs. Dora Waltman, wife of J. G.
Waltman, cashier First National Bank of Kendallville. City of
J Keller & Co, general
merchandise. This is one of the most enterprising commercial firms in Northern
Indiana. In 1862, M. Jacobs, after six years' business experience at Ligonier,
came to Kendallville, and, in association with J. Kaufmann, under firm name of
Jacobs & Kaufmann, began a general mercantile business. In 1864, J. Keller
became a partner. In 1869, Kaufmann retired, and Jacobs & Keller conducted
the business until 1871, when J. Kann became connected with them, continuing
until 1876, when he retired from the business, since which time the partners
have been M. Jacobs and J. Keller. Their salesrooms are commodious and their
trade extensive. They carry a large stock of dry goods, boots and shoes,
carpets, etc., also a full line of gents' furnishing goods and ready-made
clothing, making a specialty of merchant tailoring. This latter department is
under the charge of Mr. Wolff, a courteous gentleman, with a long business
experience. To Mr. Keller, the managing partner, a large share of the prosperity
which this firm enjoys is due. He is a shrewd buyer and possesses progressive
views. He has served on the City Council and is a Mason. Keller & Kann
consist of M. Jacobs, J. Keller and J. Kann. They handle yearly a large amount
of grain and general produce, in which business they are the most extensive in
Kendallville. J . Kann, the manager, came to Indiana in 1854, and was for
several years in business in DeKalb County. In 1859, he went to Ligonier, where,
until 1870, he was a partner with Sol Mier. He then came to Kendallville, where
he has since lived. City of Kendallville
James B Kimball,
commercial traveler, is a native of Monroe County, N. Y. His parents moved, when
he was a youth, to Maumee City, Lucas Co., Ohio, where they resided until their
death. Our subject, at the age of twenty-two, went to Akron, Ohio, and learned
the machinist's trade, where he remained from 1842 until 1850, engaged at
mechanical work. In 1850, he went to Defiance, Ohio, and started a foundry and
machine-shop, which is in successful operation at the present time. Mr. Kimball
conducted these works for three years, at the expiration of which he removed to
Adrian, Mich., and was in the machine-shops of the Michigan Southern Railroad
for three years. He next embarked in the mercantile trade, running a retail
grocery house there for one year, and, in 1857, commenced his career as a
commercial traveler, and in which he has passed the last quarter of a century,
for the past twenty-three years without losing a day's time. He began traveling
for a Toledo grocery house, with whom he continued two years; thence to
Cleveland, Ohio, representing a boot and shoe house for over six years, and then
representing a New York house in the same line of trade for nearly the same
period. In April, 1871, he again became the representative of a Toledo grocery
house, and in that line of business he is still engaged. Mr. Kimball has
traveled over about the same territory during his career-Ohio, Michigan and
Indiana. He selected Kendallville as his home in 1861, where he has been an
enterprising and valued citizen ever since, taking an active interest in the
advancement of the city and in building it up. He has served upon the City
Council, and upon the School Board, being a member of the latter at the time the
schoolhouse was built. Mr. Kimball is one of the prominent and leading members
of the I. O. O. F. of the State of Indiana. He was admitted to Summit Lodge in
Akron, Ohio, in 1845, and was a charter member of ApolIo Lodge, No. 61, of
Middlebury, Ohio. Since coming to Indiana, he has filled all of the offices of
the Grand Lodge of the State, in 1876 being Grand Master, and in 1877 and 1878
represented the Grand Lodge of the State at the meeting of the Grand Lodge of
the United States, held at Baltimore. In Masonry, he is a Knight Templar. He was
admitted in Toledo April 21, 1858; demitted and joined at Kendallville in 1861.
He was one of the charter members of Apollo Commandery, No. 19, of Kendallville,
and in 1877 and 1880, during the triennials at Cleveland and Chicago, was
Eminent Commander. He is also a member of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Kimball
was united in marriage, December 17, 1844, with Miss Sophia D. Tyler, a native of Summit County, Ohio. They have one
child - Charles. D. City of Kendallville
Hiram L King was born in
Lake County, Ohio, October 2, 1826. He is the son of Hiram and Catherine
(Lowe) King, a sketch of whom appears in the history of Swan Township. On
Hiram L., the eldest son, devolved a great many of the hardships of clearing up
the farm and looking after its interests. When he had reached his majority
his father gave him 160 acres of unimproved land in Allen Township. This
he began to improve, although he made his home with his parents until about
thirty years of age. He was married to Miss Frances A. Mumford June 7,
1859. She was born in the Keystone State November 10, 1836. They
have had two children, viz: Herbert H., born June 16, 1860, and Helen F., born
January 29, 1862. Mrs. King died October 9, 1864. Mr. King has
always followed farming and stock raising. He owns 280 acres of land,
which is nicely improved and well stocked. He has paid considerable
attention to the raising of Durham cattle and has some fine specimens of this
breed on his farm. He is a Republican and a strong advocate of
temperance. He has given his children good educations and contributed
liberally to all worthy enterprises. Allen Twp
Ira M King was born
September 18, 1828 in Portage County, Ohio, one of six children born to Hiram
and Catherine (Low) King, natives of the Empire State, where they were married
and from where in 1820 they moved to Painesville, Ohio, and from there in about
six years to Portage County, and thence to Carroll County. In 1836 Mr.
King came to Swan Township, entered about a section of land, erected a log
cabin, made a small clearing, and the next year brought out his family in a
buggy, and household goods in wagons. This is said to have been the first
buggy in the township. He also brought considerable money and a stock of
goods, selling the latter on his home place. He was a strong anti-slavery
man and a member of the Old School Presbyterian Church. He died April 16,
1866. His wife survives him at an advanced age. Ira M. King was
educated in the schools of the early day. January 2, 1854 he married Miss
Jane Perry, daughter of Oliver L. Perry, and was born in the Empire State May 8,
1834. Their children are Imogene, Oliver P. and John E. Mrs. King
died July 24, 1860. On the 14th of February 1861, Mr. King was married to
Miss Catharine Haynes, born October 2, 1834 in Pennsylvania. They had
seven children - Arthur L., Milton E., Frank E., Lily C., Elton J., Alfred H.
and Lloyd E. Mr. King owns a farm of 225 acres, raises good stock and is
successful in his calling. He is a Republican. Swan Twp
J M Kinney, livery, is a native of Illinois, and went out as a member of Company H,
Seventy-sixth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and was in active service three
years, participating in several of the leading battles of the rebellion. Upon
his return, he practiced his profession of veterinary surgery for several years.
He next was contracting upon the construction of railroads until 1872, when he
returned to Illinois and engaged in merchandising for three years, subsequently
engaging at farming one year. In 1877, he came to Kendallville, since which time
he has been engaged in veterinary practice and the livery business; in the
latter, associated with William Hall. He is a member of the Society of Chosen
Friends. Mr. Kinney married, in 1870, Miss Jennie L. McCune. They have two
children--Bernice H. and Clarence M. City of Kendallville
J M Knepper, lumber dealer
and express agent, is a native of Columbiana County, Ohio. His early life
was passed on a farm with his father in his native county and in Portage
County. At the age of seventeen he started out for himself and learned the
carpenter's trade, which he followed about ten years in Columbiana and Williams
Counties, Ohio. He lived at Bryan, Ohio from 1852 to 1860 when he came to
Ligonier and filled the position of telegraph operator for ten years, when he
became express and freight agent and conducted all three for some time. In
1877 he engaged in the lumber trade, dealing in laths, shingles and all other
building materials. This, in connection with the express agency, has
occupied his attention since. In 1854 Mr. Knepper married Miss Delia M.
