At the meeting of Old Settlers on June 1, 1872 a committee was appointed to make and forward to the secretary of the association lists of the old settlers in their respective townships who settled in northern Indiana prior to 1840 with time and place of birth, date of settlement, place of first settlement and present place of residence. The townships of Wayne, Jefferson and Green have never been reported but when lists are received they will be published. The following reports have been received by James M. Denny, secretary.
Albion Township
N. Prentiss, F. Acus and wife, F. Spencer and wife, O. Morris, J. McMeans
and wife, William and Mary J. McMeans, J. M. and Julia A. Denny, Frances,
Kiblinger, Frank Kiblinger, Ira Kiblinger, D. E. A. Spencer and wife, Mary A.
Clapp, Aurelia Love, Merritt Skinner, Rosannah Clark, James Greenman, Hiram
Bassett and wife, Fielding Pricket and wife, Caroline Cook, Jarett Weeks and
wife, Sol Hardenbrook, Mrs. J. Niles, Frank Bidwell, William Bidwell, James C.
Stewart, Samuel M. Foster, Mrs. C. Foot.
Allen Township reported by
Edwin Randall
Name, Where Born, Settled, Age:
Alpheus Baker, Vermont, 1836, 78; Mercy Baker, Vermont, 1836, 70; A. D.
Whitford, Ohio, 1837, --; Samuel Barkwell, England, 1834, --; Ryland Reed,
Vermont, 1836, --; Eliza Reed, Vermont, 1836, --; E. B. Spencer, Ohio, 1837, --;
Evan Jones, Exeter, England, 1836, --; Hiram L. King, --, 1837, --; William
Broughton, New York, 1838, --; Henry Iddings, Penn., 1836, 83; Hiram Iddings,
Penn., 1836, --; Lewis Iddings, 1836, --; Warren Iddings, --, 1836, --; Edward
Adams, Ohio, 1838, --; Albert Wilson, --, 1837, --; George Berry, --, 1837, --;
Edwin Randall, New York, 1836, --; Mary A. Randall, New York, 1837, --.
Elkhart Township reported by
John Zimmerman
Name, Where Born, Settled, Age:
Isaac Tibbott, Ohio, 1820, 63; Barbara Tibbott, Virginia, 1829, 54; Mary Brown,
Virginia, 1836, 64; F. F. Brown, Ohio, 1836, 52; James Brown, Ohio, 1836, 58;
Elizabeth Stigner, Ohio, 1826, 61; William Stienbarger, Ohio, 1836, 56; Charles
Stienbarger, Ohio, 1836, 44; William Waldron, New York, 1836, 57; Lydia Waldron,
Henry Waldron, Ohio, 1836, 55; Johile Waldron, Ohio, 1836, 41; Charlotte Trowel,
Ohio, 1836, 41, James Gibson, Virginia, 1836, 41, George Gibson, Virginia, 1836,
38; George Stienbarger, Ohio, 1836, 45; Robert Stienbarger, Ohio, 1839, 38;
Hiram Waldron, Ohio, 1836, 53; Elizabeth Stewart, Virginia, 1839, 56; Elizabeth
Grady, Ohio, 1838, --; Jacob Conrad, Virginia, --, 61; Sarah Conrad, Ohio, 1836,
58; Milo Jones, Mass., 1836, 63; Catherine Jones, Ohio, 1836, 62; George Jones,
New York, 1836, 42; W. L. Wells, New York, 1836, --; George Swank, Virginia,
1834, 82; Mrs. G. Swank Jr., Ohio, 1836, 48; A. E. Mawhorter, Noble, Ind., 1838,
35: Jacob Stage, Ohio, 1834, 44; F. M. Stage, Ohio, 1834, 42; Daniel Lower,
Germany, 1839, 58; Ms. W. L. Wells, --, 1837, --; Joseph H. Miller, New York,
1833, 57; Mrs. E. J. Miller, Ohio, 1834, 48; John R. Copeland, Vermont, 1838,
50; Mrs. Copeland, Ohio, 1838, 49; H. H. Hughes, Ohio, 1838, 37; George Nelson,
Ohio, 1836, 65; Emily Stump, Noble, Ind., 1839, 34; Joseph Griesamore, Penn.,
1836, 80; Emma Griesamore, Penn., 1836, 80; Mrs. Alexander, Ohio, 1834, 53.
