The first federal census for Noble
County was completed by Isaac Spencer on October 30, 1840. Mr. Spencer
concluded there were 2702 men, women and children in the county, with 464 in
Perry, 262 in Elkhart, 245 in Sparta, 99 in Green, 289 in York, 68 in
Jefferson, 242 in Orange, 259 in Washington, 240 in Noble, 148 in Wayne, 179 in
Allen and 207 in Swan Townships.
Page numbers written in the upper left corner of the census sheets:
Perry Twp 836-842
Sparta Twp 842-844
Green Twp 844
York Twp 846-848
Elkhart Twp 850-852
Jefferson Twp 852
Orange Twp 854-856
Washington Twp 856-858
Noble Twp 860-862
Wayne Twp 864
Allen Twp 866
Swan Twp 868-870
Heads of households and page numbers where they
are listed:
Abrams James 858, Adair Joseph E 858, Adams Timothy 854, Adkins
Erastus 842, Agard Solomon 858, Agee John P 842, Allen Eri
Otis D 862, Allison Hugh 858, Allspaw Michael 850, Alvord J
C 854, Anderson David 848, Andrews Harman 852, Luman 856, Anthony
Elihu 860, Arnold Isaac 850, Axtell Joseph 864, Ayres Noah
Bailey John 852, Baker Alpheus 866, Jacob 840, John 842, William
842, Barkwell Samuel 866, Barnes Reuben H 848, Barnt Thomas
848, Bartley Isaac 842, Bassett Hiram F 846, Baughman David
842, Bayley Andrew 836, Edward 836, James 836, James Jr 836, William 836,
Beall Joseph 846,
Beam Michael 842, Bean David 842, Bearss Francis 864, Benfer
Joel 848, Berry George 866, Bidlack David 854, Bidwell
Clark 866, Billman John 836, Bixler Daniel 864, John 864, Nicholas
864, Blackman Elisha 846, Blain John 858, Bollabaugh John
864, Bonar David 844, Borck Francis 866, Bouse David P 850,
Bowman John 846, Bowser Bothan 838, Daniel 840, William E 844, Bradford
Phebe 848, William 850, Bray Richard 842, Brickels John 856, Bristol
Joel 862, Brothwell J F 850, Broughton Edward 868, Nancy 868,
Samuel 868, Brown Abram 850, Asa 866, Bruner George W 844, Brunson
Orin 868, Buckhannon James 850, Busz Jacob 862, Butnam H R
854, Buzyen Thomas 856, Buzzard John 838.
Cabridge Peter 852, Caldwell John 850, William 850, Call
John 852, Mary 856, Campbell James 858, Carson Henry L 860, Caskey
John M 846, Castator George S 846, Caswell William 844, Cavin
Isaac 836, Chamberlin Reuben 864, Clapp Russell 868, Clark
Jonas 844, Cohoon Mark 850, Cole V M 860, Colman Hartwell
842, Colyer Leonard 860, Conklin Samuel 860, Coons Allen
858, Cornell James W 836, Cound John S 838, Craglow Peter
838, Cramer Conrad 870, Godfrey 870, Cresttie Collins M 838, Crispell
William 846, Crothers Samuel 868, Cummins John 850, Cunningham
Joshua 856.
Daniels William 858, Danner Joseph 838, Leonard 838, Darby
James 852, Davis John 842, Dempsey William 850, Devol
Austin 862, Diehm Christopher 866, Diggins Luke 864, Dimmick
William 848, Dota John S 850, Douglass Andrew C 842, James 842, Driver
Thomas 850, Dunbar John 854, Lewis 854, Dungan David J 840, Isaiah
840, Samuel 842.
Eagles Leander B 844, Earll Palmer 856, Engle Adam 840,
Henry 838, William 838, William F 848, Erickson Matthew 868, William 868,
Evans Jonah 860, Eyanson Joseph 846, Eyman Jacob 844.