Patterson, a native of Columbiana County, Ohio. They have four children -
Eva Sisterhen (of Ligonier), Albro, Rosa M. and Oliver Morton. Mr. and
Mrs. Knepper are both members of the Disciples' Church, and he is a member of
the I.O.O.F. and a prominent citizen of Ligonier. Town of Ligonier
H Kniss was born August 13,
1839, in Shelby County, Ohio, and was the only child of Samuel and Nancy
(Hathaway) Kniss. When James H. was about one year of age, his mother died, and
he lived for some time with her people. In about 1850, Samuel Kniss, with his
son, came to Allen County, Ind. Here the latter was raised upon a farm,
receiving a common-school education. In April of 1861, he enlisted for one year
in Company F, Twelfth Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and after serving his time was
discharged. In the fall of 1862, he again enlisted in Company E, Eighty-Eighth
Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and served until the close of the war. He saw much
active service, and well and faithfully served his country for about five years.
He married Miss Sophia Snyder February 21, 1867. She was born in Allen County,
Ind., September 13, 1851. Six children were born to them—Alnora, Alberta,
Samuel O., Dessa M., and two that died in infancy. Mr. Kniss engaged in
agricultural pursuits in Allen County, where he remained until 1876, when he
came to LaOtto, which has since been his home. He was elected Justice of the
Peace soon after coming to LaOtto, and has made an efficient and popular
official. He is a Democrat, and a member of the Lutheran Church; owns 100 acres
of land in Swan Township and nicely-improved home property in LaOtto, and is one
of the leading men of the township. Swan Twp
James J Knox is a native of
Richland County, Ohio, a son of John and Mary Knox, who emigrated from
Pennsylvania to Ohio, where they lived on a farm until their death. James
remained with his parents until he was twenty-two years old. He served as
a soldier in the Mexican War thirteen months. After returning to Ohio he
came to Noble County in 1848 and purchased 184 acres of timber land in Elkhart
Township. Mr. Knox returned to Ohio and wintered, and in 1849 crossed the
plains to California, where he engaged in gold mining until 1852, when, in July
of that year he again returned to Ohio. In 1853, he retraced his steps to
Noble County and built a steam sawmill in Allen Township; this he operated for
two years. September 5, 1854, he married Naomi A. Black, a daughter of
Peter and Martha Black, who came from Maryland in 1853, and located on farm in
Jefferson Township, where the father died; the mother then lived with her son
Cyrus until her death. In October 1855 Mr. Knox and wife settled on his
farm in this township, which he improved with fine buildings, orchard, etc.
This farm he sold in June 1881 and purchased a fine brick residence in Ligonier,
which he intends making his future residence. Mr. Knox and wife are
members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. They have had five children -
Martha L. and Mary P., both deceased; Alice, Kate and Gertrude B. He still
owns 433 acres of land and is a substantial citizen. Elkhart Twp
John F Kreienbrink was born in Hanover, Prussia, September 4, 1830.
He is the son of John H. and Elizabeth (Arnold) Kreienbrink, who emigrated with
their family of two sons and two daughters to this country in 1833. After
stopping in Cincinnati, Ohio, about three years they moved to Putnam County, the
same state, where they passed the remainder of their days engaged in
agricultural pursuits. They were hard-working people and members of the
Catholic Church. John F. assisted his parents until he was fourteen years
of age, when he was apprenticed to the tailor's trade at which he served a term
of three years at Covington, Ky. He worked as a journeyman in Covington
until 1866 when he came to his county and purchased a farm of 120 acres.
He has since added to it, until he now owns 160. He was married to Miss
Maria E. Baringhaus in 1853. She was born in Hanover, Prussia, December
24, 1832. From this union there are ten children, viz., Theodore, Mary,
Josephine, Sarah, Henry, Mary, Henry, Minnie, Julia, and Frances. Of these
children, Mary and Henry, the first of these names, are dead. Mr.
Kreienbrink is emphatically a self-made man and he and family are members of the
Catholic Church. Allen Twp
Charles G Kresse was born
in Prussia April 6, 1828, one of five children born to Frederick and Christine (Ossig)
Kresse. The father was a farmer and miller, and he and wife always
remained in their native country. Charles G. attended school until
fourteen years of age, when he entered a mill and learned that business
thoroughly. In 1853 he came to this country and was for some time employed
in a mill at Monroe, Mich. He then came to Kendallville and began working
on the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railroad. He attended school one
winter in the Whitford neighborhood and soon after entered the drug store of Asa
Brown at Lisbon as clerk. He then bought Mr. Brown out and for some years
ran the business alone. He married Miss Margaret Scheirich July 11,
1854. She was born in Baden, Germany, March 8, 1837. From this union
there were six children, viz., Charles G. A., Emma C., John C. G., Charles A.,
Mary E., and one that died in infancy. Mrs. Kresse died January 6,
1871. On the 6th of May 1871, Mr. Kresse married Miss Fredericka
Busch. She was born in Prussia April 28, 1849. By this marriage
there are four children, viz., August C., Louisa L., William F., and Amalia
B. Mr. Kresse owns 100 acres of well-improved land and also a good
business building in Kendallville. He is liberal in his political views
and is a member of the Order of Knights of Honor. He has a large library,
takes a number of good papers and magazines, and is one of the reading and
well-posted men of Allen Township. Allen Twp
Herman Krueger, wholesale
wines and liquors, is a native of Germany. He came to America in the spring of
1853, and settled in Kendallville, which at that period consisted of only a few
houses. Here he has been identified up to the present writing. In 1856, he
embarked in the grocery business with R. Miller, which association lasted about
one year. For a period of years, up to 1864, he was mainly engaged in real
estate. He then again entered in partnership with Miller, continuing until 1867,
when they dissolved partnership. His next enterprise was the building of the
present Kelley House. in which building, he conducted a grocery trade until
1870, when he started in his present business. Mr. Krueger has added much to
business interests of Kendallville, his latest enterprise being the
"Krueger Block", on the corner of Main and Mitchell streets. This
block consists of three fine salesrooms, is two stories in height and neatly
trimmed, built under the contract of James Brace. Mr. K. has served one term as
member of the Common Council, and, in May, 1881, was re-elected. Is a member of
the K. of H. City of Kendallville
Julius Lang, county treasurer and merchant, is a native of Germany and
emigrated to America in 1849. He first located in New York where he
engaged in his trade of shoemaking, subsequently engaging in the boot and shoe
trade in Brooklyn which he continued for seventeen years. He next moved to
Kendallville when he embarked in the boot and shoe business and which he is
still conducting. He was elected treasurer of Noble County in October 1880
and is now serving in that capacity. Mr. Lang has served the city of
Kendallville as councilman for two terms and as treasurer of the board of
education for three years. He ranks as one of the solid substantial
business men of Kendallville and, as a citizen, is progressive and
enterprising. He was united in marriage in 1850 to Miss Katherine
Dietrich. They have eight children now living - Emily Bohn, a resident of
Michigan; Henry, Julius, Herman, George, Louisa, Minerva and John. Town
of Kendallville
Andrew Lash was born in
Alsace, France, October 8, 1812. William Lash, his father, was a native of
Baden, Germany. He was married in Alsace to Miss Mary A. Wineman, a native
of that province, and to them were born a family of six children, Andrew being
the only son. The father was a carpenter and cabinet maker. In 1827
he came with his family to this country and after living at Canton, Ohio, some
time moved to Carroll County, where he and wife spent the remainder of their
days. Andrew Lash assisted upon the home farm until the death of his
parents. He was united in marriage with Miss Margaret Raney February 10,
1840. She was born December 22, 1819 in Alsace, France. They have
had ten children, viz., Gregory, Elizabeth, George, Mary, John, Anthony,
Christina, Paul, William and Clara. Mrs. Lash died September 29,
1877. October 1, 1878 Mr. Lash married Mrs. Mary A. Hart, a native of
Prussia born April 24, 1833. Mr. Lash removed to this county in 1864 and
purchased a farm, upon which he resided until 1880 when he sold it to one of his
sons and moved to Avilla, where he purchased a nice home property. He is a
self-made man, a Democrat, a member of the Catholic Church, and a good
citizen. Allen Twp
S W Lemmon, M.D., is the oldest medical practitioner in Albion, having
been identified here for over twenty-five years. Dr. Lemmon is a native of
the state of New York, and came when a youth with his parents to Seneca County,
Ohio, locating near Attica upon a farm. Having decided upon the profession
of medicine, he entered the office of Dr. Freeman of Attica and commenced his
studies, subsequently attending the Western Reserve College of Cleveland and
graduating in the Medical Department. He commenced his practice in Attica,
Ohio, where he remained for five years, removing from there to Toledo, Ohio, and
thence to Albion in 1856, where we still find him administering to a
well-established practice. Dr. Lemmon is a member of the Masonic
fraternity, of the County Medical Society, and of the Northeastern Medical
Association. In 1853 he married in Attica, Ohio, Miss Harriet Chandler,
who died in 1858. He was united to a second wife, Miss Harriet Wheeler of
Allen Township, in 1859. They have three children - Hattie, Antony and
Lillie. Town of Albion
Hiram Lindsey is a native
of Knox County, Ohio, where his birth occurred March 8, 1826. His parents
were Jacob and Sarah (Craven) Lindsey, to whom were born five children, four yet
living. The father was a follower of the plow and came from Pennsylvania
while the mother traced her nativity to New Jersey. In April 1839 Mr.