Noble Township reported by
Peter Winebrenner
Name, Where Born, Age:
Robert Gray and wife, Ohio, 55; Stedman Gray, Ohio, 62; Sophronia Gray, New
York, 62; Jonah Mayfield, Indiana, 34; William W Noteman, Ohio, 50; Alex Reese
and wife, New York, --; Samuel Jones, Ohio, 45; Hannah Jones, Ohio, 40; Mrs.
Seymoure, --, 65; David Kuhns, --, --; Mary Kuhns, --, --; Elizabeth Kitt, --,
--; Samuel Kuhns, --, 40; Martin Kuhns, --, 40; Ephraim Skinner and wife, --,
50; John Young, Pennsylvania, 72; Mrs. Young, --, --; Jonah Evans, --, --;
Robert Evans, --, --; John Mayfield --, --; Mrs. Mayfield --, --; David Rockey
--, --; Mrs. Rockey --, --; Henry Busz, Noble Co Ind., --; Simon Busz, Noble Co
Ind., --; Jacob Winebrenner, Ohio, 42; Peter Winebrenner, Ohio, 47; David
Winebrenner, Ohio, 39; Barbara Winebrenner, Penn., 67; S. J. Winebrenner, Noble
Co Ind., 30; Juliann Winebrenner, Noble Co Ind., 34; Abraham Ott, Ohio, 52;
Sarah Ott, Ohio, 50.
Orange Township
E. F. Moore, Charlotte Graves, William B. Dunn, Irenus R. Taylor, Robert D.
Rhea, Nancy Rhea, David Law, Samuel P. Smith, Catherine Smith, Julia A. Pierce,
Mrs. A. Shearer, David Bidlack, Abigail Bidlack, John Bidlack, Daniel Rice, D.
H. Rice, James Madison, Stella Madison, J. A. McQueen, S. McQueen, Clark Pierce,
J. F. Brothwell, Magdaline Gallop, Jacob Waldron, W. H. Waldron, Hiram Waldron,
T. M. Watkins, B. A. Watkins, C. C. Watkins, Electa S. Griffith.
Perry Township
Thomas Crawford and wife, Albert Banta Sr, David T Ulmer, J Wyland and wife,
A. Pancake and wife, Jacob Vance and wife, D. V. C. Denny, Isaac Weimer
and wife, Sol Miller, Benjamin Hostetter and wife, Mrs. Loraine Stage, Isaac
Cavin and wife, E Slaybaugh and wife, William Bowser and wife, David Loy and
wife, C. G. Vail, William Simpson and wife, Reuben McDevitt, H. Harsh and wife,
A. Engle and wife, Henry Miller and wife, Theron Teal, C. Heltzell and wife, D.
P. Bourie and wife, P. Carmine and wife, Henry Engle, D. W. C. Teal,
George T. Ulmer, Henry Ulmer, Abram Hire, Sarah Harsh, Mrs. J. C. Zimmerman,
Matthias Marker, U. Francisco and wife, Hiram Cooper and wife, Harrison Vance
born here, Jacob Price born here, Sarah Moses, M. D. King, William Latta born in
Haw Patch, Mrs. S. Ramsby, B. Bowser and wife, James McConnell, T. G. Vail and
wife, William Pearman and wife, Joseph Teal and wife, H. Kline and wife, Henry
Shobe and wife, Gid Schlotterback, John Squires, Henry May, John Pearson, Peter
Schlotterback, R. L. Curl and wife, John Popejoy, Mrs. Billman, Allen Bailey,
Silas Harper born here, John Banta born here, Mrs. Drumheller, M. M. Meriam and
wife, George K. Royser, Thomas Ruple, J. Hostetter born here, John Weir, Rachel
Braden, Mrs. George Marker born here, Lewis Covell, Aaron Ogden, A. Humphreys
and wife, A. G. Teal, Corney McConnell, Mrs. Popejoy, John Strine and wife,
children of Edward Bayless, Mrs. James Christy, George Koons and wife, Mrs.