Fields David S 856, Foster Jehu 852, Frederick George 858,
Jacob 858, Frink Nathan 848, Fulk Adam 868.
Galloway Joseph 858, Geiger Thomas 844, Gibson John 850, Gifford
Alexander 870, Giser John 866, Gittner Tobias 846, Gloyd
William 848, Graden Joseph 864, Joseph Jr 846, Gragg Hugh 868, Graham
Alexander 858, Grannis Isaac P 846, Graumlich Jacob 858, Gray
Sally 848, Samuel 844, Stedman 848, William P 844, Greenman Anson 854,
Daniel 836, Gressamore Joseph 840.
Hall John G 860, Hamilton James 836, John 838, Nathaniel 850,
William 838, Hampson James W 854, N S 854, Hardenbrook Ralph 850, Hardenburgh
Benjamin 846, Hardy John 856, Harper Solomon 840, Harrison
Joseph 858, Harsh Daniel 838, Haughton Phineas 846, Havey
James 854, Haynes Jacob 860, Silas 860, Heater Jacob H 854, Heltzel
Henry 838, Henry Michael M 844, Herriman David 850, David B 854, Hile
Philip 858, Hoard Henry G 842, Hoffman John 854, Holden
Jacob 852, Jacob Jr 854, Nathaniel 850, William H 852, Hostetter Benjamin
836, Henry 838, John 836, Hubbard Eli 856, Huff Samuel 868, Humphreys
Andrew 860, Andrew A 842, John 858.
Ichus John 842, Iddings Henry 864, Hiram 866, Jackson 866, Lewis
866, Inks Ezekiel 856, Isbell Charles 866, Ezra 866, Philander
James Robert 846, Jeffrey William
864, Johnson John C 842, Oliver G 858, William O 864, Jones Evan
866, Joslin J R 844. Noble Notes: Everything is changing. People are taking the comedians seriously
and the politicians as a joke.
Keeney Buford 858, Kimmell George K 864, King Hiram 870,
Mary 854, Michael 840, Kline Henry 838, Knight John 850, Koons
Michael 846, Korah O E 854.
Lamkin Thomas 852, Lane Daniel E 838, Vincent 846, Lash
Jacob 852, Latta James 836, John 844, 864, William 854, Law
Jonathan 856, Lewis Zebulon 860, Lindsay Sarah 844, Lobdell
Daniel 868, Long James W 858, Samuel H 848, Thomas 840, Lyman Amos
860, Lyons S B 846.
Madison James 854, Mail James 844, Manning William 844, Marker
Jacob 862, Martin Joseph 852, Stephen Jr 846, Mathews Timothy M
856, Mawhorter William 852, Maxwell Robert 846, Mayfield
Elisha 860, John 856, McAfee Robert A 842, McCammell Andrew J 860,
McClelland Thomas M 856, McClintick Mitchel 844, McClure
William 838, McCollom Jemima 854, McCurdy William 842, McDaniel
William 844, McDevitt Isaac 840, McIntire Joseph 858, McKinney
Harvey 846, McMeans John 848, McQueen James A 854, Messmore
Benjamin 844, Middleton John 846, Miller Ambrose 836, Conrad 836,
Henry 840, John 836, P C 860, Philip 836, Mitchell William 864, Mivens
Boyd 836, Mock Jacob 844, Moore Benjamin 850, Morrall John
836, Morris Samuel 848, Morrow Jane 840, John 842, Moses
Seymoure 836, Munger Mary 866, Murphy Lewis W 860, Murray
Charles 842.
Neal Richard H 858, Newhouse Andrew 836, Jonathan 836, Nichols
Eunice 856, Humphrey 862, Lewis 862, Nith Diana 870, Noe Aaron
842, Richard 842, Norris Luke 864, Nyce John 838.
Officer Robert 848, Ogden John 858, Ohlwine Daniel 844, Osborn
Palmer 846, Overly Martin 860.