Lindsey and family appeared in Green Township and settled on the farm now owned
by his son Hiram. Mr. Lindsey died during the autumn of 1839. Mrs.
Lindsey is yet living in Morrow County, Ohio. After the death of the
father, great hardships were endured. The eldest son was drowned and Hiram
was called upon to assume many duties which he successfully mastered. In
the year 1866 Mr. Lindsey opened a store in Noblesville, where he sold goods
until 1869, when he moved to the farm now owned by Mr. Conkling and there
continued his store four years when he abandoned the occupation and went to
farming again. In 1855 he was united in marriage with Barbara Lock and by
her had six children as follows: John W., George W., Mary J., Jacob F., Nancy E.
and Oscar W.; John W. and Nancy are dead. Mr. Lindsey is a Democrat and
while at Noblesville he served as postmaster. He owns 80 acres of nice
land and is a member of the I.O.O.F. He is an honorable man and has the
confidence and respect of all who know him. Green Twp
Luman A Lobdell was born in Herkimer County, N.Y., May 28, 1834, and is a
son of Daniel and Emeline (Broughton) Lobdell, who were natives respectively of
Connecticut and New York, and the parents of eleven children. Daniel
Lobdell and family moved to Noble County, Ind. in 1841, locating in Swan
Township, on the farm now owned by Samuel Broughton, where they lived a number
of years, afterward entering a tract of land near the head of Long Lake, in the
western part of the county. They remained here until 1850, farming,
clearing, suffering from malarial fevers then so prevalent, during which time
their family was decreased by the death of three children. The spring of
1850, Mr. Lobdell started overland for California, but in June of that year died
in Utah Territory. The death of the father left the burden and care of the
family on the shoulders of the mother and our subject, who was the eldest child.
Under such circumstances the mother reared her children, who with affection
remember the loving care, kindness and self-sacrifice only a mother can give.
Our subject remained at home until twenty-one years of age, and March 25, 1854
was united in marriage with Miss Elizabeth Bricker, who was born in Columbiana
County, Ohio, September 11, 1835. To this union were born four children -
Orland W., Charles E., Emma L., and Orsa A. The mother died November 3,
1863 and May 12, 1864 Mr. Lobdell married Mrs. Sarah S. Eddy, who was born in
Michigan February 2, 1832. To this marriage were born three children,
whose names are Luman A., John D. and Uri G. Mr. Lobdell is a Republican.
He always farmed until September 1881 when he removed to Avilla where he has
since been engaged in mercantile pursuits. Allen Twp
Jesse Lock was born in Preble
County, Ohio April 7, 1847. He is a son of John and Elizabeth (Link) Lock
and one of ten children, four of whom are living, viz, Barbara, wife of Hiram
Lindsey; Lucina, wife of David Clouse of Albion; Elizabeth who is also living in
Albion; and Jesse, the subject of this sketch. The parents of these were
married in Preble County, Ohio and came to Noble County in 1849, locating in
Green Township on the farm now owned by Jesse Lock. They erected a little
log cabin and began clearing the land. Mr. Lock was a Democrat and a
member of the Baptist Church. He died June 12, 1855 and his widow April 2,
1874. Jesse Lock was raised a farmer. At the age of twenty-one he
commenced for himself and in June 1872 married Miss Anna Moore. To them
were born two children - Corella and Barbara J. The mother died May 6,
1875 and January 7, 1877 he was united in marriage with his present wife, Mrs.
Christina Miller, widow of Francis Miller and daughter of Henry Wead. to
them was born one son - Charles. By her first husband Mrs. Lock had two
children - Jasper and George. After his first marriage Mr. Lock continued
farming and now owns 100 acres of good land. Himself and wife are members
of the Christian Church. Green Twp
David S Longfellow, born April 16,
1832 in Ohio. His father, Joseph Longfellow, lived when a boy in Delaware
and remembers of hearing the cannon-firing during the Revolutionary War.
David S. was raised on a farm and was educated at the Ohio Wesleyan University.
He has taught school for seventeen winters in Ohio and Indiana. He was
married August 16, 1855 to Miss Barbara Geiter, and in 1856 moved to Noble
County. In 1858 his wife died and left two small children - Martha E. and
Barbara M. October 8, 1860 he was married to Miss Sarah E. Hindbaugh, and
by his second wife had seven children, viz: Ida M., Sarah V., Grace O., Howard
C., Washington H., Hadley K. and Matthew L. February 1865 he enlisted in
the One Hundred and Fifty-second Indiana Volunteer Infantry; he attained the
rank of first lieutenant and was discharged in August 1865. He is a
Republican and has served the party as justice of the peace in that township; he
has also been postmaster at Wilmot post office for four years. He and his
wife are member of the United Brethren Church. He is a well-to-do farmer
and owns 160 acres of land. Washington Twp
Robert Luckey, born January
30, 1824, in Buckingham County, Va.; moved with his parents to Fayette County,
Penn. in 1828, and in 1836 moved to Elkhart County, Ind., where he remained
until November 1863, when he moved to Noble County. He is the first child
of James and Sophia (Furvis) Luckey. His father, James Luckey, was a
graduate of Jefferson College and for a number of years after coming to this
country taught school. Robert Luckey, when a boy, would go ten miles to
mill and remain all day to get three bushels of corn ground. He can
remember one time they were so short of provisions that his mother had to dig up
potatoes that had been planted to keep the family from starving; he also
remembers when his mother cut up blankets to make clothing for the children.
Mr. Luckey learned the brick maker's trade when twenty-three years of age and
followed it for twelve years. He was married April 28, 1859 to Miss
Abigail Adair. Miss Adair was the second white child born in Washington
Township. They have seven children - Annie M., Lida S., Ida M., Jennie M.,
James E., Thomas A., and Joseph E. In 1863 Mr. Luckey was drafted in the
army but sent a substitute. He is a Democrat and cast his first vote for
James K. Polk. He owns 140 acres of land and is a member of the Methodist
Church. His father fought in the War of 1812 and his mother had Pocahontas
blood in her veins. Washington Twp
R T Lyman is a native of
Massachusetts. His business experiences have been varied and extended.