Batcheler, Mrs. S. L. Smith and daughter, I. Cavin's daughter, Mrs. Harlan
Parks, Yancy Ramsby, Mrs. Mercer, Eliza Summers, Elizabeth Andrews, Adam Conrad,
A. McConnell and wife, Samuel Latta, Caleb Skeels, Joseph Long and wife, William
Buchanan, E. A. Keasley, George Miller born here, J. Hamilton and wife, H.
Schlotterback born here, William Cavin, I. Hostetter born here, Jacob Baker,
Edward Bailey, Silas Shobe and wife, Albert Banta Jr., Harlin Parks, Adam Moses,
Mrs. Vance.
Sparta Township reported by
John E. Johnson
Name, Where Born, Settled, Age:
Lydia Bray, Maryland, 68; Huldah Bassett, Maryland, 41; William H. Bassett,
Ill., 40; Jesse Baker, Indiana, 38; Jacob Baker, Ohio, 48; Zillah A Bothel, New
York, 47; John Conklin, Ohio, 55; James Conklin, Ohio, 50; John Davis, Ohio, 66;
Eliza Davis, Ohio, 43; Lucy Eagles, New York, 69; Leander B. Eagles, New York,
50; Rebecca Eagles, Ohio, 45; N. P. Eagles, New York, 49; Harriet Eagles, New
York, 44; Harrison Galloway, Indiana, 36; Perry Galloway, Indiana, 35; Susan
Johnson Maryland, 38; J. G. Johnson, New York, 56; Eliza Johnson, New York, 57;
John Moore, Delaware, 58; Joseph Moore, Ohio, 51; A. J. Morris, Ohio, 48; Lovina
Morris, Indiana, 36; Mary McMann, Virginia, 70; Spalding McMann, --, 39; Eliza
Lacount, Ohio, 50; William Lacount, Ohio, 48; H. Lacount, New York, 45; D.
Ohlwine, Delaware, 63; Mrs. Weade, Delaware, 65; William Weade, Ohio, 63; Eliza
Weade, Ohio, 53; John A. Wilson, Ohio, 40; John Weade, Indiana, 34, H. Kern,
Ohio, 57; Rebecca Hathaway, Ohio 59; Nathaniel Prentice, New York, 65; Mrs.
Smalley, Ohio, 58; Mrs. A. Upson, New York, 83; Mary Pollock, New York, 56; John
Morrow, Ohio, 43; Elizabeth Archer, Ohio, --; Mrs. J. Beaker, Ohio, --; William
Beall, Ohio, --; Mr. Gloyd, Ohio, --.
Swan Township
Adam Fulk, George Fulk, Solomon Fulk, Sarah Fulk, Mrs. J. Richards, Mrs. A.
Fulk, Mrs. S. Huff, Orville Broughton, Almira Broughton, Isaac Claxton, Aaron
Wood, Martha Preston, Nancy Cummings, Conrad Cramer, Lydia Cramer, Ephraim
Cramer, Daniel Cramer, Henry Cramer, Catharine Bradley, Cordelia A.
Cramer, Godfrey Cramer, Margaret Cramer, Moses Cramer, Ira M. King, Jane Hooper,
David Tousley, Fidema Tousley, Alvira Bricker, Sylvester Shelner, Charlotte
Jennings, Martha Klotts, S. Broughton, Mrs. J. Whan, James Whan, Coradon
Warner, Christopher Fulk, Samuel Huff, Joseph Richards, Joseph Mitchell, John
Strouse, Rebecca Strouse, Nancy Strouse, Jonas Strouse, Mary J. Wood, P.
Rodenbaugh, Mrs. W. Whan, Mrs. J. Strouse, Mary Perry, George Perry, J.
Mitchell, Jane Hooper, Theo Warner, Mrs. H. Gragg, Mrs. C. Embry, Simon Strouse,
Robert Strouse, H. Badger, George Fulk.
Washington Township reported
by Thomas H. Wilson
Name, Where Born, Settled, Age:
John Dillen, Maryland, 1834, 59; Noah Myers, Kentucky, 1837, 74; Mrs. W.
Buckles, Virginia, 1836, 69; Mrs. F. Galloway, Vermont, 1836, 59; Elizabeth
Shields, Penn., 1829, 67; Eliza Wood, --, 1836, --; Thomas H. Wilson, Penn., --,
76; Mary Wilson, Virginia, --, 70.
Notes: Children need roots....and wings.