Pancake Abraham 838, Parks Hiram 836, Patrick Kinsley 854, Pearson
Thomas 852, William 852, William Jr 852, Perkins Margaret 856, Perry
Oliver L 868, Philips George K 854, Pierce Ebenezer 856, Samuel
856, Potter William H 868, Potts Benjamin 852, Lewis 852, Pound
Jacob 866, Powers George 846, Prentice R H 846, William 844, Prickett
Isaiah 860, John 858, Nicholas 860.
Read Ryland 866, Reade Frederick 844, Rease Abraham L 860, Rice
Daniel 866, Orin 866, Samuel 866, Richards Joseph 868, Richards
William L 868, Roebuck James 862, Rogers Mary 844, Ross
Reuben 866, Theodore 866, Rowand Ross 858.
Sanford Elizabeth 862, Sawyer Catharine 866, Charlotte 864,
Loveall 854, Stephen 864, Sayles Elijah 866, Scarlett Barney 860,
Ephraim 856, Newman 862, Tamar 862, Schlotterback Gideon 838, Scott
John 858, Robert 858, Thomas 858, Scranton James A 846, Seymour
McIntire 860, Shannon John 862, Sharp Frederick 854, Shearer
Charles D 848, Shears Abraham 854, Shelner Charles 868, Jonas 868,
Shepherd Thomas 860, Shoaf David M 850, Shobe Archibald
838, Daniel 840, Elijah 840, Jacob 840, Silas 840, Skinner David 848,
Ephraim 862, James 852, John 862, Smalley David 842, Smith Aaron
860, Joel B L 848, John 860, Miller 860, Sally Ann 864, Samuel L 860, Samuel P
854, Thomas 860, Thomas Jr 862, Spar John 844, Spencer Isaac 836,
Samuel 868, Samuel E 852, Spurbeck Jacob 864, Stage Benjamin 838,
Jacob 836, Stangland Andrew 860, Stanton Caleb S 864, Starkey
F E 860, Stewart Isaac 848, Joseph 852, Nancy 862, Stienbarger
John L 852, Joseph 852, Stigner David 852, Stone Richard 842, Stow
Samuel 844, Street Milo 848, Strouse John 868, Strouss
Jonas 868, Stuckey Daniel H 838, Swaney Alexander 862, Swank
George 850.
Teal George 836, Joseph 838, Thatcher Peter 856, Thomas
Abel 836, Thompson James 852, Thrall Daniel 838, Tibbots
Isaac 850, Timmerman Henry 868, Timmons John 856, Tomlinson
Andrew 838, John Jr 838, Tousley David 868, Town Daniel 850,
Ibrook 856, Trout John 864, Trowbridge Samuel 864, Trumbull
Moses 858, Tuttle David 850.
Upson Andrew B 842.
Vance Jacob 836, Vaness Charity 864.
Waddle Joseph H 838, Wadsworth David 866, Elihu 866, Walburn
Edward 868, Jeptha 868, Waldron Jacob 852, Lewis 852, Wall Eli
868, Wandel Huldah 854, Warner Erastus 868, James 868, Watkins
Orlin 856, Waybill Adam 852, Weade Henry 842, Webster
Samuel 848, Weimer Peter 866, Samuel 866, Wells John 854,
Wilson L 850, Wheeland Lyman B 868, Wheeler Jerusha 854, Whitaker
George L 846, Henry 858, Isaac 846, Silas S 862, White Ira B 848,
Nelson 864, Robert 850, Whitford Alonzo D 866, Augustus H 866, Widge
Solomon 858, Wilcox John 846, Wiley David 856, Wilkison
Austin 840, Williams Benjamin 848, John 846, P W 854, Wilson
Albert 864, Thomas H 842, Winebrenner David 862, Witmuth William
840, Wolf George 836, Jacob 838, Wolff Jacob 840, Wood Niah
838, Woodell James L 836, Woodward Andrew 850, Sarah 850, Wright
Oliver 842, 868, Zenas 846.
Young John 848.
Will Rogers