He engaged at lumbering in Vermont for his first venture, remaining there ten
years. He then went to Washington County, N.Y., where he was engaged at
farming five years. He then returned to Vermont and conducted a hotel for
three years, at the expiration of which he engaged at farming there for two
years. His next departure was in Ohio where he remained until 1868,
embarking in the egg and butter trade in various portions of the state. In
1868 he came to Kendallville, soon after forming a partnership with H. McCray
in the egg and butter trade, remaining in association with him until 1875; when
he again turned his attention to farming, at which he is still engaged. He
is now the owner of the old "Green" farm located in the central
portion of the township. It is finely cultivated and well improved.
Mr. Lyman is a member of the Masonic Order and an enterprising citizen. He
was married in 1850 to Miss Angelina Moore of Washington County, N.Y. They
have three children - Milton, Elmer and Annie. Wayne Twp
Matthias Marker is the eldest
of a family of ten children. He was born in Westmoreland County, Penn.,
November 6, 1811 and remained with his parents until he was twenty-two years
old, then came to Indiana in 1834 and after a stay of about one year returned to
Pennsylvania. Spending another year there, he retraced his steps to St.
Joseph County, Ind.; again returning to his native state in about one and
one-half years, where on May 29, 1839 he was married to Miss Charlotte Felgar,
born in Pennsylvania March 17, 1817. In 1844 they came to this county and
settled on land purchased by him in 1835. Mrs. Marker died February 24,
1848. He married for his second wife Sarah Wright January 27, 1859, who
died March 27, 1866. Mr. Marker was married again November 25, 1870 to
Nancy Shidler. He is the father of six children, viz: Henry, John, Lewis,
Albert, George and Philo J. Himself and wife belong to the Christian
Church. He has retired from active life; owns 219 acres of land and town
property by his last wife. The parents of Mr. Marker were George and Mary
Marker, both natives of Pennsylvania. He was born November 15, 1785 and
she April 20, 1790. They were married February 5, 1811, emigrated to this
county in 1845, where he died September 24 of that year and she in 1866. Town
of Ligonier
Jesse H Matthews was born
in Wayne County, Ohio May 6, 1820 and is a son of Jesse and Elizabeth (Calhoun)
Matthews, who were reared, educated and married in Pennsylvania. They came
to Wayne County, Ohio in 1815, where they have since resided. At the age
of twenty our subject, Jesse H. Matthews, went to Illinois, where he contracted
jobs of clearing, at which he continued about four years, then went to Grant
County, Wis., where he resided some fourteen years. He then came to and
has since resided on his present place. Mr. Matthews began life a poor
boy, but by honest industry and economy he has earned a sufficient amount of
property to keep him in comfort during the remainder of his days. He is a
Republican, formerly a Whig. He was married November 22, 1841 to Elizabeth
Helman, who was born in Wayne County, Ohio in 1825, and to this union were born
this family - Sylva A., Mary M., John A., Emma A., Martha J., Hester E., Chester
E., Lydia H. and Elliott P. The mother died May 7, 1861 and September 26,
1862 Mr. Matthews married Mrs. Elizabeth A. Lavering, a native of Pennsylvania,
and born July 12, 1830. To her marriage with Mr. Matthews there were born
two children - Homer H. and Minnie M. Mr. Matthews is a farmer and owns
180 acres of good land. When twenty-one years of age he became a member of
the Methodist Episcopal Church and ever since he has remained with that
denomination; all his children are steady attendants to the Methodist Episcopal
Church. Mr. Matthews and family are highly respected. Allen Twp
Aaron E Mawhorter, son of
William and Prudence Mawhorter, was born February 11, 1838 in Elkhart Township,
where he lived with his parents on a farm and obtained a common school
education. March 22, 1858 he married Rebecca Kessler, who was born in
Morrow County, Ohio. Her parents - Andrew and Mariah Kessler - the former
a native of Pennsylvania, the latter of Morrow County, Ohio, came to Indiana and
located near Rome City. The mother died July 3, 1881, and the father is
still living on the farm with his daughter. Mr. Mawhorter and wife are
thrifty people and have made vast improvements on their well-regulated farm.
He now owns ninety-three acres of land upon which are numerous fine buildings,
besides town property in Wawaka. They have two children living - Eva C.,
who married a farmer of Elkhart Township, and William A., at work for himself;
and one, Prudence M., deceased. Elkhart Twp
William Mawhorter (deceased)
was born in Washington County, Penn. February 9, 1812. His parents,
William and Margaret Mawhorter, were wealthy but lost their property and came to
Ohio when William Jr. was about thirteen years old. Here the father died.
The subject of this sketch, when he grew to maturity, purchased forty acres of
land in Marion County, upon which he lived with his mother and sisters and
engaged somewhat in clearing until 1834 when he sold out and came to this county
and purchased 160 acres of land in this township from the government.
March 19, 1837 he was married to Miss Prudence Pierson, who was born in Cape May
County, N.J., August 18, 1816. They commenced housekeeping in the log
cabin on his land, on which they lived until 1866 when he removed to eighty
acres in Section 21, which he had purchased. Here his wife died July 7,
1870, he following her May 21, 1872. They were both members of the
Methodist Episcopal Church of which he was steward several years.
Their children were Aaron E., Martha A. (deceased), Sarah C., William H.,
Francis M. (whose head was injured when three years old, impairing his mind; he
lives with his youngest brother), Joseph A. (deceased), Thomas J., Marcus L.,
Joshua K. and Dr. N. (deceased). Thomas J. was born in this county
December 10, 1852 and was married May 17, 1874 to Miss A. Rendel who was born in
Ashland County, Ohio October 10, 1854, the daughter of William and Susanna
Rendel. To them have been born four children, viz: Miron E., Dora B.,
Blanche M., deceased, and Walter A. Mr. and Mrs. Mawhorter are living upon
the land entered from the government by his father. Elkhart Twp
H McCray & Son, butter
and egg packers. Mr. McCray, Sr., is a native of Licking County,
Ohio. He is by trade a carpenter, which occupation, together with egg
packing, occupied his attention prior to his coming to Indiana. In
February 1868 he came to Kendallville and engaged in his present business.
This business he has given his attention to up to the present time; since May
1880 in partnership with his son, Elmer. They are doing a large trade in
their line, for which they have excellent facilities. In eggs they make a
specialty for which they have erected a building which is, in fact, a mammoth
refrigerator and which will store several hundred barrels; their market is
principally New York. Mr. McCray, Sr., has been a member of the
Kendallville common council two terms and in the order of Masons is a Knight
Templar. He was married in 1857 to Miss Amanda Reynolds, also a native of
Ohio. They have five children - Homer (in Fort Wayne), Elmer, John, Cora
and Lena. Mr. McCray is also the owner of a cooper shop in which he
manufactures barrels in large quantities. City of Kendallville
Spalden McMann was born in
Madison County, Ohio, November 2, 1834, the seventh child in a family of ten,
whose parents were James and Mary (Lee) McMann. The father was a farmer
and came to Indiana, settling in Kosciusko County with his family in 1838, and
Perry Township, this county, in 1840. In 1844 he moved to Section 5 of
this township, where he died in July 1869. The mother died in
December 1877. Spalden McMann obtained a limited education in the log
schoolhouse of his neighborhood at intervals when he could be spared from
helping his father on the farm. In 1852, his uncle, Spalden Winchester,
gave him forty acres of land, upon which he commenced for himself in 1856.
