First Grade
Freida Kresicher, Robert Zimmerman, Esther Hartman, Raymond Richards, Ralph
Hasselman, Mary Ananias, Robert McClughen, Fred Steinbarger, Beatrice Bahls,
Lucile Psaras, Lucile Gillespie, Gladys Zinn, Lewis Kline, Avis Brown, Raymond
Eiseman, Robert Tyler, Floyd Randol, Emory Likes, Bernice Boszor, Robert Young,
Orvil Acker, Leo Blowers, Ruth Fish, Raymond Kline.
Second Grade
Arnold Tyler, Helen Huff, Vriginia Jordan, Evelyn Foster, Margaret Bahls,
Betty Sollenberger, Dale Rynearson, Lawrence Wible, June Hill, John Oberlin,
Arthur Hampshire, Arthur Gillespie, Evelyn Reid, Roberta Young, Ruth Acker,
Sheldon Richards, Virgil Hill, L Land DeKay, Charles Longyear, Charles Smith,
Ruth Ramsey.
Third Grade
Don Hill, Konstantina Ananias, Lawrence Wilson, Howard Kurtz, Mary Ellen
Hinkley, Hilda Smith, Maxine Frederick, Hazel Kreischer, Eunice Smith.
Fourth Grade
Rolene Blanchard, Beatrice Bleck, Marceille Brown, Betty Cook, Katharine
DeKay, Geraldine Gillespie, Carlos Gaff, Howard Gindlesparger, Richard Haviland,
Howard Hasselman, Helen Hinkley, Theron Kurtz, Harold Leighty, Albert Richards,
Norman Rottmiller, Homer Reid, Hazel Randol, Harold Strater, Carl Uhl, Margaret
Streich, Leslie Weed, Ferne Wible, Nary Huff.
Fifth Grade
Virginia Uhl, Luella Hinkley, Marie Kennell, Georgia Carper, Ellen Longyear,
Wilma Smith, Anna Nettie Merkling, Mary Wolfe, Leona Bucher, Katherine Smith,
Willamina Kurtz, Dean Trindle, George Varner, Elmer Smith, Glenn Nichols, Ruth
Zinn, Tommy Renkenberger, Falconer Bergstrom, Roy Acker, Earl Gaff, Arline
Fredericks, Clayton Hart, Mary Jane Likes, Otis McInturf, Vivian Haviland, Elmer
Strater, Herbert Wilson, Paul Streich.
Sixth Grade
Rosellyn Sollenberger, Mary Delgith, Mary Swogger, Phyllis Renkenberger,
Robert Ritchart, John Riddle, Louise Richards, Vera Marie Kurtz, Harold Hill,
Madeline Blech, Paul Sawyer, Cecil Feller, Evelyn Kurtz, Arcille Smith, Walter
Nesbitt, Donald Gillespie, Viola DeKay, Delbert Haviland, Lucile Hasselman,
Ermin Acker, Goldie Gillespie, Alvie Grean, Wilma Blowers, Doyle Devoe.
Seventh Grade
Gilbert Baumle, Leo Brown, Deloris Hinkley, Perry Gaff, Josephine Likes,
Ralph Likes, John Elmer Longyear, Harlan Shumaker, Robert Oberlin, Opal Ramsey,
Ursal Smith, Edward Streich, Hollie Strater, Mildred Uhl, Cedric Strater,
Arthur Hasselman, Cleo Zinn, Ralph Weed, Mardell Jarrett, Lauren Smith.
Eighth Grade
Hazel Acker, Marguerite Cook, Teresa Dicken, Emory Feller, Ruth Hill, Levon
Henney, Fred Henney, Harold Kammerer, Leona Shuman, Bernard Renier, Lee Sawyer,
Edna Shari, Henry Trindle, Edna Rodgers, Kathleen Emerick, Leroy McCormick.
Thurlo C Holcomb, Joseph N Adair, Helen Pfafman, Virginia Franks, Talitha
Bowen and Evelyn Bowman. Truant officer, Anna K. Prickett
Noble Notes:
A conclusion is the part where you got tired of thinking.