Since that time he has purchased an additional 280 acres, which makes him a farm
not easily surpassed in soil and other good qualities. November 22, 1855
he was married to Elizabeth Gale. They have had twelve children - an
infant (deceased), James (deceased), Melissa, Cora (deceased), Henry, Ann,
Caroline, Schuyler, Perry, John, Spalden and Mary. In the late war, the
family of which Mr. McMann is a member, was represented by three brothers,
showing a patriotic devotion to the country. He is a Republican, and a thorough
good citizen. Sparta Twp
B V Melvin was born in Madison
County, Ohio, February 21, 1821, son of John and Sarah (Insor) Melvin, who were
parents of seven children; five are yet living. John Melvin was a farmer
and a native of Tennessee. From that state he came to Madison County, Ohio
in 1812. During the war commencing that year, he took an active part.
His father, Joseph Melvin, was an old Revolutionary soldier, and our subject,
serving in the late rebellion, makes the Melvin family one of patriotism.
Joseph Melvin was a native of Scotland and his wife, Phoebe, of Ireland.
John Melvin was an old Jackson Democrat; was a man of good practical education
and an exemplary citizen. He died the fall of 1858. Benjamin V.
Melvin, next to the youngest child, began for himself at the age of nineteen,
and from that time until his marriage worked at farming in his native county and
Indiana. He emigrated to Noble County In February 1843 and purchased his
present farm in Jefferson Township; October 21, 1847 he married Jennie H. Palmer
of Whitley County, Ind., and in 1848 commenced life on his farm. In 1583
he returned to his old home in Ohio, remaining until the fall of 1858 when he
returned to Noble County, where he has since resided. By industry and
economy he has acquired 320 acres of land, half of which has been distributed
among his children. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin are as follows:
Mary M., Sarah, Jane, John, Azora, Theodore and Theodocia (twins) and Vanvactor
B. Mary M., Theodore, Theodocia and Azora are dead. They others are
married and living in Noble County, except Vanvactor who is at home, single.
Jefferson Twp
G S Merkling, marble
dealer, is a native of France. In 1831 he came to America with his
parents; they located in New York where they remained for about one year,
subsequently emigrating to Wayne County, Ohio, where they settled
permanently. Our subject lost his father when twelve years of age and was
bound out to a farmer. When sixteen years of age he commenced learning the
shoemaker's trade, subsequently learning the marble cutter's trade at
Wooster. This trade was his principal occupation until 1863 when he came
to Noble County and engaged at farming in Wayne Township, at which he continued
until 1873 when he came to Kendallville and inaugurated his present business,
which he has by skillful management brought up to an extensive trade. He
has the reputation of carrying the largest and finest stock of marble and
granite between Toledo and South Bend. Employing also skilled and artistic
workmen, he is prepared to compete with all opposition. He is also in
association with T. M. Evans, engaged in the undertaking business. Mr.
Merkling is a member of the Kendallville Blue Lodge, Chapter and Council,
F.&.A.M. He was married in 1852 to Miss Mary A. Miller, a native of
Lancaster County, Penn. She died in December 1872, leaving five children -
Lewis, Rachel, Della, Luther and Otis. In 1874 he was united to a second
wife, Mary Smith of DeKalb County, Ind. City of Kendallville
Albin and Ignatius Meyer were
born near Strasburg, France, the former March 1, 1825, and the latter January
25, 1829. Jacob Meyer, their father, was twice married; by his first
marriage there were two children. His second wife, Miss Magdalena Buchs,
was the mother of nine children - Albin and Ignatius being two of that number.
The last wife died near Strasburg in 1833. In 1838 the father came with
the family to this country and located in Seneca County, Ohio, where he
continued to reside. He was a hard-working, intelligent man, a good
citizen, and a member of the Catholic Church. Albin Meyer was reared on a
farm receiving a common-school education. He was united in marriage with
Miss Theresa Zonker, a native of Stark County, Ohio, January 10, 1853, who was
born April 20, 1838. From this union there are nine children, viz:
Elizabeth, Theresa, William, Magdalena, Francis, John, Augustus, Lewis and
Agnes. Two years after his marriage, Albin removed to this county and
purchased the farm he now owns, which at that time was covered with a dense
forest, but he has cleared it and erected upon it comfortable buildings.
He began life as a poor boy and is a self-made man. Ignatius Meyer was
brought up on a farm, receiving a limited education. From fifteen to
eighteen years of age, he worked by the month on a farm. He then began
working at carpentering, which together with farming, he has followed all his
life. He was married to Miss Mary M. Borck in 1860. She was born in
Noble County, Ind. in 1841 and is the daughter of Francis and Anna M. (Weimer)
Borck, who settled in this county in 1835. To Ignatius Meyer and wife have
been born six children, viz., Mary C., Annie M., Emma, Frank J., Rosa and Ignatius. In 1856 Mr. Meyer came to this county and worked eleven years at
his trade; since that time he has been engaged in farming and stock growing.
Both the Meyer brothers have made what they now possess by their own exertions.
They own nicely improved farms. They are members of the Catholic Church
and are Democrats. They liberally contribute to religious and educational
enterprises. Allen Twp
Archibald Miller, born
July 24, 1824, in County Derry, Ireland, is a son of John and Elizabeth (Scott)
Miller, natives of the Emerald Isle, where they were married, and where were
born to them four sons and five daughters. They were members of the Presbyterian
Church. The father died in 1836, and eight years later the widow, with seven of
her children, came to this country, and after living about a year in Allegheny
County, Penn., moved to Beaver County. Here the mother died in 1866, and here a
number of her descendants yet live. Archibald assisted in the care of the family
until he was about twenty-two years of age, when he went to Pittsburgh, and was
employed in a commission house. He was then overseer of Lock No. 1 on the
Monogahela River two years, and then ran a saw-mill until 1856, when he went by
way of the Isthmus to California, and was engaged in mining until 1862,
returning to Pittsburgh, where for two years he ran a saw-mill. In 1864, he came
to this county and purchased his present farm; he owns 145 acres. Mr. Miller
married his first wife, Miss Margaret Hains, in 1851; she died in 1855, leaving
two children—Mary and John. In 1862, he married Miss Matilda Mateere. She was
born in Beaver County, Penn., March 20, 1842; they had seven children, viz.:
Stephen T., John M., James S., Robert C., Joseph, Sarah E. and Anna M. Mr.
Miller is a Democrat, and a member of the Presbyterian Church. Swan Twp
John Miller was born in
Bavaria, Germany, May 14, 1827, the only child of John and Gertrude Miller. When
about four years of age his father died, and his mother married George Gutermuth.
In 1837, they emigrated to the United States, and located at Canal Fulton, Ohio,
where they remained about nine years, then moved to Adams County, Ind., young
Miller accompanying them. In 1847, he came to Noble County, and for one year
worked at any honest employment he could find; subsequently worked at the
carpenter’s trade. In 1851, he went to Columbiana County, Ohio, and from there
to Mahoning County, where he worked at cabinet making. In 1852, he returned to
Indiana, and for two years worked at his trade in DeKalb County. He then
purchased ten acres of land in Swan Township, where he followed cabinet-making
until 1872, when he came to LaOtto, and erected a bedstead factory, saw and
planing-mill, which he has successfully operated. Mr. Miller married Miss Mary,
daughter of Jonathan Simon, Esq., October 5, 1854. She was born in Columbiana
County, Ohio, October 10, 1837. They have had nine children, viz.: Rebecca J.,
Rachel G., Mary E., John W. and Arvilla I., living; Josiah, George, David and
Louisa, deceased. Mr. Miller is a self-made man, a Republican, and an earnest
advocate of the temperance cause. Swan Twp
Reuben Miller, deceased, was
born in Ohio October 3, 1829. In 1853 he came to Kendallville, Ind. and
remained until his death, which occurred October 17, 1879. He was married
in 1855 to Eliza Browand, a native of Pennsylvania. Four children were
born to them - Katie, William B., Mason M. and George W. Mr. Miller,
during his life, was a very successful grocer, and at his death left property
estimated at about $50,000. He belonged to the Knights of Honor and Odd
Fellows. City of Kendallville
Edward P Moore is a son of
Benjamin Moore, who was a native of Albany, N.Y., and a posthumous child, his
father dying before Benjamin's birth. The latter was bound out to a farmer
with whom he lived until thirteen years of age, when owing to ill treatment he
ran away. When a young man he went to Delaware County, N.Y., where he
engaged in farming. He here met and in October 1833 married Charlotte
Goodenough, and succeeding that event resided in his native state, farming until
the spring of 1837 when he came to Elkhart Township, Noble County, Ind., entered
eighty acres of land and commenced the erection of a log cabin, but taking sick
had to forego its completion until the next year. He worked at several
trades after coming to Indiana, one of them being shoe making. The family
continued to reside in Elkhart Township and near Lima, LaGrange County, until
1864 when they removed to Rome City where Mr. Moore died the following year.
He was a member of the M. E. Church and a leading Republican. His widow
was born in Delaware County, N.Y. in 1814 and is yet living in Rome City.
This couple were parents of two daughters and two sons, only the two latter
being alive. Their names are Edward P. and William H. The latter
married Jeanette Hitchcock and resides in Orange Township. Edward P. was
reared in Noble County and it has since been his home. He was married
November 7, 1861 to Amanda Gibson, daughter of William Gibson of Kosciusko
County. They have had seven children - William, Jesse, Samantha, Charley,
Nellie, Kitty, and one that died in infancy. Only Jesse, Samantha and
Kitty are living. Mrs. Moore was born August 25, 1843. Mr. Moore is a
Republican. Owns sixty acres of good land. Orange Twp
Rev Joseph P Moore,
born August 5, 1829, in Washington County, Penn., is the son of Russell and
Elizabeth (Scott) Moore, both natives of the Keystone State. The father was a
farmer, and was born upon the place he afterward owned, and where he resided
during his entire lifetime. He died in 1880, at an advanced age. His wife died
in 1837. Joseph P. assisted upon the farm until seventeen years of age, when he
entered Jefferson College, of Cannonsburgh, Penn., and graduated in 1843. He
taught in various places until 1850, when he accepted the principalship of the
Collegiate Institute of Pittsburgh, remaining at the head of this institution
until his health failed. He moved to this county in 1865, and purchased
ninety-five acres of land in Swan Township, upon which he has since resided. He
married Miss Mary Bigger March 28, 1844. She was born in Beaver County, Penn.,
Mary 14, 1823. They had six children, viz.: Mary E., Martha J., Melissa E.,
Joseph H., William C. and Annie L. Mrs. Moore died November 28, 1872. She was a
faithful wife, a kind mother, and a consistent Christian. Mr. Moore was ordained
a minister of the Presbyterian Church in 1860, and since coming to Indiana, has
had charge of congregations at Albion, Avilla and other points. Probably the
leading characteristic of Mr. Moore as an educator, was his skill in directing
young minds, and he was particularly successful in influencing the wayward.
Swan Twp
Silas Moore was born in
Washington County, Penn. May 24, 1823. He is a son of Russell and
Elizabeth (Scott) Moore, who were of Scotch descent and the parents of four
children. The father was three times married; first to Mary Cool who bore
him one son; second, to the mother of Silas Moore, and his last wife was
Elizabeth Cunningham, who bore him three children. Mr. Moore was a farmer
and a member of the Presbyterian Church, having been a ruling elder in that
denomination for forty years. He died in 1880, aged eighty-four, on the
farm where he was born and where he had always lived. Our subject's time
was passed on the home farm until he was twenty-one. He then commenced
working at the carpenter's trade and wagon making. In 1856 he went to
Jefferson County, Ohio, where he worked at his trade eight years. He
started for Illinois in April 1864 and on his way stopped in Noble County and
purchased his present farm - eighty acres - near Green Center, where he farmed a
few years. Since then he has erected a wagon shop and works at his trade
and also carries on undertaking. Through the influence of Mr. Moore, a
post office was established at Green Center in 1870 and he was appointed
postmaster, a position he has since held. He was married May 8, 1851 to
Margaret Lester of Pennsylvania, and to them were born four children - Leslie,
Melissa (deceased), Mary E. and Nancy B. Mrs. Moore was born April 30,
1830 and she and Mr. Moore are members of the Presbyterian Church. Mr.
Moore is a Republican. Green Twp
John Moorhouse, born
September 8, 1805, was a son of Samuel and Martha (Morrell) Moorhouse, who had
nine children, John being the youngest. In his seventeenth year he was
left an orphan, his mother having died in 1807 and his father in 1821. He
received a common education and was reared a farmer, as was his father before
him, in his native country, Yorkshire, England. In the spring of 1832 he
set sail for the United States; arrived in New York City, he took passage for
Delaware County, N.Y., where he engaged in farming. From here he removed
to Lockport, engaging in various pursuits for seven years. In 1840, he
traded town property for fifty acres of land in Noble County, and upon which, in
the spring of 1841, he made a clearing and erected a cabin, returning to New
York the same year. In 1842, with his family, he returned and located
here. Upon his arrival he had only about $70, but by dint of hard labor
has acquired a fine farm of 160 acres. He was married in 1829 to Miss
Eliza Boddy and they had seven children - Samuel, Eliza A., Henry, James,
Joseph, Mary and John. Of these, Mary, Eliza and John are dead. The
mother died in 1860. Mr. Moorhouse is a member of the Roman Catholic
Church and is an enterprising citizen. Jefferson Twp
Benjamin Moree is a
native of Canton Berne, Switzerland, and was born February 18, 1820. He is
a son of Rudolph and Anna (Bieterman) Moree, both natives of Switzerland and the
parents of seven children. They emigrated to the United States in 1825 and
located in Jefferson Township, Richland County, Ohio, where the parents died.
Our subject was reared on a farm, receiving but a limited education. He
remained at home with his parents until twenty-one years of age, and in 1843
married Miss Lydia Hoke, who was born in York County, Penn., May 17, 1821.
To this union were born seven children - Amanda, Ellen N., Mary E., George D.,
Emma A., Alice S. and Amos (deceased). In 1848 Benjamin Moree and family
emigrated from Ohio to Allen Township where he purchased 140 acres of land,
which was entirely uncleared. They settled on this place and began
clearing and improving it. Both Mr. and Mrs. Moree have been hard-working
and industrious people, and what they now own they have acquired through much
self-sacrifice. Mr. Moree is a Democrat, a member of the Lutheran Church
and an enterprising citizen. Allen Twp
A J Niswander, one of the
early settlers of Orange Township, was born in Columbiana County, Ohio,
September 14, 1814. She who became his wife was Mrs. Eve (Moutz) Engle, a
widow lady with four children. Mr. Niswander removed to Indiana and in
1849 purchased eighty acres of woodland on Section 31 of Orange Township.
He was a poor man and after paying for his land Mr. Niswander only had $1.50
with which to start housekeeping. The spring of 1850 he erected a hewn log
house on his property, which at the time was considered the best in the
neighborhood. After living here long years, clearing and improving the
place, undergoing the hardships incident to a pioneer's life, Mr. and Mrs.
Niswander sold the old place and moved to the village of Brimfield where they
are yet living a retired life, members of the German Baptist Church.
Isaac, their son, came with them to Indiana in 1849. He had but little
advantages for an education. He began for himself at the age of twenty-two
and March 26, 1865 married Mary McEwen, daughter of William and Hannah (Dixon)
McEwen. Their union has been blessed by the birth of two sons - Frank J.
and James E. From the time of his marriage until he came to Brimfield Mr.
Niswander engaged steadily in farming with the exception of a few months in
Kendallville, where he was in the dry goods trade. The spring of 1874 he
formed a partnership with Dr. Endly in the drug business in Brimfield but since
1876 he has carried on the trade alone. He is a successful business man;
is a Greenbacker and a member of the I.O.O.F., and a first-class citizen. Orange
Jefferson Noe is a son of
Aaron and Sarah Noe, who moved from Licking County, Ohio, and located in Sparta
Township, Noble County, in 1837. Aaron Noe was born near Newark, N.J.
about the year 1806. His father came from France about the time Napoleon I
took command of the armies of France. Jefferson Noe was born January 5,
1837 in Licking County, Ohio. Hs had but a common-school education, but
being ambitious and studious, has become a well-read man. He was married
to Miss Mary A. Gloyd May 6, 1860. She was born in Newark, Ohio, February
6, 1836. Her parents were from Maryland. William Gloyd was born in
1812; came to Indiana in 1839; died February 27, 1863; mother Matilda Gloyd was
born in 1814. Aaron Noe was a blacksmith. He died while visiting
friends in Illinois in 1851. His remains were brought back to Ligonier and
interred in the City Cemetery; a monument costing $300 marks his resting place.
Mother Noe died August 12, 1869 and was buried beside her husband.
Jefferson Noe has cleared up two farms and worked hard and is now enjoying life
in ease and plenty. The children were Jeremiah, William H., Clara Belle
and George Ellsworth; the latter died at the age of fifteen months.
Jefferson Noe was about five years old when his younger brother, Allen, was
stolen by the Indians, and no tidings of him have ever been received; diligent
search was instituted, but of no avail; his fate is yet, and may always remain,
a strange, sad mystery. Mr. and Mrs. Noe are prominent members of the
Christian Church. York Twp
Joseph Ogle was born in Morris
Township, Adams County, Ohio, August 4, 1806, to which locality his parents,
Enoch and Catharine (McCartney) Ogle, came previous to Ohio's admission into the
Union. Here they were married and had ten children. The parents have
long since passed away, followed by seven of their children. The paternal
great-grandfather of the subject of this sketch came from Ireland. The
McCartneys originally came from Scotland. Joseph Ogle received his
education from the schools of his native county and worked at the tanner's trade
until his majority, but from that time until he was twenty-six he followed
teaming. June 13, 1833 he was married to Miss Ruthannah Wright and
remained in Ohio farming until October 1845, when he came to Jefferson Township
where he made a clearing sufficiently large to erect his cabin. Mr. Ogle's
wealth at this time amounted to $1; this he paid for flour that he might have
bread to give the raisers of his cabin. Mr. Ogle has figured conspicuously
in the history of Jefferson Township. He and wife are the happy possessors
of a comfortable home and 120 acres of good land. They have had eight
children - Mary, Charles H., George, Sarah L., William E., Lucina J., Albert H.
and Lewellyn. The two oldest sons are dead. Charles was a volunteer
in the War of the Rebellion and contracted a disease that rendered him unfit for
service. He came home, and in 1864 died. Mary is the wife of Andrew
Gunnett and resides in Kendallville. Sarah is the wife of George I.
Walters and lives with her parents. William married Virginia Sallady and
lives in Kendallville, and Albert married Ella Ackerman and resides in Iowa.
Jefferson Twp
Jesse Ott was born in
Preble County, Ohio, December 1, 1822, the youngest of five sons born to John
and Mary Magdaline (Lock) Ott. Jesse Ott passed his youth in Preble
County, receiving a common school education. When twenty-one years of age
he started for himself, and when about twenty-two his father made him a present
of 160 acres in Perry Township, Noble County, which he traded for the southwest
quarter of Section 29 in Green Township, it at that time being a body of woods;
the only evidence that there were ever whites on it was occasionally a tree cut
down by some hunter for honey or coons. Mr. Ott was married October 19,
1848 to Docia Brown. To them were born eight children - Cornelius, Amanda,
John, George, Frederick, Abraham, Eli and Alpha. Mr. and Mrs. Ott are
hard-working, thrifty people. They now have 320 acres of land and are
members of the Christian Church. Mr. Ott is a Republican and is an
enterprising and intelligent citizen. Green Twp
A B Park, hardware,
is a native of Ohio. He came with his parents to DeKalb County, Ind. in
1836. His father, Wesley Park, was a pioneer of that county, and
subsequently one of its prominent business men. He laid out the
county seat at Auburn in connection with other parties and was for several years
a county officer. Our subject was associated in the dry goods trade with
his father at Auburn until 1861, when he followed the fortunes of the late war
until 1865, when he came to Kendallville and commenced business life, where he
has since continued. He was first in partnership with his brother, Harry
A. Park, under firm name of A. B. Park & Bros.; they continued in business
together until 1877, when his brother retired, since which time he has conducted
business alone. He carried a line of shelf and heavy hardware, stoves,
tinware, agricultural implements, etc., and is the agent for the Eldridge and
Domestic Sewing Machines. He has served the city several terms as a member
of the Common Council and takes a leading interest in all matters of progress
and advancement. He is a Knight Templar and an encampment member IOOF.
He was married in 1858 to Miss Mary A. Cook of Richland County, Ohio. They
have three children - Mary S., Flora E. and Frank B. City of
Andrew J Parks is a native
of LaGrange County, Ind. His mother was born in New York and his father in
Ohio. His father died when Andrew was but a child and his mother
remarried. After this he lived at home but a short time; went to his
aunt's and lived with her some time, then spent eighteen months at Mr. Gerber's.
He lived two summers with his Uncle John Roy, passing the winters in Ligonier at
his grandparents'; he next went to Brimfield where he lived about a year, then
at the age of thirteen went to Albion where he found a home with Mr. Bliss.
At the age of seventeen he went to live with his aunt west of Albion where he
remained about one year, then returned to Albion. He finally married Miss
Mary A. Hadley and made himself a permanent home. She is a native of
Indiana. Her parents are Ohians by birth but are now living in Indiana.
In 1874 Mr. Parks owned 132 acres of land, a portion of which constitutes his
present farm. They have three children - Charles, Lillie and Ermina.
York Twp
P B Pepple, foreman of the
sash and door department of L. N. Reed's establishment, is a native of
Pennsylvania and in 1846 came with his parents, Abraham and Mary (Koons) Pepple
to Allen Township, where his parents still reside upon a farm. Our subject
passed his early life upon the homestead farm, remaining until twenty years of
age, when he learned his trade of carpenter and joiner, and at that vocation
passed the years from 1852 until 1862. He then engaged upon the
manufacture of sash and blinds and doors and for the past few years has been the
foreman of that department, together with finishing, for L. N. Reed. Mr.
Pepple is recognized as a superior workman and is a citizen of worth and
intelligence. He is in Masonry, a Knight Templar. He married in 1862
Miss Melissa Kerr, daughter of John C. Kerr, one of the pioneer settlers of
Allen Township. Mr. and Mrs. Pepple have five children - Wilda, Edwin,
Minnie, Bertha and Cora. City of Kendallville
Oliver L Perry,
deceased, was born in the "Empire State," where he married Miss Mary
Frances, a native of Litchfield County, Conn. In 1836, they came with
ox-teams through Canada to Steuben County, Ind., where, finding the tract of
land he wanted already taken, he left his family, went to Fort Wayne, and
entered 160 acres in Section 36, this township, to which he moved his family in
1836. Mr. Perry helped to organize Swan Township and was one of its first
officers, and also served as county commissioner, and during his entire official
career acquitted himself with credit. They had the following children -
Isabel J., Jane, George, Irene, Caroline, Mary P., Annis L. and Jay F. Mr.
Perry died in 1860 and his wife December 17,1876. Mrs. Perry was a zealous
Christian. George Perry was born in Swan Township March 21, 1839 and
raised on the farm with a common education. He married Miss Rose Nickey
May 2, 1869. She was born in Ross County, Ohio, Oct. 20, 1836. He
and wife are earnest advocates of the temperance cause and other reforms.
Jay F. Perry was born in Swan Township March 23, 1852, and has always remained
on the old homestead. He was married to Miss Ella R. Rundles June 29,
1875. She was born in Allen County, Ind., October 30, 1848. They
have had three children - Thadeus R. and Oliver Z., living; Jay F., deceased.
Mr. Perry owns 215 acres of land, is a Republican and an enterprising gentleman.
Swan Twp
C B Phillips, grain and
insurance, is a native of New York and lived upon a farm until seven years of
age. He then went to New York City, where for three years he was employed
in a wholesale dry goods house. He came to Albion in September 1856 and
clerked for William M. Clapp for over six years, at the expiration of which time
he embarked in business in connection with Walters, which association lasted for
two and one-half years, when he retired and was connected with Judge Clapp in
business until 1876 when he began a business venture alone, which proved
extensive and successful and lasted until October 1880 when he was burned out,
losing about $5,000. He is at present dealing in grain and doing a general
fire and life insurance business. Mr. Phillips has been associated with
the business interests of Albion for many years and has always ranked as a
citizen of honest integrity and sterling worth. He is the present (1881)
treasurer of Albion and is secretary of the Masonic Order, of which he is a
member. He married in November 1861 Miss Catherine Pepple, daughter of
James Pepple of Albion Township. She died in 1877 leaving three children -
Thurlow, Grace and Ettie. In December 1878 he married a second wife, Mary
Kuhn of York Township. Town of Albion
Henry Poppy is a son of
Frederick and Dorothy (Roarie) Poppy, natives of Germany who emigrated to
America about 1830, settling in Maryland where they resided for several years,
subsequently emigrating to Richland County, Ohio. In 1848 they removed
from Ohio to Noble County; becoming residents of Orange Township, where they
settled upon a piece of timbered land. Here they resided for the remainder of
their lives, clearing up and improving their property, becoming valued and
respected citizens and esteemed members of the Albright Church. Five
children came with them to Indiana - Wilhemina; Thomas, living in Iowa; Agustus,
a resident of Orange Township; Henry; Charles, deceased; and Sarah A. Walker, a
resident of Kansas. The father died in 1872, the mother in 1850.
Henry Poppy, our subject, is a native of Germany. Since the removal of his
parents to Noble County in 1848 he has been identified with the agricultural
interests here. He married in 1856 Miss Susanna Rendel of Wayne Township,
daughter of William Rendel, and the same year he became a resident of Wayne
Township, where he has improved a farm of 114 acres. Mr. and Mrs. Poppy
have five children - Emma, Rettie, Dora, Marshall and Charles. They are
members of the Disciples' Church. Wayne Twp
Mrs Jane Portner, widow of
Daniel Portner (deceased), is the daughter of Daniel and Jane Dye and is next to
the youngest of eleven children. She is a native of Pennsylvania, where
she was born April 24, 1820 and two years later accompanied her parents to
Richland County, Ohio, where her father died in March 1854, and her mother in
August 1857. The former was born in Virginia, 1776, and the latter in
Maryland in 1779; they were married in 1797. They were members of the
Baptist Church and were respected by all. Mr. Dye held several offices of
trust and was a large land owner. Jane Dye and Daniel Portner were united
in marriage February 5, 1843. They remained in Ohio until in 1854 when
they came to this county and settled on the farm where Mrs. Portner is now
living and where Mr. Portner died July 13, 1858. He was born in Germany
September 10, 1813 and was the second of eight children; came to America with
his parents, Daniel and Christina Portner, in 1824. He remained in New
York until 1840 when he came to Richland County, Ohio, where his parents died
about one year later. Mr. and Mrs. Portner were parents of eight children,
viz., Louisa J., born March 28, 1844, married Dr. M. C. Bonar and is residing in
Knox, Ind.; Mary A., born June 30, 1845, now Mrs. William Gonser, farming
in LaGrange County; Susan L., born June 30, 1848, now Mrs. Anthony Deffenbaugh,
resident of Nebraska; William A., born June 30, 1850, married Ruth Schooner and
is a marble dealer of Sturgis, Mich.; Samuel M., born January 10, 1852, married
Isabelle Stewart, farming in this county; Daniel D., born December 21, 1854,
single, and farming old homestead; and Albert F., born January 18, 1858. Orange
Russell A Preston,
born in St. Lawrence County, N.Y., January 5, 1821, one of thirteen children
born to Lucius and Elizabeth (Wiley) Preston, both natives of the Empire State.
In 1834 they removed to Medina County, Ohio, where they remained until 1845,
when they came to Swan Township, this county. The father was an
intelligent, public-spirited man, and during his lifetime filled many positions
of honor and trust. Russell A. was brought up on a farm, receiving a
common-school education. Soon after coming to this county, he began
working at iron making, which he followed fifteen years, also engaging in
farming and stock raising. He was married to Miss Abigail Bishop April 8,
1841. She was born in Washington County, N.Y., July 16, 1824. They
had seven children, three yet living viz: Leonard Z., Russell E., and John W.;
Mary L., Jane E., Alveretta B., and Joseph L., deceased. Leonard Z. and
Russell E. served in the late war. Mr. Preston is a Republican and an
intelligent citizen. He owns 106 acres of land and what he now possesses
was acquired by his own exertions. Swan Twp
Orange Prouty (deceased)
was a native of Morrow County, Ohio, where he was born April 22, 1830. His
parents were Roderick and Mary Prouty, the former a native of New York State,
and his mother, who was a farmer's daughter, of Ohio. His grandparents,
Stephen and Elizabeth Prouty, were natives of Vermont and of English descent.
These ancestors were all "tillers of the soil," and Orange Prouty
followed in their footsteps. October 10, 1847 he married Miss Susan Haney
of the same nativity as himself, born September 10, 1830, and daughter of Jacob
and Phebe Haney, who were farmers, natives of Pennsylvania and of German
descent. They commenced housekeeping in Ohio but only continued there a
few months. They came to Indiana in April 1849 and settled in Jefferson
Township on what is now designated as the "old Prouty" farm.
Here he worked at clearing land for his father for three years, receiving as a
recompense eighty acres of land in its natural condition, situated in Jefferson
Township. Upon this he built a log house in 1852, occupying it, and at the
same time began clearing and improving his farm. He subsequently made some
additions to his land, increasing it by a purchase of forty acres; in 1863,
located in Green Township, and two years later forty acres that adjoined his
farm on the east. Orange Prouty died October 14, 1867. The
descendants of Mr. and Mrs. Prouty were eight - Alma, Willard and John, now
living. Those deceased were Phebe Kinsey, Edward, Homer and two infants.
Jefferson Twp
S. Constitution Amendment 16 authorized income tax.
February 25, 1913